Summer Courses in Graphic Design in Branding

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Inés Gonzalez

Inés Gonzalez

Summer Courses in Graphic Design in Branding

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La metodología de impartición propuesta por IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona es Presencial, en Barcelona.
  • Número de horas
    El tiempo estimado para llevar a cabo el programa es de 3 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    Los estudiantes que culminen y aprueben el programa de IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona, obtienen el certificado de cursada.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Summer Courses in Graphic Design in Branding del IED Barcelona es un curso intensivo de tres semanas diseñado para enseñar a los participantes cómo construir identidades visuales sólidas y relevantes. El programa combina teoría y práctica para abordar temas como los fundamentos del diseño gráfico, el análisis de audiencias, el desarrollo de estrategias de marca y la ejecución creativa de proyectos reales. Con la guía de profesores y profesionales del sector, los estudiantes trabajan en talleres y proyectos que replican encargos de clientes reales.
  • Dirigido a
    Este curso está diseñado para estudiantes de diseño gráfico, comunicación visual o disciplinas afines que deseen profundizar en el área del branding. También es ideal para profesionales del diseño que quieran actualizar sus habilidades en el ámbito de la creación y gestión de marcas, así como para emprendedores que busquen fortalecer la identidad de sus proyectos comerciales.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados del programa podrán desempeñarse como diseñadores gráficos especializados en branding, consultores en identidad corporativa o miembros de equipos creativos en agencias de publicidad y estudios de diseño. Además, estarán preparados para colaborar con marcas internacionales o emprender proyectos propios en mercados dinámicos y competitivos.
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Comentarios sobre Summer Courses in Graphic Design in Branding - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    Graphic Design in Branding.

    Analyse, create and present visual identity projects for brands, products, services, exhibition spaces, and more.

    Language: English
    Frequency: Part-time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 3 Weeks

    Put your creative talent to work developing engaging, strategic branding proposals for a variety of formats.

    The Summer Course in Graphic Design in Branding helps you to take your first steps in visual identity design and learn to use print or digital media in a strategic, responsible way to create a better user experience.

    In this course, taught in English, you’ll be working with case studies and other types of projects, using the best materials, tools and technologies to create the most effective graphic design and visual communication.

    Information to decide.
    A course that stimulates your creativity as you acquire the skills you need to develop a visual identity project and put your newfound knowledge into practice.

    Methodology and structure.
    A learning experience based on case studies and other design methodologies, such as Visual Design Thinking. Particular emphasis is placed on observing, analysing, comparing, creating and developing strategies, resources and methodologies to design visual identity systems for products, exhibition spaces, branding, wayfinding, corporate identity, event design, social and digital media.

    In this course, you’ll be encouraged to explore new creative avenues, design trends and adopt a designer's (knowledge-based) way of thinking, to plan and design in a responsible way and play a pro-active role in transitional design for a sustainable future.

    Who is it for?
    This course is for people who want a solid grounding in the basics of graphic design and, in particular, visual identity, branding and brand culture, to acquire or further their knowledge of the most effective visual communication and design tools used in the sector.

    Designers from a variety of fields, Fine Arts or Communication graduates and students, photographers, editors, advertising agents, printers and entrepreneurs looking for in-depth knowledge of strategic graphic design will find the course both interesting and useful. The same is true for university students or people who’ve already graduated in Graphic Design or visual and interactive communications.

    Previous knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat is an asset; there will be no lectures on these tools, and each individual student is free to develop their project using the program they’re most comfortable with.

    Why choose it.
    If you’re looking for a personal, learning experience to put your creative skills to the test and take your first steps in the field of graphic design, this is the course for you.

    You’ll be studying at IED Barcelona in the emblematic Gràcia district, a vibrant community of students and top professionals from all over the world.


    The foundations of visual identity and brand design
    The iconographic message 
    Adaptive, dynamic and evolutionary visual identity systems (case studies)
    Personal branding (case studies)
    Project management: basics of project management

    Brand purpose, personality, essence and guidelines 
    Brand language, naming/phonetic brand, verbal brand
    Users/consumers, market research and benchmarks 
    Storytelling: brand communication and narratives 
    Branding brief
    Brand Management
    Notions of marketing: advertising and propaganda

    Visual identity: logo design, basic elements of brand identity (typography, colour, shape, identification unit, priorities)
    Development of visual identity system 
    Identity manual: rules for use and application

    Brand touchpoints: interaction or communication between a brand and its customers 
    Media: digital, print, physical
    Brand experience: customer experience, brand environment 
    User experience (UX)
    Principles of digital brand/social media branding
    Brand positioning
    Public engagement: social media, marketing and advertising campaigns

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