Summer Courses in Design Thinking for Business Transformation

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Inés Gonzalez

Inés Gonzalez

Summer Courses in Design Thinking for Business Transformation

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La impartición del Curso en IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona es Presencial, en Barcelona.
  • Número de horas
    El tiempo de duración del Curso de IED Istituto Europeo di Design - Sede Barcelona es de aproximadamente de 1 semana.
  • Titulación oficial
    Una vez finalizado el programa y aprobados los exámenes correspondientes, el alumno podrá obtener el certificado de cursada.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Summer Courses in Design Thinking for Business Transformation en el IED Barcelona es un curso diseñado para aquellos que buscan revolucionar la manera en que las empresas enfrentan los cambios del mercado. A través de un enfoque práctico y dinámico, los participantes aprenderán a analizar problemas empresariales complejos desde nuevas perspectivas y a crear soluciones centradas en el usuario. El programa incluye módulos sobre innovación estratégica, prototipado, storytelling y metodologías ágiles, proporcionando una base sólida para impulsar la transformación organizacional.
  • Dirigido a
    Este programa es ideal para profesionales de sectores como la tecnología, el diseño, el marketing, la gestión de proyectos y los recursos humanos. También es adecuado para estudiantes y emprendedores que desean adquirir herramientas prácticas para liderar procesos de innovación y fomentar la creatividad en sus equipos.
  • Empleabilidad
    Con esta formación, los participantes estarán preparados para liderar departamentos de innovación, trabajar como consultores de transformación empresarial o diseñar estrategias en agencias creativas. También podrán desarrollar proyectos propios que prioricen la innovación centrada en las personas y colaborar con organizaciones que buscan mantenerse a la vanguardia del mercado.
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Comentarios sobre Summer Courses in Design Thinking for Business Transformation - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    Design Thinking for Business Transformation.

    Learn how to optimise processes, create growth opportunities and links with clients using Design Thinking.

    Language: English
    Frequency: Full time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 1 Week

    Define, model and implement innovative strategies that provide real added value to companies.

    In this Summer Course in Design Thinking for Business Transformation, taught in English, you’ll learn to use the most effective concepts, strategies, tools and methodologies. 

    Design Thinking tools are the key to producing innovative and tangible results, added value for your business initiatives and the companies you work with. You’ll acquire a clear understanding of Design Thinking theory and put it into practice in every stage of the process, from the initial idea to final implementation.

    This course is an experiential learning incubator: each day we’ll hold an intensive workshop on a theme, and apply key Design Thinking tools and concepts to it. 

    Information to decide.
    A Design Thinking course, taught in English, that gives you a strategic outlook to create new business opportunities.

    Methodology and structure.
    It’s an intensive experience-based course, each day starts in the best possible way with an intensive workshop on the topic being studied. This gives you a better understanding of Design Thinking methods as you gain practical experience with the concepts and tools.

    The course is structured in various phases based on the principle of similarity/difference. We’ll start with the conceptual Design Thinking phase then explore how to create value for the client, detect opportunities for change, develop prototyping and use storytelling to communicate results.

    Who is it for?
    This intensive course is for professionals working in a variety of fields, such as Human Resources, Sales, RDI, Marketing, Communications, Business Development, Design and Management who want to develop their strategic thinking.

    All course students will be interested in innovation and the implementation of ideas, adopting new strategies with a high added value in their respective professional ecosystems.

    Why choose it

    If you want to take control of the transformative processes in your business world, this Summer Course in Design Thinking for Business Transformation gives you the resources you need to do just that.

    Acquire a comprehensive, experience-based understanding of Design Thinking concepts, tools and methodologies. Identify business opportunities and implement ideas in the form of a commercially viable product or service. Learn how to share your results in the most effective way with every stakeholder involved.


    What will you learn?
    A course that leaves no stone unturned, covering every stage of the Design Thinking process, from the initial concept to prototyping and storytelling.


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