Summer and Winter Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont

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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

Summer and Winter Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Summer and Winter Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont se dicta en Turín, de forma presencial.
  • Número de horas
    El programa de IED se extiende a tres semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    Quienes concluyen el programa y las evaluaciones, reciben certificación por parte de IED.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Summer and Winter Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont ofrece un programa que apunta a la práctica profesional respecto a la comunicación en ambientes viculados a la enología, el turismo y el ocio, la gastronomía y los viajes de negocio. Además, se realiza en Italia, un país reconocido por su actividad turística a nivel mundial.
  • Dirigido a
    Los contenidos son ideales para personas interesadas en la comunicación en el sector de turismo, ocio, placer, cultura del vino y gastronomía.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados podrán ofrecer mejoras, estrategias, y planes de mejora en términos de comunicación para en sectores relacionados al ocio, los viajes, la actividad hotelera, así como la gastronomía y cultura del vino.

Comentarios sobre Summer and Winter Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont - Presencial - Turín - Italia

  • Contenido
    Summer and Winter Course in Food, Wine and Tourism Communication in Piedmont.

    Start date: June | Duration: 3 weeks | Language: English

    Italy is the perfect laboratory to explore and experience first-hand the importance of communication for tourism and gastronomy. This unique program covers the fundamental principles and communication techniques used in the advertising, promotion and marketing for tourism and the culinary arts (specifically wine and food) in the Northern Italian region of Piedmont.

    The multifaceted city of Torino will serve as the base to explore these themes in a region rich in cultural and gastronomic heritage. Torino as a city has re-branded itself as a cultural destination following the 2006 winter Olympics that helped to transform this often times stereotypical industrial center. Students will complete a final work that will take the form of an IBook based upon their individual personal projects under the supervision of their instructors and class tutor.

    Description .

    Schedule: This course meets Monday to Friday with morning and afternoon sessions for a total of 75 contact hours.

      This program combines time in the classroom, site visits, evening “tasting “ dinners”, talks with industry professionals as well as evening writing and brainstorming sessions with the class tutor to form an innovative, unique and intensive experience.  Participants can expect to be writing, photographing, eating and tasting on a full-time basis.

    Level and Pre-requisites:  This is an introductory course, no previous studies are required. This program is aimed at students and young professionals in the field of hospitality, marketing and tourism industries as well as people with a passion for Italian gastronomy.

Otra formación relacionada con turismo

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