Spanish course for foreigners

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Comentarios sobre Spanish course for foreigners - Presencial - Puebla Capital - Puebla

  • Contenido
    Our center offers courses of initiation and updating / training of Spanish for the foreigners.

    Our objective is to bring a fast, simple and effective training for the speaking English or French people and in the same way to dominate quickly the conjugation, the vocabulary and in a more ample way the resources of communication.

    Our courses are at the moment available in FRENCH > SPANISH and ENGLISH > SPANISH.

    Our delays (beginners)

    30 hours: obtaining the A1 level
    70 hours: obtaining the A2 level
    100 hours: obtaining the B1 level
    240 hours: obtaining the B2 level


    All our teachers own several years of experience, the C2 level in the taught language and a Master's degree.




    To bring more transparency, we offer the same price for every language which is

    70 pesos per hour - the payment of which is based on a monthly payment system.

    The students can freely choose their schedules and the quantity of school hours per week during their registration.

    The yearly registration cost is 200 pesos.

    All the educational material is included without additional cost.

Otra formación relacionada con español para extranjeros

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