Professional Master in Human Resources Management

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Professional Master in Human Resources Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    Este plan de estudio se cursa de forma presencial.
  • Número de horas
    El tiempo que dura el plan lo especificará el centro de estudio.
  • Titulación oficial
    Los estudiantes recibirán el título del Rome Business School.
  • Valoración del programa
    El programa del Professional Máster in Human Resources Management tiene como objetivo fundamental formar a profesionales con habilidades en inteligencia emocional, comunicación transcultural, tiempo, estrés y autogestión. Los egresados son capaces de desarrollar estrategias de recursos humanos con el equilibro ético necesario para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos y reconocer áreas de oportunidad.
  • Dirigido a
    La formación fue diseñada para profesionales que deseen emplearse en el área de manejo de talento humano.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los profesionales del área pueden emplearse en departamentos de recursos humanos de todo tipo de empresas y organizaciones.

Comentarios sobre Professional Master in Human Resources Management - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    Professional Master in Human Resources Management.

    Rome Business School's Master in Human Resources Management is the ideal training programme to start a career in the industry of people management, designed to provide the attendant with the competences and knowledge of nowaday's international job market. 

     Formula: Part time
    Language: English
    Enrollment: 81%
    Professional: 9 Available seats


    Companies and organizations are more aware than ever that one of their key assets when it comes to standing out from the competition is their team of people and, as such, the management and supervision of its Human Resources department. A company’s staff are the driving force behind the design, implementation and management of the business project. As such, it is crucial for companies to be increasingly oriented towards their employees. Therefore, Human Resources Managers must be professionals who are equipped to lead a department that connects and works with all of the company’s business activities and, at the same time, be able to adapt to changes in the environment. The department is at the core of the company’s strategy and the driving force behind generating a clear competitive advantage. The role of Human Resources must be at the very heart of the company’s strategy and its management, as it is a key factor in setting the company apart from its rivals.

    The Master in Human Resources Management is designed to equip Human Resources professionals to respond to the needs and challenges of the market from the perspective of people management. Professionals who embrace change as the most effective way of generating competitive advantages, who can capitalize on new technologies, who have a solid grasp of the new generations of professionals joining the employment market, who fully understand the importance of the work/life balance and ethical conduct, and who are committed to developing, attracting and retaining talent as the best way to ensure success in the new business ecosystem.

    This program is suitable for fully employed professionals, managers, since the distance learning mode gives the flexibility to schedule study patterns and tasks tailored to participants lifestyle.   

    The Reasons Why:

    International Bootcamp in Barcelona or Rome.

    Rome Business School offers you the chance to hone your competencies and enrich your knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation, and other key topics in the business world by taking part in our International Programs in Rome or Barcelona, where you can also expand your professional network. The bootcamp in Rome is included as part of the program while the residential program in Barcelona comes at an additional cost.

    Soft Skills Programme.

    The foundations of a solid and successful career are, without a doubt, the much requested and celebrated Soft Skills, competencies that find practical uses in every working environment and business area. Our Soft Skills program will provide you with a thorough and detailed knowledge and familiarity with these personal soft skills, facilitating their personal and professional growth.

    In this specific program, you will specialize in 5 Soft Skills Courses for Skills Upgrade (with a Certification provided):

    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Public Speaking for Business
    • Time, Stress & Self Management
    • Cross Cultural Communication
    • Conflict, Problem Solving & Negotiations

    Networking and Partners.

    Rome Business School has solid partnerships in place with several globally renowned leading companies. To ensure our students can build a strong professional network, we constantly organize meetings, visits, events and guest lectures with representatives from elite business ecosystems, encouraging interaction between leading professionals and the students, and facilitating the learning process.

    Career Path.

    Our skilled and professional Career Services Team provides our attendants with a personalized Career Path specifically designed to shape his or her own professional profile in order to become a competitive figure in nowadays’ job market. Workshops focusing on the hottest topic of job seeking and career networking, individual career counseling meetings, our exclusive event ‘Rome Business School Talent Focus’ and more invaluable benefits are at your disposal to ensure the best start or a great boost in your career!


    The Professional format of Rome Business School’s Master in Human Resources Management is structured to provide participants with a thorough preparation for the Human Resources sector  and crucial aspects of other related fields, starting with a wide overview of the broader management world and then proceeding to analyze all the specific subjects and aspects of HR Strategy, Development and Management, as well as providing an in-depth insight into innovative and responsible leadership, its trends and best practices, as well as how they can be effectively applied to the HR Management Industry.


    Focusing and Specializing

    Develop the competencies required to address and enhance new needs in different areas of the organization. Identify and develop effective managerial strategies for Human Resources industry companies.

    In this first didactic module, you will have the opportunity to specialize in:

    • Strategic HR
    • Talent Development
    • Human Behavior and Change Management
    • Essential Soft Skills for HR Managers

    Be a Future-Oriented Leader.

    Learn about new trends & innovation in the Human Resources industry, with a focus on best practices of the future.

    In particular, you will be prepared on following topics of Digital HR, New trends & Future Challenges for HR:

    • Future Trends & Future Challenges of HR
    • Best HR practices for 2021 (Case studies)
    • Ethics in the Workplace 
    • Digital HR

    Capstone Project.

    Teamwork project with a scope to develop an HR plan that solves a business problem in the area of human resources, of an existing or fictitious companies in the HR Industry OR to work on a business challenge proposed by the participants to resolve a problem in the companies where participants work. All teams are guided from the initial phase of the project.

    After the completion of the capstone project, students should be able to:

    • Think critically
    • Implement creative solutions and solve managerial problems
    • Apply and connect theory with practice
    • Communicate and present business reports/ideas more effectively
    • Carry out business research and business analysis
    • Demonstrate collaborative leadership skills
    • Work effectively in teams
    • Communicate cross culturally and make compromises for a common goal
    • Set goals and implement projects effectively


    The Master will be taught through interactive frontal lectures, case study analysis, in-class exercises, discussions, roleplays, teamwork exercises, video discussions, business analysis and student presentation sessions.

    Case studies will be utilized to engender discussion and illustrate real business and communication issues. Students will be encouraged to read widely and engage in discussion and debate. The didactic methodology is based on action learning, through which teachers implement a learner-centered approach, engage students and provide activities which allow students to apply the acquired knowledge. All teachers use active learning methods in class, which are also suitable for interactively engaging distance learning students.


    The courses for Rome Business School’s Master in Human Resources Management are held by highly selected international university professors, trainers and business managers, drawn from a variety of operational and professional fields, from technology applied to the academic field of the HR Industry to the administration of public and private HR institutions; the teaching approach is aimed at the acquisition of know-how, in order to transfer truly useful competencies for the attendees’ professional development.

    Career Services:

    Rome Business School supports its students even beyond the academic environment, providing them with guidance and assistance in developing a strong professional profile that reflects the most sought competencies in the current job market.

    This Master will strengthen your competences and enable you to take on responsibilities in the Human Resources Departments of any company, while also developing your capacities in the following professional profiles:

    • HR Manager
    • Human Resources Recruitment Coordinator
    • Talent Acquisition Executive
    • Strategic Recruiter
    • Senior HR Training & Development
    • Payroll Officer
    • Senior Manager Compensation & Benefits
    • HR Administation Manager
    • Employee Relations Coordinator

    Bootcamp around the world:

    Hone your entrepreneurial skills and test them with the ultimate challenge: Rome Business School’s exclusive Bootcamp in Barcelona, organized in partnership with EAE Business School, a beautiful city at the forefront of innovation and among the most productive start-up ecosystems, and, for online students, Bootcamp in Rome is included in the registration price: just think about the flight and accommodation, we’ll take care of the rest!

    Join an advanced program designed to put you face to face with realistic business scenarios to solve and provide you with a practical way of learning and skills development. All with the professional support of a tutor from top-class working companies!

    Scholarship and Tuition:

    It can be paid:

    • in 4 installments without interest
    • in a single solution (this option grants the student a 10% discount on the overall amount of the tuition fee)

    According to the individual profile, experience, and proved motivation, the candidate can be awarded a scholarship covering part of the overall tuition fee (up to 25%). Indeed, Rome Business School offers the opportunity to the most deserving candidates to benefit from 5 different types of scholarships. These partial economic coverages can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing. Below, a list of the available grants:

    1-Academic Excellence Scholarship: it is awarded to candidates who have displayed extraordinary performance in their most recent academic career, whether graduate or undergraduate.

    2-Lifelong Learning Scholarship: it is reserved to applicants who demonstrate an ongoing, self-motivated pursuit of knowledge and skill development.

    3-Executive Women Grant: Rome Business School strives to increase the promote the ratio of women in executive positions and increase gender equality in the workplace. Indeed, this grant aims to enhance our students’ ability to realize their executive potential, leadership capacity and professional aspirations.

    4-Entrepreneurial Grant: our aim is to feed the entrepreneurial spirit of our students with great business ideas using this grant, awarded to directors of SMEs, self-employed professionals and people with their own business project.

    5-Better Managers for a Better World: it was meant for those candidates that demonstrate clear, future oriented motivation aimed and at improving the economy, society and the world around them.

    The competition for scholarships increases as the start date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to make the request as soon as possible.

    To apply for a scholarship, it is necessary to send a motivational letter of no more than 300 words together with the CV and the documentation when submitting the application for admission to the Masters. The eligibility for a possible scholarship will be decided by Rome Business School’s academic committee during the evaluation of the candidate’s application.

    To write a motivational letter for a scholarship, the applicant must indicate:

    • What distinguishes the applicant from the other candidates;
    • Professional goals and ambitions.

    Admission’s process and Degree:

    Rome Business School works hard to maintain the highest standard of quality in the programs we offer. That’s why, in order to ensure the eligibility of the candidates, all applicants must undergo and successfully pass a selection process structured.

    The admission process is aimed to verify the candidate’s eligibility to attend the Master. The candidate’s academic history, previous experiences in the topics covered in the Master and motivation will be matters of the evaluation. Once it’s sent, the application will be evaluated by the Rome Business School’s academic committee. In order to ensure the application’s suitability, it is important to deliver all of the required documentation.


    Students who successfully complete the programme will receive a double certification: Rome Business School’s diploma and an official certification by Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), which provides 60 internationally recognized credits (60 ECTS).
    Jump start the rest of your life!

    If you are looking for top-quality advanced training in a particular business area, countless opportunities for skills development and testing yourself, ways to expand your professional network and make contact with elite professionals working in several business fields, we have exactly the program for you. From there, it’s all up to you! Your determination and willingness to learn and experience new ways of thinking are all you need to make the most of one of our programs and start making your way along the path towards success in your career.

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