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Análisis de educaedu

Inés Gonzalez

Inés Gonzalez


  • Modalidad de impartición
    La metodología de impartición para este programa será Presencial, en Roma.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar con Rome Business School acerca de la duración aproximada de este Master.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al concluir el recorrido de estudios se otorgará el título de MBA.
  • Valoración del programa
    Gracias a la formación ofrecida en el MBA de Rome Business School, te encontrarás preparado para trabajar eficientemente en la gestión empresarial, desde una combinación equilibrada de conocimientos teóricos, habilidades prácticas y desarrollo de liderazgo, en áreas clave como finanzas, marketing, gestión de recursos humanos, operaciones y estrategia empresarial.
  • Dirigido a
    El programa está enfocado hacia profesionales en activo que buscan avanzar en sus carreras o cambiar de industria, así como a recién graduados con ambiciones de liderazgo.
  • Empleabilidad
    Una vez se culminen los estudios, los egresados serán profesionales con las aptitudes y conocimientos para desempeñarse como On track to CEO, CFO, COO; Entrepreneur in high-tech​; Strategic Management Consultant; Financial senior analyst​; On track to Venture Capitalist / Fund Manager​; Strategic Business Development Director​; ESG Director​; On track to: Board member​; Sales & Marketing Director​ o HR Director.

Comentarios sobre MBA - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido

    The scope of the program’s experience is to create leaders who know themselves, know and understand how business works and will work in the future and unleash their leadership potential to build a team and solve global business challenges and problems. It transforms students into leaders and professionals with an additional 1 week bootcamp in the Silicon Valley, in the USA.

    Formula: Full time
    Method: On Campus
    Language: English

    MBA Overview. The learning is case-based, hands-on, and enriched with a Playful approach for serious learning such as role plays, and business simulation games. The Rome Business School MBA  program is for young graduates who like to kick-start their careers and make an impact. This intensive and demanding program, integrated with Business Practice experience when students put theory into practice and enter the business world ready to make an impact.
    Learning Outcomes.
    1. Demonstrate an ability to recognize the latest trends related to the technological sector by adopting a global approach​
    2. Identify opportunities for competitive advantage through innovation, such as emerging future jobs for career development.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the current and potential future state of how new business models are created, implemented, and evolving.
    4. Demonstrate understanding of the dynamics intertwining in unique eco-systems composed of Big-Tech Corporations, emerging Start-ups, universities, and venture funds​
    5. The Silicon Valley experience will ultimately provide students with the opportunity to meet many Senior-level Executives from top Tech Companies, to have a “hands-on” approach towards the latest trends in the sector, and to absorb the “energy” of Silicon Valley through unique business networking activities.
    Reason why to choose our MBA.

    Business Practice lab with Coca-Cola HBC Italy
    You will collaborate with the managers to create a product launch strategy and a company-wide digital marketing strategy during the Business Practice lab with Coca-Cola HBC Italy. You will have the chance to assume the role of the CEO in the business simulation game, manage a fictitious business, and implement a competitive strategy.​

    Career Accellerator Program
    Salary Increase 25% - Design your professional profile a customised Career Acceleration Program created especially to mould each student's professional profile and make them competitive figures in the contemporary labour market. You will have access to individual career guidance meetings, workshops focusing on the newest hot topics in relation to job searching and career networking, and our exclusive events to ensure the best start or a great boost in your career.

    Start in Rome end in the Silicon Valley​
    Receive international education experience that can not be found anywhere else in Italy.​Complete a 1 week bootcamp program directly in the USA in the Silicon Valley, designed exclusively for the MBA class. In the Bootcamp, students accompanied by a coach, will develop a Business Report present it at the end and in addition, visit the brightest start up minds in the Silicon Valley: Google, Linkedin, Amazon Web Services and become innovative leaders​

    Individual MBA Coaching Program​
    Maximize your performance by realising your full potential. Students who enrol in the International MBA coaching programme will have the chance to work with two specialised coaches, Fabio Pisi Vitagliano and Veronica Schmidt, to improve their professional and personal skills in order to advance their career paths and increase their marketability.

    Customize your MBA based on your career interests and passion
    Choose among 4 specific areas to specialize your knowledge, if you like to manage emerging technologies, if you like to seize innovation, if you like to become more versatile by getting industry knowledge or build disruptive skills for a global business scenario and impact.

    Become a CEO per 1 DAY
    Students have the opportunity to apply and spend a day shadowing a top Chief Executive, gaining insights into the responsibilities and complexities of leadership in leading businesses and organizations. The selection process includes an open call where students apply and participate in a role play challenge. A final selection will determine the winner who gets to shadow a CEO for a day.

    Shape your professional path through 4 pillars:

    True link with companies
    An international network of partner companies that will directly impact the students academic experience through the Business Practice LAB, Company visits, in class exercises and exclusive lecturers that will approach the theoretical contents of the master to the current professional reality.

    Rome Business School is proudly the most international business school in Italy. Everyday we are capable to immerse our students in a stimulating environment, thanks to our international faculty. our class with mixed ethnicity and our exclusive experience: Bootcamps. Students will have the opportunity to participate in bootcamps in Silicon Valley, Barcelona, Paris, Qatar, Lagos, Rome and Tuscany.

    Professional Impact
    Our goal is to have a true impact on our students professional career, both through the academic and through our Career Services. In addition to the lectures, our Masters provide different services to build our students profile through a structured Career Services, company meetings from top international companies, Company Shadowing or Individual Coaching sessions and a soft skills programs.

    Higher Purpose
    Following our motto, Better Managers for a Better World, we believe in managers that build businesses with a higher purpose. For that, we will train leaders to be responsible and innovative, and to drive change in society starting within their own companies.

    MBA Syllabus. This MBA aims to educate young professionals with the managerial skills required to be disruptive international leaders who drive change, transform businesses and people, and possess a growth mindset. They will attain positions of responsibility within a company, build their careers, or establish their own ventures. Understand Business Inside Out. During the first module of the MBA, students will acquire core management skills to enhance your professional career. Students in this module will have the opportunity to learn about:
    • Business Government and Global Economy: the aim of this module is to analyze the key factors that affect the competitive position of a nation by investigating the economic forces that drive trade integration and how globalization is changing the macroeconomic scenario
    • Strategic Management and Competitive Strategies: This module will show students how a business views itself in its ‘totality’ and in the context of its environment. The module will be taught from the perspective of a manager or chief executive officer and will enable students to create competitive strategies.
    • Project and Operations Management: this module aims to provide participants with those concepts and tools whilst both covering the basics of traditional PM and familiarizing students with the most recently invented approaches to PM and operations.
    • Global Marketing Management: after attending the lecture and studying, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of major issues and be able to give solutions related to international marketing management, apply skills in researching and analyzing trends in global markets and in modern marketing practices
    • Digital Marketing and Metrics: the digital marketing & metrics module focuses on two topics: the techniques and tools necessary to reach customers through digital channels such as email and social media; and Marketing Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), measurable values that are used by marketing teams to demonstrate the effectiveness of campaigns across all marketing channels.
    • Accounting and Budgeting: this module will define key terms such as ROI, EBIT, and GAAP. It will also provide an understanding of financial statements, budgets, forecasting techniques, purchasing decisions, and laws that regulate the handling and dissemination of financial information.

    Focusing and specializing. During the second module of the International MBA, students will learn:
    • Entrepreneurial Business Plan: The focus of this module lies in understanding how entrepreneurs create economic and social value by tapping into new opportunities. The module explores entrepreneurial approaches employed by corporation managers when confronted with complex problems and emerging opportunity situations.
    • People and Talent Management: this module is designed to help students understand how digitalization impacts HR Management, how HR as a function can become more digital and how HR can help drive business outcomes in a digital age.
    • Financial Management: this module will give students the opportunity to analyze financial statements and interpret financial information, produce financial reports, assess financial risk and develop risk-reduction strategies, manage budgets and cash flow, and predict future financial trends.
    • Operations and Performance Management: This module provides the knowledge and methodology to enable participants to understand the nature and importance of supply chain management, operations and performance management and how – by managing the flow of products, information and supply networks – companies can satisfy the needs of their customers.
    • Managerial Data Science and Business Analytics: students will gain practical hands-on experience with statistics programming languages and big data tools through coursework and applied research experiences.

    Drive change and innovation for Global Business Immersion. During the third module of the MBA, students will learn:
    • Global Business Immersion and Leadership: This module is designed to increase the awareness of culture and how communication styles impact global business and leadership. Students will learn about the advanced communication skills needed to lead colleagues in a global context, and they will learn how to expand a business internationally to carry out cross-cultural management.
    • The Future of Business and Disruptive Innovation: this module covers the future of businesses and the meaning and implications of disruptive innovation, with a special focus on new technologies, virtual reality, design thinking and the impact of disruptive innovation.

    Why Electives?. The mission of Rome Business School is to prepare future managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals to capitalize on the benefits of digitalization, go global, and make a positive impact on society. Electives are excellent tools for students to boost their employability by focusing on in-demand skills.
    • Electives help students carve out their own niche and become more competitive.
    • Electives expose students to courses they might not have otherwise encountered.
    • Electives offer a unique curriculum that fosters life and career skills.​
    • Electives are divided in 5 main area of interest: Innovation and Growt, Tech and Digitalization, Industry- Focused, International Business, Global Electives with RBS School partners.

    Practice Lab | In partnership with Coca-Cola HBC Italia. Students will immerse themselves in 10 hours of hands-on workshop, where theoretical concepts will be put into practice and learning will occur through experience. In partnership with Coca-Cola HBC Italia
    A new way to practice business!​. Business Simulations are innovative and engaging managerial tools, which allow to reproduce the dynamics and logic of a business​.
    Students face a common competitive situation, stimulating and boosting their managerial, decision-making and relational skills​.
    Each team (from 3 to 5 students) leads a virtual company, implementing a competitive strategy with the aim to maximize the market value of their company. The Business Simulation is composed of a number of rounds (3 to 6): each round simulates six months of operability of the company on the market.​
    The consistency between decisions and available resources, strategic planning, analysis of results and evaluation of competitors are the key elements that determine the winning team.​
    An educational experience. You will have the chance to showcase your skills at the end of your educational experience by taking on a genuine business challenge. Make use of your skills to spot opportunities and create a strategy that is genuinely innovative. Take on a real business challenge. You can work in a small group to develop a marketing strategy for a new company, a plan to boost online sales, or a loyalty programme tailored to different generations. Two case studies from two different businesses will be given to you to put your master’s course knowledge to the test. Previous years’ experiences  The Practical Challenge: Create a Market analysis of organic fertilizers in Africa, by areas: players/competitors, market size and trends, market differentiation and positioning.
    Business in Action. The Global Trends lab consists of 2 virtual sessions: Session 1: How to Find Sources to identify global trends. Deep dive into the global world trends shaping the world of today – guest speakers from UN, UNIDO, ILO. Examples of Global Trends: ​
    1. The Future of Work
    2. AI, Blockchain, and Technology
    3. The World in 2030 – Future Scenarios (UN, IMF, ECB)
    Session 2: Understand the impact of global trends on businesses, and explore ways in which businesses can adapt and transform based on future trends and forward-thinking strategies.
    The MBA Experience. Interactive and dynamic classes are offered fully on campus in Rome, empowered by career and entrepreneurship services, to prepare students to kick off their careers. A full-time transformational journey, integrated with Business Practice experience, where students put theory into practice.
    Faculty. Highly qualified international university professors, trainers, and business managers with a variety of operational and professional backgrounds—from merchandiser to lawyer, from entrepreneurship to coach and speaker—teach the MBA  at Rome Business School. The teaching strategy is designed to help students learn the knowledge or skills that are currently in demand in the workplace.
    Career and Entrepreneurship Services. Throughout your MBA, you will be accompanied and supported by our Career Services team. With over 10 years’ experience in education, we help young talents and managers to build their future, guiding them along the path that best suits their capabilities, desires and professional goals.
    To give our students the best support achieving their professional objectives, we’ve structured our Career Service into two core areas:
    The master is particularly suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the following roles:

    • On track to CEO, CFO, COO
    • Entrepreneur in high-tech​
    • Strategic Management Consultant
    • Financial senior analyst​
    • On track to Venture Capitalist / Fund Manager​
    • Strategic Business Development Director​
    • ESG Director​
    • On track to: Board member​
    • Sales & Marketing Director​
    • HR Director

    The salary of out students after the completion of our MBA increased by an average of +36%.

    Scholarships. Based on their personal profile, experience and proven motivation, the candidate may be awarded a scholarship to partially cover the participation fee. In fact, Rome Business School offers the most deserving candidates the opportunity to benefit from 7 different types of scholarships. These partial economic hedges can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing.
    • Early Bird Enrollment Scholarship.
    • Lifelong Learning Scholarship.
    • Executive Women Scholarship.
    • Academic Excellence Scholarship.
    • Entrepreneurial Grant.
    • Better Managers for a Better World Scholarship.
    • Student Loan Assistance Grant.
    Competition for scholarships increases as the starting date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible.

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