MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management - Rome - Paris

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Luciana Consiglio

Luciana Consiglio

MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management - Rome - Paris

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El programa se imparte en modalidad presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Comunicarse con la institución para conocer la duración del plan de estudios.
  • Titulación oficial
    Se obtiene una doble titulación otorgada por Rome Business School y Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU).
  • Valoración del programa
    La formación que se propone en el MBA en Luxury and Fashion Management consiste en la capacitación de los estudiantes en materia directiva, brindándoles una mirada panorámica y analítica de las distintas ramas disciplinares que sostienen una empresa. Una vez que esa base esté fundada, se expondrá a los alumnos a las vivencias de la moda y el lujo en París, una ciudad mundialmente reconocida por su desarrollo en esta industria. La metodología, entonces, combina lecciones teóricas y prácticas dentro de un espacio de clase donde se abordarán casos de estudio, simulaciones de negocio, trabajos prácticos en grupo, presentaciones y exposiciones por parte de los participantes y, a su vez, se saldrá del ámbito de la clase para las excursiones previamente mencionadas, dedicadas no solo a enseñarle a los participantes la dinámica de la industria, sino a impulsarlos, inspirarlos a que emprendan su propio recorrido profesional.
  • Dirigido a
    La formación está destinada a personas que cuenten con un título universitario en carreras afines a Administración, Economía, Marketing, Publicidad, Moda, Bellas Artes, entre otras.
  • Empleabilidad
    Al concluir sus estudios, el participante se encontrará capacitado para ocupar cargos gerenciales y directivos en empresas de lujo en todo el mundo.

Comentarios sobre MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management - Rome - Paris - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management

    Formula: Full time
    Language: English

    Refine your skills and enrich your knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation and other key topics in the world of luxury and learn how to create a unique value for a fashion brand by taking part in our exclusive international MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management - Rome - Paris which is held in two different cities key to the world of fashion: in Rome and Paris.


    The Rome Business School MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management – Rome – Paris is the ideal choice for all those who wish to develop solid management skills to be able to work in the fashion & luxury management industry.

    In addition, for this Master, two School have combined their expertise and knowledge of the field by giving the students the chance to study Fashion and Luxury in two most important cities of the Industry: Rome and Paris, at ESLSCA, a business school founded in 1949 that has trained more than 15,000 former students who now occupy positions of responsibility both in France and abroad. Participants will take advantage and value by studying the concept of ‘’Made in Italy’’, the Italian fashion tradition and the Italian style along with the French Luxury Brand Management.

    Reasons Why

    • Two Cities in One Program – Experience the Fashion and Luxury industries in the main cities of reference: Rome and Paris
    Refine your skills and enrich your knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation and other key topics in the world of luxury and learn how to create a unique value for a fashion brand by taking part in our exclusive international Master which is held in two different cities key to the world of fashion: in Rome and Paris.

    • Global Experience – International Bootcamps in Rome, Barcelona & New York
    Rome Business School offers you the chance to hone your competencies and enrich your knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovation, and other key topics in the business world by taking part in our International Programs in Rome, Barcelona and New York, where you can also expand your professional network. This residential program comes at an additional cost.

    • Internship in Paris
    Thanks to our worldwide network of partners, Rome Business School can provide you with access to a wide range of internship opportunities. Based in Paris for the second part of the program, students will have the possibility to enter the internship program in the wonderful city of Paris by selecting the companies involved with RBS and ESLSCA Paris. Dive into an international and business-oriented context and take advantage of a life changing experience in the Fashion and Luxury Industry!

    • Ranking Eduniversal 2019
    Top 50 – Global Ranking
    Ranked N. 40 in Fashion Management, Worldwide

    The Rome Business School’s Master in Luxury and Fashion Management – Rome/Paris is recognized as one of the best master worldwide according to Eduniversal Ranking 2019 which ranks it in 40th place among the top 50 in Europe.

    • Life & Soft Skills Program
    Soft skills are personal attributes that can affect our relationships and communication and are crucial for business success and effective leadership, in this high tech world in which we live. If we look it deeper, the soft skills are actually essential abilities, they are life skills that we should master each and every day to become a better version of ourselves. The program is practice based consisting of 5 interactive courses, including self assessment tests, role plays and quizzes and a final Certification of completion.

    • Communication & Persuasion in the Digital Age
    • Team Work & Collaboration
    • Agility & Adaptability
    • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Networking & Partners
    We have solid partnerships in place with several globally renowned leading companies, such as Valentino, Fendi, Puma, Bulgari, Hermès, Dolce & Gabbana, Zalando and many more. To ensure our students can build a strong professional network, we constantly organize meetings, visits, events and guest lectures with representatives from elite business ecosystems, encouraging interaction between leading professionals and the students, and facilitating the learning process.

    • Italian and French Experience of the Industry
    Students will be provided with a wide range of experiences based in the two cities of Rome and Paris: living in the beautiful capitals of Fashion, language courses will be provided to international students both for Italian and French. Companies visits will be held both with the partners of RBS and ESLSCA, selecting the best brands of the sector. The learning and networking experience will be surrounded by investigating the area, and enriching the students’ cultural heritage by visiting fundamental artistic areas and places.


    Rome Business School’s MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management – Rome – Paris is structured to provide participants with a though preparation for the Fashion and Luxury sector and crucial aspects of other related fields, starting with a wide overview of the broader management world and then proceeds with the analsys of all the specific subjects and aspects of Fashion and Luxury Development and Management.  It provides you with an in-depth insight into innovative and responsible leadership, its trends and best practices, as well as how you can be effectively applied to the Fashion and Luxury Industry.


    • Mind Opening & Knowledge Management Setting – On Rome Business School in Rome
    The first part of Rome Business School’s MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management – Rome – Paris provides you with comprehensive preparation for the sector and crucial aspects of other related fields, initially giving a wide overview of the broader management world.

    The first content area focuses on:

    • Human Resources Management
    • Project & Operations Management
    • Managerial Economics
    • Accounting and Budgeting
    • Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
    • Business Strategy
    • Marketing

    Being this first module at the Rome Business School, you will also participate in the following activities:

    • Welcome Party
    • Italian Language Lessons
    • Company Visits
    • Cultural Visits
    • Soft Skills Program
    • Winter Party

    • Focusing and Specializing – On ESLSCA in Paris
    Being this second module at the ESLSCA in Paris, you will develop the competencies required to address and enhance new needs in different areas of the fashion and luxury industry.

    The second content area delves into the following topics:

    • The Fashion Industry
    • Design Management
    • Luxury Management
    • Acting in Pratice – On ESLSCA in Paris
    Analyze and integrate different fashion and design system strategies pertaining to marketing, visual branding and creative direction, communication, holistic marketing, positioning and digital trends in the industry.

    In this last area that take place on ESLSCA, you will also participate in the following activities:

    • Luxury workshop visits, exhibition, events (Fragonard, Bon Marché, Hermès flagship, Shang Xia)
    • Store Checks Exercise
    • French “Art de vivre”
    • Masterclass Conference
    • Working trip FR (Epernay, Champagne Region)
    • Versailles Visit
    • Luxury workshop visits
    • Commitment in the school activities
    • French Language Lessons
    • Visits fairs, shows, museums & foundations
    • Internship Program
    • Final Thesis


    The Master will be taught through interactive frontal lectures, case study analysis, in-class exercises, discussions, roleplays, teamwork exercises, video discussions, business analysis and student presentation sessions.

    Case studies will be utilized to engender discussion and illustrate real business and communication issues. Students will be encouraged to read widely and engage in discussion and debate. The didactic methodology is based on action learning, through which teachers implement a learner-centered approach, engage students and provide activities which allow students to apply the acquired knowledge. All teachers use active learning methods in class, which are also suitable for interactively engaging distance learning students.


    Rome Business School’s MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management – Rome – Paris is given by highly selected international university professors, entrepreneurs, consultants, industry experts, trainers and business managers, drawn from a variety of operational and professional fields, from advertising to sales, from entrepreneurship to fashion marketing.  The teaching approach is aimed at the acquisition of know-how, in order to transfer truly useful competencies for the attendees’ professional development.

    Career Services

    Rome Business School supports its students even beyond the academic environment, providing them with guidance and assistance in developing a strong professional profile that reflects the most sought competencies in the current job market.

    Each year Rome Business School presents the Employment Report, a document that collects data on the official results achieved by our students and alumni in terms of employment and professional growth achieved after their master’s degree at Rome Business School thanks to our professional Carreer Service. According to this report, thanks to our Full Time Masters, students benefit from an average salary increase of 16% after the master’s achievement.

    Placement Rate

    At the end of the Master, 96% of the students obtained an internship in internationally renowned companies. Some of our professional partners:
    Fendi, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Hermès, Zalando, Puma, Bvlgari, Massimo Dutti, Bonmarché, Shang Xia, Fragonard, Luisaviaroma

    Bootcamp Around the world 

    Hone your entrepreneurial skills and test them with the ultimate challenge: Rome Business School’s exclusive Bootcamp in Barcelona, organized in partnership with EAE Business School, and in New York, in partnership with Pace University, two beautiful cities at the forefront of innovation and among the most productive start-up ecosystems. An advanced program designed to put you face to face with realistic business scenarios to solve and provide you with a practical way of learning and skills development. All with the professional support of a tutor from top-class working companies!

    Admission Process

    Rome Business School works hard to maintain the highest standard of quality in the programs we offer. That’s why, in order to ensure the eligibility of the candidates, all applicants must undergo and successfully pass a selection process structured as follows:

    • Evaluation of credentials
    • Application Confirmation
    • Selection Interview
    • Admissions
    • Enrollment

    The admission process is aimed to verify the candidate’s eligibility to attend the Master. The candidate’s academic history, previous experiences in the topics covered in the Master and motivation will be matters of the evaluation. Once it’s sent, the application will be evaluated by the Rome Business School’s academic committee. In order to ensure the application’s suitability, it is important to deliver all of the required documentation.


    Students who successfully complete the programme will receive a double certification: Rome Business School’s diploma and an official certification by Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), which provides 60 internationally recognized credits (60 ECTS).

    Obviously, being a part of the master spent in the prestigious Paris school, this course of study is also recognized by ESLSCA. You will have the opportunity to attend their Luxury Brand Management course, where you will deal with topics such as creating brand value, digital practices in the world of fashion and the culture of luxury. In addition, take one of the many internship opportunities promoted by the school and start an international career path!

    Thanks to the Rome Business School you can attend one of the best masters recognized worldwide by the Ranking Eduniversal 2019 which classifies this particular course of study in 40th place among the top 50 in Europe.

    Job opportunity with a Master in Luxury and Fashion Management Full Time

    If you are looking for top-quality advanced training in a particular business area, countless opportunities for skills development and testing yourself, ways to expand your professional network and make contact with elite professionals working in several business fields, we have exactly the program for you. From there, it’s all up to you! Your determination and willingness to learn and experience new ways of thinking are all you need to make the most of one of our programs and start making your way along the path towards success in your career.

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