MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management - Inglés

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Luciana Consiglio

Luciana Consiglio

MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management - Inglés

  • Modalidad de impartición
    Este MBA se imparte en modalidad presencial.
  • Número de horas
    La duración del programa es de 12 meses.
  • Titulación oficial
    Los egresados obtienen una triple titulación emitida por EAE Business School, The Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality y Univesitat de Lleida.
  • Valoración del programa
    El MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management forma profesionales ambiciosos, competitivos, líderes que sean capaces de llevar adelante negocios de esta industria con una visión innovadora que se destaque del resto. El hecho de que este programa sea impartido en inglés amplía las perspectivas de los participantes, consolidando perfiles altamente demandados en el sector. Sus habilidades comunicativas se verán también complementadas con los contenidos brindados, que se relacionan al marketing hotelero, la gestión administrativa, la economía financiera global, los entornos digitales y nuevas tecnologías, y las relaciones internacionales.
  • Dirigido a
    Participarán de esta propuesta profesionales y licenciados con interés en adentrarse en la industria turística.
  • Empleabilidad
    Las competencias adquiridas capacitarán al profesional para ejercer en puestos de responsabilidad y dirección dentro de empresas, organizaciones, agencias y proyectos vinculados al turismo y la hospitalidad con alcance internacional.

Comentarios sobre MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management - Inglés - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management.
    • Beginning of the course: Octubre 2016 
    • Price: 18,500 €   
    • Campus: Barcelona
    • Age: 21-40   
    • ECTS: 60
    • Type of course: Full Time

    This program will be conducted in English

    Success in the Hospitality and Tourism industries requires the development of decision-making skills, thorough knowledge of the sector and a global strategic vision.

    Ostelea’s Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA is designed with the objective of training the future leaders of the tourism sector: directors, professionals and entrepreneurs equipped to manage business projects in the tourism and hotel sector at the very highest level. To this end, the programme particularly focuses on the development of executive skills and aptitudes of a strategic nature.

    Ostelea’s MBA has been designed with the aim of gaining a deeper insight into the main managerial and organizational processes in tourism companies from an applied and strategic perspective, as well as evaluating the interrelation between these processes through case studies, practical exercises and research projects.

    Reasons for studying the Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA at Ostelea:

    1. Reputation in the field of management and tuition quality: Ostelea is the result of a partnership between one of the world’s best business school, EAE (second best business school in Spain according to the Merco Ranking 2015), bringing its experience and reputation in management, with the Universitat de Lleida, Spain’s top public university in terms of the quality of the tuition (Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo), awarded the distinction of International Campus of Excellence.

    2. Multicultural approach: 66% of the students at Ostelea are international.

    3. Rigorous academic programme: based on cultivating strategic thought and specific knowledge of the hospitality and tourism industry, an essential blend for executive positions in the sector.

    4. Hotel business game: In the final tuition period, participants are organized into teams and they have to manage their own hotel company, competing on the global market that is dynamic and changing, in a realistic reflection of the real world, made up of other teams of students.

    5. Extensive programme of visits to hotels, hotel chains, tourism companies and public authorities: As the participants need first-hand insight into the reality and trends in the sector, accompanied by executives in the Hospitality and Tourism industries.

    6. Research group: Members of the Master’s academic faculty form part of EAE’s multidisciplinary tourism research group (GRIT-EAE), the scientific output of which focuses on the field of international tourism management.


    The objectives of the Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA are as follows:

    1. Providing a response to the training needs of executives specializing in the tourism sector.

    2. Training the future leaders of the global hospitality and tourism industry.

    3. Providing executive tuition with an international vision of the tourism industry, together with a flexible and adaptable perspective in a changing and competitive global setting.

    4. Ensuring the effective management of tourism companies based on strategic plans and focused on achieving results.

    5. Developing the capacity for innovation and creative management of executives in tourism and hotel companies.

    6. Integrating the main spheres of tourism management from an interdisciplinary and comprehensive perspective.

    7. Enabling the acquirement of knowledge and skills in terms of new technologies applied to tourism and e-Tourism, in particular.

    8. Equipping participants with the executive skills and competences required of directors and businesspeople in the tourism sector in order to ensure dynamic, effective and successful leadership.

    9. Analysing global trends in the sector and acquiring the perspectives and strategies required to become ethical leaders of global tourism organizations.

    Course Contents:

    Ostelea’s Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA is divided into 5 modules:

    • Operational Management in Hospitality and Tourism
    • Marketing and Commercial Management
    • Strategic Management of tourism companies
    • Elective Courses
    • Master’s Thesis

    Each of these modules is comprised of several courses covering the following topics:

    Global Environment and Markets.

    • Socio-economic context and the tourism industry
    • Tourism marketing and sales in global settings

    Human Resources Management.

    • Talent management in hospitality
    • Executive skills for hospitality organizations

    International Company Management.

    • Financial Management
    • Management of ICTs and virtual business in hospitality
    • Risk identification, management and prevention for hospitality

    Company internationalization.

    • Strategic global management in hospitality
    • Company internationalization

    Master’s Thesis

    Intensification seminar.

    • Accommodation management and Revenue & Yield Management
    • Strategic Food & Beverage Management
    • Leisure & Sports Management
    • Competitiveness and innovation in hospitality
    • Operations in hospitality

    Admissión Process and Degree:

    The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure the suitability of the candidates for the programme, by looking at their professional experience and their academic CV.

    Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

    In order to start the admissions process, it is necessary to fill in the form so that EAE Academic Committee can consider their application. If the decision issued by the Academic Committee for the programme requested is positive, the candidate can complete his or her registration for the programme.


    Participants who successfully complete the programme at the Barcelona campus will receive a TRIPLE QUALIFICATION:

    • The qualification of Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA from Ostelea, School of Tourism & Hospitality.
    • The qualification of Hospitality and Tourism Management MBA from EAE Business School.
    • The qualification from the Universitat de Lleida.

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