International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy

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Carlos Gómez

Carlos Gómez

International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy se llevará a cabo en modalidad Specialized - Online.
  • Número de horas
    Se programó para que tenga duración de 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial
    Tras cumplir los requisitos administrativos y académicos, recibes el título de Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy.
  • Valoración del programa
    Si buscas formarte de manera avanzada con el International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy, haz escogido la opción correcta para que potenciar tu perfil profesional, en una especialidad de gestión en divisiones y organizaciones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad, al mismo tiempo, podrás desarrollar desde tus conocimientos el área económica y financiera de cualquier negocio. Estarás acompañado de docentes altamente capacitados en un ambiente adecuado para el aprendizaje.
  • Dirigido a
    Podrán integrar este Máster, profesionales que tengan del área de Contaduría, Finanzas o Administración.
  • Empleabilidad
    Una vez que te recibas, tendrás la posibilidad de ejercer como especialista en Economía Sostenible, ocupando cargos relacionados en organizaciones públicas o privadas.

Comentarios sobre International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management.

    The Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management aims to prepare professionals and companies to understand the benefits of circular Bio Economy and contribute directly to it by transforming existing businesses, creating sustainable products, and setting sustainable development goals.

    Formula International
    Method On Campus / Online
    Language English

    International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management Overview :

    Participants will equip themselves, firstly, with general core knowledge in management, then will specialize in Sustainability Management and Circular Bioeconomy.

    Specifically, participants will learning how to  re-think their businesses, how to create value, understand principles and benefits of sustainability management and circular bioeconomy, the physical dimensions of sustainability, the scope of smart cities, renewable energy, as well as will provide participants will all the key information in order to understand and apply for fund-raising (‘for the Just Transition Mechanism’) of the European Commission valuable project ‘’A European Green Deal’’.

    Learning Outcomes:

        Research and evaluate the ethical implications of contemporary global risks exist in the current models of production, consumption, and business activity. Provide theoretical tools to understand how to growing an environmental and sustainable society, and impose a paradigm shift, led by the change-makers, the Green Transition.
        Learn how to govern sustainability and circular bio-economy from a strategic and managerial perspective.
        Develop extensive skills to set up a sustainability-oriented strategy, with particular reference to circular economy and energy management.
        Illustrate key themes that represent crucial opportunities and challenges regarding the circular economy’s ability to create a more sustainable society.
        Propose methods and practice to increase the circular and energy transition path.

    Shape your professional path through 4 pillars:

    Real link with companies
    An international network of companies’ partners to help young and senior professional in building their careers and RBS to create the better learning experience possible, thanks to Business Practice LAB, Company visits, in class exercises and exclusive lecturers.

    Rome Business School is proudly the most international business school in Italy, being able to immerse our students in a stimulating environment, thanks to our international faculty, our exclusive Bootcamps in Silicon Valley, Barcelona, Paris, Rome and Tuscany and mixed ethnicity in our classes.

    Professional Impact
    Our higher purpose is to build managers and leaders. For this reason, we’ve built our Masters around our student’s professional and personal growth, providing different service and experiences, just like our Career Service, multiple company meetings, Company Shadowing, Individual Coaching sessions and a soft skills program.

    Higher Purpose
    Following our motto, Better Managers for a Better World, an entire section of our Masters is fully dedicated to higher purpose in business, Corporate Social Responsibility and creation of a sustainable approach and mindset to business

    Why choose our International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy?

    Business in Action:

        Businsess Practice Lab CNR - Italian National Council for Research (CNR): Gain hands-on experience with anaerobic bio-digest executive planning and production of bio-gas and bio-methane; and will learn how to manage the production of plastic recycling.
        Capstone Project: Take on a real business challenge from one of our corporate partners.

    International Bootcamp:

    Think big and go global, choose among 4 continents and 7 International Bootcamps. Choose among the bootcamps in Silicon Valley (US), Paris, Rome, Tuscany, Barcelona, Nigeria, Qatar, London, China and have an immersive and stimulating experience, focused on the topics of the business world and network and learn from top company managers.
    Includes an Elective Course as an introduction to the preparation for E.G.E.

    Became a leading professional in the new era of the Energy System with the certification E.G.E. - Expert in Energy Management, in accordance with the UNI 11339:2009. ​ Students can choose as an elective course to get an introduction for preparation for the exam in line with the criteria established for getting the certification E.G.E Expert in Energy Management.

    Career Impact:

    +22% Salary Increase, after 1 year of completing the Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy
    Under the patronage of CNR & RES4Africa​

    The master is under the patronage of CNR and RES4 Africa who are active partners for the delivery of the master through: ​Content design​, Guest lectures and teaching, Business Practice lab, Company visits, Placement and Job opportunities ​


    Tailor your learning experience with the option to study either online through live-streamed lectures on our digital platform or on campus, giving you the freedom to choose the mode of learning that best suits your schedule and preferences

    International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management:

    The Master’s program delves into sustainability and the circular Bioeconomy industry, providing exposure to professionals and companies. It offers experiential activities, including visits to industry leaders, environmental project development for EU funds, practical labs with CNR, and business model restructuring. Students can also attend major fairs in Italy and collaborate on research papers with CNR and RBS students. This hands-on approach enhances their industry understanding and skills.

    Develop core managerial skills & sustainable development goals:

    During the first module of the International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management, students will learn notions of:

        Managerial Economics
        This module aims to prepare students by providing them with the essentials of entrepreneurship and business planning.
        Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
        With this module, the managerial skills required to understand a Business Plan and its structure will be developed.
        Business Strategy
        Through this module, students will know how to understand the long-term direction and strategy of a company, and will be able to identify the strategic business units of organizations.
        Accounting & Budgeting
        This module is aimed at students understanding the importance of financial management and control principles, with key indicators such as ROI, EBIT, GAAP.
        Project & Operations Management
        With this module, students will be able to manage projects, examine data and information, and have a diagnostic approach in solving problems.
        Marketing: Traditional and Digital
        Students will learn the application of marketing principles in organizational decision making.
        Human Resource Management
        This subject area focuses on strategic human resource issues such as workforce acquisition, development, motivation and retention.

    Implement Sustainable Strategies & Understand the Circular Bioeconomy and Evenrgy Management:

    During the second module, students will learn:

    1) Integrated Sustainability Management ​

        Historical Overview of Climate Change Science -towards the ecological transition: the upcoming scenarios 2030-2050 ​
        Geopolitics of Energy conflicts​
        Building Sustainable Organization and Business Model Canvas ​
        Sustainable Mobility and related Industry – New Trends ​

    2) Circular Bio Economy

        Circular Bio Economy, Food Waste & clean energy production ​
        Biodiversity Management
        Global Environmental Markets ​
        Fundraising and EU funding within the European
        Circular Economy Strategy ​

    3) Physical Dimesions of Sustainability​

        Urban Ecology and Smart Cities ​
        Sustainable Forestry & Water Resources ​
        Rural Transformation and smart agriculture ​
        International Environmental Law, Policies and Regulations

    4) Climate Change and Energy Transition Scenarios ​

        Energy Management (Core Principals and Systems) and Lifecycle Management of Energy​
        The Economics of Renewables and Energy Saving Technologies ​
        Roadmap for a jointly funded AU-EU Partnership on
        Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE)

    Build sustainable bioeconomy, manage technologies and become a socially responsible leader:

    During the third module, students will explore:

    5) Integration of Renewable Energy (RE): Technologies and Business Models ​

        Renewable Energy Technologies: towards zero carbon society ​
        Sustainability and Innovation in RE technology ​
        RE and energy transition in Africa and developing countries ​
        The Water food Energy Nexus: from integrated approaches to innovative buisness models ​

    ​6) Exploring the Future of the Bio-Economy​

        Towards Sustainable Bio-Based Economy and society (case studies and best practices) ​
        Innovation and Sustainability in biomass energy production ​
        Smart Mobility
        Business Ethics and CSR

    Rome Business School International Bootcamps experiences:

    There’s the opportunity to experience an intensive and fully immersive business experience during a week, facing challenges, dealing with managers, students and lecturers, and creating your own project that will be presented at the end of the Bootcamp Experience.


    Highly qualified international university professors, trainers, and business managers who come from a range of operational and professional fields—from merchandiser to lawyer, from entrepreneurship to coach and speaker—hold the Rome Business School’s International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy Management degree. The educational strategy aims to provide students with the knowledge and abilities that the market currently demands.

    Career and Entrepreneurship Services:

    Throughout your International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bio Economy, you will be accompanied and supported by our Career Services team. With over 10 years’ experience in education, we help young talents and managers to build their future, guiding them along the path that best suits their capabilities, desires and professional goals.  

    To give our students the best support in achieving their professional objectives, we’ve structured our Career Service into two core areas: 

    Occupational Pathways:

    The Occupational Pathways will help you develop the knowledge, market insights and tools that you need to pursue a successful career in a specific industry. You will benefit from valuable connections with top companies and recruiters. 

    Entrepreneurial Pathways:

    Are you planning to start up your own business or dreaming about becoming the fresh and innovative driving force within an organization? We will equip you with skills and knowledge to discover, test and improve your entrepreneurial skills, develop a business idea and finally launch your own business.

    The master is particularly suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the following roles:

        Urban Planner
        Energy Manager
        Project Managers in Sustainability, Renewable Energy & Climate Change
        Consulting firms; International organizations and NGOs.
        Policy Analyst
        Consultant for Environmental Issues
        Sustainability Advisor
        Director of NGO
        Circular Economy Manager
        Green Business Entrepreneur/Innovator
        Sustainability Manager

    The salary of our students after the completion of our International Master in Sustainability and Circular Bioeconomy  increased by an average of 15,7%


    Based on their personal profile, experience and proven motivation, the candidate may be awarded a scholarship to partially cover the participation fee. In fact, Rome Business School offers the most deserving candidates the opportunity to benefit from 7 different types of scholarships. These partial economic hedges can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing.

        Early Enrollment Incentive
        Lifelong Learning Scholarship
        Academic Excellence Scholarship
        Executive Women Scholarship
        Entrepreneurial Grant
        Better Managers for a Better World Scholarship
        Student Loan Assistance Grant

    Competition for scholarships increases as the starting date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible.

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