Master in International Law and Compliance

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Carlos Gómez

Carlos Gómez

Master in International Law and Compliance

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad del Master in International Law and Compliance es Specialized - Online.
  • Número de horas
    Según la planificación de Rome Business School el curso durará 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial
    El título que recibirás es de Master in International Law and Compliance.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Master in International Law and Compliance, te brindará los principios, conceptos avanzados y casos prácticos relacionados al Derecho Internacional. Para que desde el ámbito legal, puedas gestionar en cualquier empresa que haga transacciones en el extranjero. El plan de estudios es totalmente vanguardista, aplicado por docentes expertos en asuntos legales, documentación, procesos internacionales y gestión aduanera.
  • Dirigido a
    Está hecho para que accedan profesionales del área de Derecho. Debes saber que el dominio de inglés avanzado es requisito obligatorio.
  • Empleabilidad
    Las posibilidades de empleo son amplias, además tendrás la posibilidad de ejercer dentro o fuera de México.

Comentarios sobre Master in International Law and Compliance - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    Master in International Law and Compliance.

    The Rome Business School’s Master in International Law and Compliance in English, is structured to enable participants to acquire skills and training to respond to the needs of the current international business landscape, international law and work scenario.

    FORMULA: Specialized - Online
    LANGUAGE: English

    Master in International Law and Compliance’s Overview.

    The Specialized Master in International Law and Compliance of Rome Business School is designed to enable participants to acquire skills and training to respond to the needs of the current international business landscape, international law and work scenario. Participants will learn the importance and benefits of international law, especially when managing international business, as it is important to interpret law according to the country and its impact on commercial activities.

    Rome Business School is a member of Planeta Formación y Universidades, an international network created in 2003 by the De Agostini and group Planeta that embodies a strong commitment from both companies, university education and vocational and lifelong training.

    Shape your professional path through 4 pillars:

    Real link with companies
    An international network of companies partners to help young and senior professional in building their careers and RBS to create the better learning experience possible, thanks to Business Practice LAB, Company visits, in class exercises and exclusive lecturers

    Rome Business School is proudly the most international business school in Italy, being able to immerse our students in a stimulating environment, thanks to our international faculty, our exclusive Bootcamps in Silicon Valley, Barcellona, Paris, Rome and Tuscany and mixed ethnicity in our classes

    Professional Impact
    Our higher purpose is to build managers and leaders. For this reason we’ve built our Masters around our student’s professional and personal growth, providing different service and experiences, just like our Career Service, multiple company meetings, Company Shadowing, Individual Coaching sessions and a soft skills program.

    Higher Purpose
    Following our motto, Better Managers for a Better World, an entire section of our Masters is fully dedicated to higher purpose in business, Corporate Social Responsibility and creation of a sustainable approach and mindset to business.

    Why choose our Specialized Master in International Law and Compliance?.

    Practice Lab.

    Where students have the opportunity to put theory into practice and working on a real financial business case. All labs are run by managers from national and international companies, who teach participants how to prepare and present real company cases. 

    - Salary Increase.
    After the completition of the Master, our student get on average a +24% salary increase, thanks to:

    Independence and decision making; 91% have increased both.
    Responsibilities: 84% of students have gained more responsibilities in their current job.

    - Global Experience.
    International Bootcamp in Silicon Valley, Barcelona, Paris, Rome and Tuscany.

    In 2022 RBS has decided to upgrade the Bootcamps offer, adding 3 more international experience, in which students will experience an intensive and fully immersive business experience, meeting international managers and developing new bonds with foreign students.


    Structured and divided in two main pillars

    Dare to think differently. Dare to act innovatively.

    A 5-step structure is built to help you discover how to organize, chose and bring to life your business idea

    - Career Accelerator Program.
    Explore, Build, Engage, Act, Evolve

    An entire team of professionals provides our attendants with a personalized Career Path specifically designed to shape his or her own professional profile in order to become a competitive figure in nowadays’ job market.

    International Law and Compliance: The Master Program Structure.

    The Specialized Master in Law and Compliance will strengthen the students’ competences and enable them to take on responsibilities in the Legal and Compliance areas of any company.

    Be aware.
    Mind-Opening & Knowledge Management Setting 
    25% Program 

    Core Management Competences 

    Marketing: Traditional & Digital   ​ 
    Project & Operations Management ​ 
    Managerial Economics​ 
    Accounting and Budgeting ​ 
    Entrepreneurship and Business Planning ​ 
    Business Strategy​ 
    Human Resources Management  

    Focusing and specializing 
    60% Program 

    International Legal Frameworks and Systems.

    Business Internationalization and Law
    Global Legal Frameworks and Systems
    International Economy
    International Capital Markets: Law and Institutions
     International Law

    International Trade Law.

    Public International Law and EU Law
    International Economics Law
    Private International Law, Contracts and Employment Issues
    Corporate Law and Markets
    Law and Capital Markets
    International Finance Law and Financial Regulation
    International Investment Law
    International Merger Control
    Global Corporate Compliance
    Compliance Industries
    Environmental Compliance
    International Trade Compliance, Antitrust and Completion Law

    Being an innovative and responsible leader 
    15% Program

    Tech for Law

    Developing Smart Contracts
    Legal Tech and Legal

    Better Managers for a Better World

    Sustainable Development Law:
    Practices and Prospects
    Corporate Social Responsibility

    Leadership Program.

    Soft skills are personal attributes that can affect relationships, communication, and interaction with others, which are crucial for business success and effective leadership in the high-tech world and digital transformation in which we live. None of the new technology and innovation can be applied without proper leadership. The Leadership Program is a path towards self-discovery, empowerment and reinvention, enabling participants to become leaders of the future. The program is practice-based, consisting of 5 interactive courses, including a self-assessment test, role plays and quizzes. 

    Communication & Persuasion in the Digital Age.
    High-Performance Collaboration 
    Agile Leadership. 
    Scenario & Forecasting 
    Emotional Intelligence.

    Business Practice.

    Practice Lab | In partnership with Heineken. 

    Rome Business School Practice Lab is the place where theoretical concepts are put in practice and participants learn through experience. The Lab is run by managers from leading national or international companies in the sector/industry, who will examine different specialist knowledge, work on exercises and network, while sharing their experience and expertise with the students. The Lab is entirely run by the School’s Partner Companies and the activities included are specific for each Master program and goal.  

    The Practice Lab consists of 3 main phases:

    Phase 1 | Manager Meet-Ups

    Students meet two managers from the Partner Company, from different areas or divisions, such as finance and marketing, who share their experience of their day-to-day work and business, with a specific and relevant focus for the Master.

    Phase 2 | Hands-on Class

    Students gain first-hand insight from the direct experience of company managers, enhancing the knowledge and skillset acquired on the Master. They will analyze, assess, create and develop, a certain plan or strategy given by the company in relation to what they have studied in class and the company’s business operations.

    Phase 3 | Get on Task

    The company managers present two in-class business scenarios (business cases), so that, by implementing the concepts learned, the students find solutions and create strategies. At the end of the class, they orally present the final results and ideas.

    Capstone Project.

    At the end of your educational experience, you will have the chance to prove your abilities by tackling a real business challenge. Use your talent to identify opportunities and create a truly innovative strategy.

    Work on one of two real Business Challenges of a specific company. Choose between a Business Plan, or a Big Data plan. 

    The Structure.

    To create your final project, follow the Ready, Set, Go Structure

    Stage 1: Team Creation
    Stage 2: Capstone Project – Kick Off

    Stage 3: Project Proposal, followed by two Mentoring Sessions

    Stage 4: Knowledge in Action
    Stage 5: Capstone Project Presentation

    Rome Business School International Bootcamps experiences.

    During the full week you will experience an intensive and fully immersive business experience, facing challenges, dealing with managers, students and lecturers, and creating your own project that will be presented at the end of the Bootcamp Experience

    - Silicon Valley – “Silicon Valley Bootcamp” to open your mind 360°
    - Paris – ESLSCA | “Bootcamp: When Art meets Fashion and Luxury”
    - Barcelona – EAE Business School | “Bootcamp on Entrepreneurship & Design Sprint”
    - Rome – Rome Business School | “Bootcamp on International Business Leadership”
    - Tuscany – Castle Volognano | “Bootcamp on Tourism, Food, Wine & Experiential Luxury”

    Your Mentors.

    An International Leading Team | CAB.

    The Corporate Advisory Board embodies the spirit of collaboration between the academic world and the real management sphere by becoming one of the key players in the Quality Assurance Process, the process of continuous improvement of the Rome Business School’s range of Management Training programs. 

    Composed of 70 Leaders, Managers and Professionals from key areas of National and International Businesses, through the Corporate Advisory Board, Rome Business School activates a process of continuously updating its training programs, relying on numerous business interactions and inputs provided by the members of the committee in the annual meetings and discussions with the school. 


    Rome Business School’s Master International Law and Compliance are held by highly selected international university professors, trainers, and business managers, drawn from a variety of operational and professional fields. The teaching approach is aimed at the acquisition of know-how, in order to transfer truly useful competencies for the attendees’ professional development.

    Career and Entrepreneurship Services.

    Throughout your Master in Data Science, you will be accompanied and supported by our Career Services team. With over 10 years experience in education, we help young talents and managers to build their future, guiding them along the path that best suits their capabilities, desires and professional goals. 

    In particular, according to the most recent statistics: 

    - 92% have received new employment offers 
    - 74% of our students manage to increase their salary after completing their Master 
    - 46% of our students are employed before completing their Master program 
    - 73% of our students get a job within 6 months of finishing their Master program 
    - 84% of our students increase their professional responsibilities after doing the Master 

    To give our students the best support achieving their professional objectives, we’ve structured our Career Service into two core areas: 

    - Career Acceleration Program

    The Career Acceleration Program will help you develop the knowledge, market insights, and tools that you need to pursue a successful career in a specific industry. You will benefit from valuable connections with top companies and recruiters.  

    - RBS4Entrepreneurship

    We focus on your entrepreneurial side.  Are you planning to start up your own business or dreaming about becoming the fresh and innovative driving force within an organization? We will equip you with skills and knowledge to discover, test and improve your entrepreneurial skills, develop a business idea and finally launch your own business.

    The master is particularly suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the following roles: 

    Representatives of funding bodies
    Legal Specialist
    Policy Advisor/Consultant on International Law
    Consultancy and Auditing Firm Manager
    Project Manager in the area of International Law/Corporate Law
    Corporate Lawyers
    Internal Auditing Officer
    Risk Manager and Compliance Officer
    Members of Control Bodies Consultancy


    The Campus.

    Innovative technology.

    We use innovative technologies in our classrooms to enrich the overall educational experience and improve student learning outcomes on campus and online. The platforms and technologies in use have a profound impact on student learning.

    All classrooms are networked and feature SMART Board technology:

    Professional audio mixers and microphones in each class, required for the interaction of students in the classroom simultaneously with students online.
    High-resolution webcam inside the classrooms connected to the platform and the big pad, so that online students see the teacher and them on campus colleagues remotely.
    Wireless access that allows students to be connected wherever they are
    Computers and laptops for students available in the school library.

    A Historical Heritage.

    The building, designed by Achille Zinnari, was built for the 1911 Universal Exhibition.

    In that occasion, an Exposition celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Unification of Italy was also organized in Rome, and a national architecture competition was launched for the construction of ten villas. Among these, the Villino Avenali, now the Rome Business School campus.

    Networking and partners
    Rome Business School has established solid partnerships with several world-renowned leading companies, such as Enel, Fendi, Bulgari, Eataly, IBM Italia, Land Rover, and many others. To ensure that our students can build a strong professional network, we constantly organize guest meetings, visits, events, and lectures with representatives of elite business ecosystems, encouraging interaction between leading professionals and students, and facilitating the process learning.

    Multicultural classes
    Thanks to the school’s purely international mold, students will have the opportunity to take part in classes with students from more than 150 countries. This will allow participants to increase their knowledge of other cultures other than their own.

    Student Hub
    Every year we welcome students from all over the world: from cities and small towns, of all cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Rome Business School enhances the experience of students, supporting them in obtaining visas and identifying accommodation, creating opportunities for learning, involvement, personal and cultural development that go well beyond the lessons.

    Our students will be able to participate in various activities: visits out of town, Coffee Meetings with the CEOs of prestigious multinational companies, company visits or simple events designed to promote socialization and intercultural exchange which has always been the central point of our school.

    Admission process.

    Rome Business School works hard to maintain the highest standard of quality in the programs we offer. That’s why, in order to ensure the eligibility of the candidates, all applicants must undergo and successfully pass a selection process structured as follows:

    The admission process is aimed to verify the candidate’s eligibility to attend the Master. The candidate’s academic history, previous experiences in the topics covered in the Master and motivation will be matters of the evaluation. Once it’s sent, the application will be evaluated by the Rome Business School’s academic committee. In order to ensure the application’s suitability, it is important to deliver all of the required documentation.


    Based on their personal profile, experience and proven motivation, the candidate may be awarded a scholarship to partially cover the participation fee. In fact, Rome Business School offers the most deserving candidates the opportunity to benefit from 7 different types of scholarships. These partial economic hedges can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing. 

    Early Enrollment Incentive 
    Lifelong Learning Scholarship 
    Academic Excellence Scholarship 
    Executive Women Scholarship 
    Entrepreneurial Grant 
    Better Managers for a Better World Scholarship 
    Student Loan Assistance Grant 

    Competition for scholarships increases as the starting date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible.

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