Master in Finance

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Master in Finance

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Master in Finance se imparte de manera Presencial en Madrid.
  • Número de horas
    La duración del Máster es de 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al finalizar el programa, EAE Business School otorga titulación oficial a los alumnos que finalicen sus estudios.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Master in Finance es un programa de posgrado que proporciona una formación avanzada en diversas áreas de las finanzas, como análisis financiero, gestión de inversiones, banca de inversión, gestión de riesgos, valoración de empresas, finanzas corporativas, entre otros. Ofrece una combinación de teoría financiera y aplicaciones prácticas a través de casos de estudio, proyectos y pasantías. Además, brinda las habilidades analíticas, técnicas y de liderazgo necesarias para enfrentar los desafíos del mundo financiero actual.
  • Dirigido a
    El Master in Finance está diseñado para aquellos que buscan carreras en el mundo de las finanzas, como analistas financieros, gestores de cartera, banqueros de inversión, consultores financieros, entre otros.
  • Empleabilidad
    Las salidas laborales para quienes completen el Máster son Analista Financiero, Gestor de Inversiones, Banquero de Inversión, Gestor de Riesgos Financieros, Finanzas Corporativas y Consultor Financiero.

Comentarios sobre Master in Finance - Presencial - Madrid - España

  • Contenido
    Master in Finance.

    Formato: Full Time
    Modalidad: On campus
    Duración / Créditos: 12 months / 94 ECTS
    Idioma: English
    Campus: MAD


    The Master in Finance is the one-year full-time program that equips young professionals with the latest knowledge of finance, the different specialities and the leadership skills required to succeed in the financial sector.  

    The Master in Finance has been designed for recent graduates or professionals with up to four years’ experience who want to expand their knowledge of finance or refocus their career towards the area, at a business school with a strong international mindset.  

    The program equips you to tackle economic changes with the skill and anticipation required by the current socioeconomic paradigm. After completing the Master in Finance. You will have the opportunity to transform into a finance professional who is flexible, involved in the strategic management of the company, able to interact with all the departments in an organization and proficient at optimizing the decision-making process in a changing economic and financial environment. 

    The program is offered in both our Madrid campus and Barcelona campus with two intakes. EAE’s finance area boasts a faculty of great financial professionals and offers you the opportunity to meet industry leaders through our school’s tight connections to the business world. Additionally, each year the program hosts students from over 30 nationalities and different academic backgrounds for a truly rewarding experience. 

    We keep moving forward

    The need for training is a constant when the world we live in is uncertain. In response to this new reality, we have developed protocols and methodologies that enable our students to continue getting a quality education and developing professionally at our Madrid/Barcelona campuses, in a virtual in-person or Hybrid format, or from anywhere in the world. Our community is committed to ensuring the education, wellbeing and safety of all our members.

    The Reasons Why
    To choose the Master in Finance.
    We could give you loads more. We might mention key benefits such as employability, revitalizing your career, enhancing your visibility, and so on. But here is a list of specific reasons that explain why taking this Master is a safe bet:

    Strategy and Leadership.
    The perfect combination to give your professional progress a boost. The program covers the whole world of finance with a strong emphasis on strategic vision and developing leadership skills.

    International Vision.
    The Master in Finance gives you a global overview of the whole financial cycle from an executive perspective. You will learn to think in financial terms. In addition, as it is an intensive one-year program in a full-time format, you will interact with to a diverse community that will enhance your professional and personal development.  

    Close Ties with the Business World.
    The syllabus has been designed in collaboration with professionals from leading companies, such as Unilever, Sony, Mango, Nissan, Heineken, Endesa and La Caixa, to ensure that it meets the latest needs of the business world.

    Boost your Entrepreneurial Side.
    Our learning methodology enhances your entrepreneurial abilities and skills, which are essential for successfully tackling professional challenges. Moreover, students with an entrepreneurial drive have access to EAE Lab, a business incubator that provides the training, financing and guidance need to get a business venture up and running. 

    As well as networking with your classmates from all over the world and other members of the EAE community, on the Master in Finance get ready to mix with professionals from top companies such as Google, Vodafone, Accenture, Intel and Cepsa, to name just a few.  


    The Master in Finance gives you a solid preparation, combining two great fields of finance: Consultancy and Management. Throughout the program, you will lay the groundwork of a financial profile, gaining in-depth insight into the ethical and mathematical foundations, as well as market analysis. Moreover, you will acquire the skills required for financial consultancy, with a sound knowledge of the different financial products and the key factors in building powerful portfolios for clients. In addition, you will develop soft skills, such as negotiation, and decision-making for investment and financing, as well as consolidating your executive skills.  

    An intensive program in a multicultural setting, based on a dynamic and participative methodology, which will boost your career and pave the way to your future in the world of finance.

    What will you learn?.  

    FINANCIAL MARKETS & INSTRUMENTS: You will discover how the financial system works, as well as the main features of products. You will learn about the type, function and organization of products, as well as the assets on the markets. You will also study the problems involved in decisionmaking with respect to investment and, in particular, the valuation and selection of financial assets, as well as the efficient management of financial investment portfolios. 

    FINANCIAL ADVICE AND PLANNING: You will learn to manage timings, lead a team, manage situations of conflict, prepare and lead meetings, and communicate in public. You will acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the whole range of financial products, particularly with respect to the great variety of investment funds and other mutual fund institutions, with an extensive foundation of technical knowledge that will enable you to make an effective selection of the most suitable investments for each kind of client. Three Territories to conquer  

    STRATEGIC VISION: Gaining a strategic vision of finance and how to align it with the company’s overall strategy. 

    FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: Gaining a command of the techniques, instruments and tools used in the management of company finances. 

    EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP: Developing the competences required to make financial decisions in line with the company’s strategic goals. Leading from the perspective of a financial advisor. 



    Having a strategic vision of finance, as well as its position with respect to the overall strategy of the company.


    Being equipped to make financial decisions that are aligned with the company’s strategic objectives.


    Gaining a command of the different techniques, instruments and tools used in the management of company finances.


    Developing the essential competences and skills to be able to lead a modern company successfully from the perspective of the role of  the Financial Advisor.

    Course Content.



    Module 1 - Financial Markets & Instruments.

    - Ethical and financial foundations - 6 ECTS
    - Global macroeconomic analysis and financial markets - 6 ECTS
    - Fixed-income markets - 6 ECTS
    -Stock markets - 6 ECTS
    - Derivative instruments - 6 ECTS

    Module 2 - Financial Advise and Planning.

    - Financial products - 6 ECTS
    - Assets Management - 6 ECTS
    - Financial advice and planning - 6 ECTS

    Module 3 - Diagnostics, Planning and Control.

    - Financial statement analysis - 3 ECTS
    - Financial control & planning. Balanced Scorecard - 4 ECTS

    Module 4 - Corporate Finance.

    - Financial and investment decisions - 6 ECTS
    - Company valuation - 3 ECTS

    Module 5 - International Management.

    - International tax planning - 2 ECTS
    - Blockchain tecnology based instruments - 3 ECTS
    - Other OTC financial instruments - 3 ECTS

    Module 6 - Cash & Credit Management.

    - Cash & Credit Management - 3 ECTS

    Module 7 - Minor.

    - Minor- 10 ECTS

    Module 8 - Internship.

    - External Internship- 6 ECTS

    Module 9 - Thesis.

    - Master´s Thesis- 6 ECTS

    Choosing EAE enhances your future.
    At EAE, we train professionals with the profiles in the highest demand from companies and the competences required in the employment market. The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you with our Master in Finance.

    Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
    Director of Administration and Finance
    Economic Director
    Financial Director
    Treasury Manager
    Fintech Expert

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