Master in Fashion and Design Management

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Master in Fashion and Design Management

  • Modalidad de impartición
    Este máster debe cursarse de forma presencial.
  • Número de horas
    La duración de este programa académico es de 12 meses
  • Titulación oficial
    El Rome Business School ofrece el título oficial al completarse el curso.
  • Valoración del programa
    El plan de estudios diseñado por el Rome Business School para el Máster in Fashion & Design busca adiestrar a los estudiantes con las herramientas necesarias para desenvolverse en el mundo de la moda con una visión actualizada de las exigencias internacionales. El programa apunta a que los alumnos desarrollen habilidades en las tácticas de negocios, comunicación estratégica, economía, marketing y gerencia de empresas de moda.
  • Dirigido a
    Va dirigido a profesionales que deseen formarse en el mundo de la moda.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados podrán ejercer cargos directivos en empresas dedicada al negocio de la moda.

Comentarios sobre Master in Fashion and Design Management - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    Master in Fashion and Design Management.

    The program is structured to provide training that will allow young graduates from all backgrounds to work in the fashion sector and related sectors such as product management, visual merchandising, branding, shop and shop management, communication and sales, e- commerce, branding etc. As an added value, we offer a transversal skills program that will allow participants to develop personally and professionally. The Master is designed for all those who are emerging for the first time in the world of fashion and design management and are looking to gain knowledge with their structured international environment and be ready for the fashion market. The students interested in participating in this master are generally: 

    • Recent graduates without previous work experience 
    • Junior employees positioned in other industries 
    • Recent graduates of any background (psychology, philosophy, economics, etc.)


    The Rome Business School's Master in Fashion and Design Management, recognized globally by the Ranking Eduniversal 2019 as one of the best in the world, is the ideal choice for all those who wish to develop solid management skills in order to work in the fashion management sector and design and become a fashion and design specialist, trend researcher, fashion communicator, brand specialist in the international job market. Participants will benefit and value by studying the concept of ""Made in Italy"", the tradition of Italian fashion and Italian style. We offer world-class interactive and engaging participant-centered training, international internships, professional and networking opportunities on a global scale. The Master uses, in class, high quality practical exercises in a real design studio and lessons held by experts from the world of fashion. This master provides the 4 keys to success in the fashion and design management sector: long-term creative vision, business model, design management and communication.

    Thanks to this master, we offer: 

    1. Multicultural classes: students from over 150 countries.

    2. International career services

    3. International period - Optional 
    Option 1: in Barcelona at EAE Business School. (1200 + VAT) 
    Option 2: in Rome at the Rome Business School (1200 + VAT) 
    Optional 3: In New York Bootcamp - Innovation and value creation (2500 + VAT).

    4. Employment rate of 96%. Some of the companies involved where our students were placed: Adecco, AdSala, Amplifon, Brembo, World Food Program, Nova Talent, Bioversity International, Eataly, Groupama Assicurazioni, Radisson Hotel Group, Spot ofminds, Vueling Airlines, Yellow Square, Italconsult Spa , Kelly Services, Dress X Success, Manpower Group, Jaguar and Land Rover, Atrain, Mercer, Tateossian.

    5. Real-life experience: company visits and guest speakers from the best companies. 4 Company visits to companies such as: FENDI, VALENTINO, BULGARI, ZALANDO, PUMA

    6. Italian language course: 30 hours 

    7. Soft Skill Program 

    8. Cultural program 

    9. Session on research methods for companies

    10. Social life 

    11. Discussions and Meetups


    Our programs are characterized by the respect of the highest quality standards: in fact, four of our masters have been officially recognized by the Ranking Eduniversal 2019 as among the best globally. In addition, students who successfully complete the program will receive a double diploma: the diploma of achievement of the Master Rome Business School and the certification by the Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), which provides 60 internationally recognized ECTS credits.


    This program is ideal for: 


    • Becoming a leader in the sector by developing and combining different skills such as: creativity, managerial skills, mentality and spirit to be able to create and provide values ​​of different fashion products, start a new business or operate in the fashion and design sector 
    • Managerial skills required to be an effective brand specialist, product developer, trend researcher, specialist in fashion design, start high in the fashion sector fashion and design by developing a business plan and business strategies c they incorporate several important segments such as: marketing, human resources, finance, communication and branding strategies etc. 


    • Acquire an in-depth overview of the opportunities in the market and in the culture of Italian fashion 
    • Being able to make a sustainable production of fashion and design considering and knowing all different labels of fashion, the law of fashion and all legal aspects 


    • Identify and manage sustainably the various types of fashion products in clothing, accessories, jewelry, clothing home and aesthetic beauties 
    • Understanding the importance of fabric, production and logistics 
    • Tobacco manage a fashion collection and enhanceaual merchandising 
    • Tounderstand the fashion design sign tecniques and the workinstensentent and tobeableto managementit 
    • To analyze and understand innovative technologies in the fashion and design sector , in the textile industry. materials and distribution opportunities, as well as social environmental responsibility and the impact of globalization on fashion and design 


    • Use brand monitoring tools suitable for working constantly on the constant improvement of the history of fashion and design and reputation 
    • Analyzing and integrating various fashion and design system strategies relating to marketing, visual branding and creative direction, communication, holistic marketing, positioning and digital trends in the sector. Furthermore, at the end of the program, the creation of a FASHION MANAGEMENT PLAN is envisaged, which consists of a group project with the aim of developing a fashion management plan that will achieve an objective of an existing or fictitious company. All teams are led from the initial stage of the project.

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