International Master in Data Science

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Agustin González

Agustin González

International Master in Data Science

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El modo de enseñanza del International Master in Data Science es presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar el tiempo de duración con el centro.
  • Titulación oficial
    Rome Business School entregará una titulación oficial al graduado garantizando sus estudios en el máster.
  • Valoración del programa
    En el International Master in Data Science el alumno se especializará en los conocimientos y estrategias de análisis y medición de la Big Data. Se formará en temas como inteligencia de negocios, modelos predictivos, analíticas de datos y estadísticas. Se formará en el uso del software y la tecnología necesaria para administrar el uso eficiente de la información, mejorar su seguridad y llevar al éxito en los negocios. El programa se dicta en idioma inglés.
  • Dirigido a
    Este programa va dirigido a profesionales y titulados universitarios que deseen especializarse en big data o ciencia de datos, de distintas áreas o profesiones.
  • Empleabilidad
    Un egresado de este programa podrá trabajar como analista de big data, consultor en temas de analítica web, como investigador de mercados y en posiciones que requieran especialización en ciencia de datos.

Comentarios sobre International Master in Data Science - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    International Master in Data Science.

    The master programme focuses on applying the principles of data science to solve real-world business problems. Students learn to identify data-related challenges and opportunities within their organisations and develop strategies for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed decisions.

    Formula International 
    Method: On Campus
    Language: English

    International Master in Data Science Overview:

    Participants with no background in data science can follow several introductory courses that will prepare them to enter the world of Data Science. This Master in Data Science is very multidisciplinary and structured so that participants first develop basic managerial skills and then specialize and use scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems (unifying statistics, data analysis, machine learning) to extract knowledge and insights from data with the purpose of making business decisions.

    Learning Outcomes:

        Identify the valuable data and extract value from data, with the highest valuable insights for the business.
        Implement more efficient and productive processes related to data analysis, also through the cutting-edge technologies in Data Management.
        Effectively use Advanced Analytics solutions, not only for data analysis but also for presenting valuable insights to business departments.
        Be aware of the legal aspects and implications of Data Management (e.g., Ethics, Privacy, Data Protection, Security, Intellectual Property, etc.).
        Significantly Contribute to the definition of business strategies, from a data-driven perspective.

    Shape your professional path through 4 pillars:

    Real link with companies
    An international network of companies’ partners to help young and senior professional in building their careers and RBS to create the better learning experience possible, thanks to Business Practice LAB, Company visits, in class exercises and exclusive lecturers.

    Rome Business School is proudly the most international business school in Italy, being able to immerse our students in a stimulating environment, thanks to our international faculty, our exclusive Bootcamps in Silicon Valley, Barcelona, Paris, Rome and Tuscany and mixed ethnicity in our classes.

    Professional Impact
    Our higher purpose is to build managers and leaders. For this reason, we’ve built our Masters around our student’s professional and personal growth, providing different service and experiences, just like our Career Service, multiple company meetings, Company Shadowing, Individual Coaching sessions and a soft skills program.

    Higher Purpose
    Following our motto, Better Managers for a Better World, an entire section of our Masters is fully dedicated to higher purpose in business, Corporate Social Responsibility and creation of a sustainable approach and mindset to business.

    Why choose our International Master in Data Science:

    Career Impact
    +32% Salary Increase, after 1 year of completing the Master in Data Science. Over 41K€ on average after the completion of the Master in Data Science. They work in prestigious companies in the Data Science Sector such as: Oracle, NTT Data and Digital Angels.

    Think Big & Go Global
    International Bootcamps are thus an opportunity to expand knowledge, sharpen skills and develop an international perspective in the field of interest. Choose from 4 continents and 10 international Bootcamps in Rome, Tuscany, Paris, Barcelona, Nigeria, Qatar, China, London and Silicon Valley (USA), experience an engaging and stimulating experience focused on business topics.

    Practice Lab in partnership with TABLEAU:
    Powered by TABLEAU students practice with Tableau Desktop product on:

        Connecting to Data, Preparing Data, Exploring Data, Analyzing Data, Sharing Insights.
        Analysis of real case studies (i.e. how data-driven companies such as Amazon and The Gap use Big Data for developing their strategies).
        Practice on real datasets (i.e. Covid-19 pandemic geographical distribution, The Boston Housing dataset, The IRIS dataset, and many more).
        Work on Python.
        Get a solid knowledge on blockchain technology and how to apply it in Data Science (i.e. for Data Notarization).

    DASCA Accredited
    The Master is accredited by DASCA - Data Science Council of America. This allows students to turn to the DASCA Data Analyst certifications exams to boost their employability and career paths: you could choose SBDA™ or ABDA™.

    Hackahton Included
    A great opportunity, though a competition among students’ teams, to gain experience on new technologies and acquire new skills with Mongo DB.

    International Master in Data Science:

    Our Master’s program provides extensive exposure to businesses and industry professionals, creating multiple opportunities for interaction and learning. Throughout the course, company visits will be organized to allow students to directly engage with the business world. Additionally, participants will be involved in real business challenges presented by major companies like Oracle, Tableau, and innovative startups, giving them the opportunity to apply their skills and tackle real business situations.

    Develop managerial skills and data driven leadership for a business optimization & sustainability:

    During the first module of the International Master in Data Science students will learn notions of:

        Managerial Economics
        This module aims to prepare students by providing them with the essentials of entrepreneurship and business planning.
        Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
        With this module, the managerial skills required to understand a Business Plan and its structure will be developed.
        Business Strategy
        Through this module, students will know how to understand the long-term direction and strategy of a company, and will be able to identify the strategic business units of organizations.
        Accounting & Budgeting
        This module is aimed at students understanding the importance of financial management and control principles, with key indicators such as ROI, EBIT, GAAP.
        Project & Operations Management
        With this module, students will be able to manage projects, examine data and information, and have a diagnostic approach in solving problems.
        Marketing: Traditional and Digital
        Students will learn the application of marketing principles in organizational decision making.
        Human Resource Management
        This subject area focuses on strategic human resource issues such as workforce acquisition, development, motivation and retention.
        Data Analytics ​for Managers
        This course is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge needed to analyze and interpret large sets of data, to make effective business decisions and strategies.

    Develop problem solving skills while applying data science tools & information technologies solutions:

    During the second module, students will learn:

    1) Data-driven Strategy:

        Digital Transformation & Industry 4.0​
        Fundamentals of Data Science​
        Data-driven companies

    2) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning:

        Data Mining​
        Machine Learning / Deep Learning​
        Neural networks, LLM, and modern AI​
        Advanced and Predictive Analytics ​
        Text and Image Detection and Recognition​
        Natural Language Processing (NLP)​
        Cloud solutions

    3) Data Science Languages and Tools: 

        R and Python​
        Jupyter Notebook​
        Google Colaboratory​
        Libraries for Data Science

    4) Modern Data Architectures

        MongoDB and NoSQL technologies​
        Distributed Architectures​
        Apache: Hadoop, Hive, Impala, Spark​
        Elasticsearch, Apache Lucene​
        IoT Analytics and RT data analysis with
        Kafka and InfluxDB​
        Data Mesh

     Develop technological competences in the area of data science:

    During the third module, students will explore:

    5) Data Presentation, Communication & Evaluation  

        Data Management & Visualization
        Data Presentation (Tableau, Microsoft Power BI with M and DAX)
        Presentation Techniques
        Data Evaluation

    6) Data Governance 

        Data Management: Ethics, Intellectual Property, and Data Protection
        Data Quality
        Data Notarization (Blockchain)
        Agile Scrum Framework

    Why Electives?

    Future managers, business owners, and professionals who are prepared to take advantage of the advantages of digitalization, go global, and make a positive contribution to society are what Rome Business School seeks to develop.

        By focusing on in-demand skills, electives are the perfect tools for students to increase their employability. ​
        Students can become more competitive and carve out a niche for themselves with the help of electives.
        Students are exposed to courses in electives that they might not have otherwise experienced.
        A unique curriculum that promotes life and career skills is offered by electives. Six main areas of interest make up the organization of elective courses:
        ​Innovation & Growth
        Tech & Digitalization
        Industry Business Excellence
        International Business
        Preparation for Professional Certifications (DASCA)
        Global Electives with RBS School partners

    Practice Lab | In partnership with:

    Rome Business School Practice Lab is the place where theoretical concepts are put in practice and participants learn through experience. The Lab is run by TABLEAU managers who will examine different specialist knowledge, work on exercises and network, while sharing their experience and expertise with the students. This Lab is entirely run by TABLEAU managers with whom you will create strategy to guide customers through the customer’s journey of TABLEAU.

    Business in Action - Hands-on Lab:

    The Global Trends lab consists of 2 virtual sessions:

    Session 1: How to Find Sources to identify global trends. Deep dive into the global world trends shaping the world of today – guest speakers from UN, UNIDO, ILO. Examples of Global Trends: ​

        The Future of Work
        AI, Blockchain, and Technology
        The World in 2030 – Future Scenarios (UN, IMF, ECB)

    Session 2: Understand the impact of global trends on businesses, and explore ways in which businesses can adapt and transform based on future trends and forward-thinking strategies.

    Capstone Project:

    At the end of your educational experience, you will have the chance to prove your abilities by tackling a real business challenge. Use your talent to identify opportunities and create a truly innovative strategy.

    Tackle a real company challenge. You can choose to be part of a small team and design a Marketing plan for a new business or develop a strategy to increase online sales or create a loyalty offering for different generation.

    You will be given two case studies from two real companies that will allow you to test your knowledge learnt during the master’s course.

    Previous years’ experiences

    The Practical Challenge:

    Explore the spread of Data Mesh as a concept, to assess the related business and  identify the key elements for a marketing campaign, to sell Data Mesh as an architecture/product opportunities.

    Rome Business School International Bootcamps experiences:

    There’s the opportunity to experience an intensive and fully immersive business experience during a week, facing challenges, dealing with managers, students and lecturers, and creating your own project that will be presented at the end of the Bootcamp Experience


    Rome Business School’s Master in International Master in Data Science​ are held by highly selected international university professors, trainers and business managers, drawn from a variety of operational and professional fields, from merchandiser to lawyer, from entrepreneurship to coach and speaker.  The teaching approach is aimed at the acquisition of know-how, skills currently required by the market.

    Career and Entrepreneurship Services:

    Throughout your International Master in Data Science, you will be accompanied and supported by our Career Services team. With over 10 years’ experience in education, we help young talents and managers to build their future, guiding them along the path that best suits their capabilities, desires and professional goals.  

    To give our students the best support achieving their professional objectives, we’ve structured our Career Service into two core areas:

    Occupational Pathways
    The Occupational Pathways will help you develop the knowledge, market insights and tools that you need to pursue a successful career in a specific industry. You will benefit from valuable connections with top companies and recruiters. 
    marketing master student attending careers fair

    Entrepreneurial Pathways
    Are you planning to start up your own business or dreaming about becoming the fresh and innovative driving force within an organization? We will equip you with skills and knowledge to discover, test and improve your entrepreneurial skills, develop a business idea and finally launch your own business.
    project management master students attending career fair

    The master is particularly suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the following roles:

        Data Analyst
        Data Strategy Consultant
        Data Scientist
        Business Intelligence Expert
        Marketing Analyst/Researcher
        Data Architect
        Reporting Analyst​
        Big Data Analyst​
        Functional Analyst Consultant​
        Data Engineer


    Based on their personal profile, experience and proven motivation, the candidate may be awarded a scholarship to partially cover the participation fee. In fact, Rome Business School offers the most deserving candidates the opportunity to benefit from 7 different types of scholarships. These partial economic hedges can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing.

        Early Enrollment Incentive
        Lifelong Learning Scholarship
        Academic Excellence Scholarship
        Executive Women Scholarship
        Entrepreneurial Grant
        Better Managers for a Better World Scholarship
        Student Loan Assistance Grant

    Competition for scholarships increases as the starting date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible.

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