Master in Corporate Communication

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Agustin González

Agustin González

Master in Corporate Communication

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El modo de enseñanza de este máster es presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar duración con Rome Business School.
  • Titulación oficial
    Rome Business School le hará acreedor de una titulación oficial garantizando sus estudios.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Master in Corporate Communication es un programa online de Rome Business School que le brinda una completa visión del mundo de las comunicación corporativa e institucional. Lo prepara en técnicas que permitan incorporar las nuevas tecnologías y canales de comunicación, llevar adelante campañas exitosas, desarrollar el área de relaciones públicas, planificar estrategias relacionadas a la comunicación interna y externa, la prensa y la imagen corporativa.
  • Dirigido a
    Este programa va dirigido a profesionales universitarios que acrediten formación de grado en carreras afines a la comunicación.
  • Empleabilidad
    Podrá trabajar como en el área de comunicación institucional de una empresa, entidad académica, organismos público. También desempeñarse en departamentos de marketing, social media y branding.

Comentarios sobre Master in Corporate Communication - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido

    Master in Corporate Communication.

    Rome Business School's Master in Corporate Communication is designed to provide the student with a thorough and up to date knowledge of the political sciences and the most advanced and productive techniques in marketing, planning, communication, campaign running and analysis of every possible political scenery and situation.

    FORMULA: Specialized
    LANGUAGE: English

    The Specialized Master in Corporate Communication is designed to provide the managerial skills, industry knowledge and skills necessary to effectively and professionally manage communication and marketing processes through specialized techniques to improve corporate or political communication.

    Rome Business School guarantees a multidisciplinary experience oriented to an increasingly interconnected market: a guarantee of this, we boast belonging to the most ambitious group “Planeta Formación y Universidades”, an international network created in 2003 by De Agostini and the Planeta group , market leader in university and continuing professional education.

    Why choose our Specialized Master in Corporate Communication?

    60% of our students obtain a job offer within 6 months of the end of the master
    12% of our students found work with NGOs, in line with our “Better Managers for Better World” philosophy
    International Bootcamps in Rome and Barcelona: thanks to our Bootcamps you will have an immersive and stimulating experience, focused on the topics of the business world;
    Networking: we have more than 221 partners from the largest companies in the world market and, thanks to our workshops and company visits, students will have continuous opportunities and networking.

    Our Master in Corporate Communication successfully blends essential theoretical principles to have an international career with the most advanced modern techniques marked by a practical approach aimed at the digital market.

    Captstone Project:

    At the end of the course, a group project is envisaged that aims to develop a plan to solve a problem of an existing or fictitious company. All teams are led from the initial phase of the project. Upon completion of the Capstone project, students will be able to:

    - Think critically
    - Implement creative solutions and solve management problems
    - Apply and link theory with practice
    - Communicate and present business reports / ideas more effectively
    - Carry out commercial research and commercial analysis
    - Demonstrate collaborative leadership skills
    - Work effectively in a team
    - Communicate interculturally and compromise for a common goal
    - Set goals and implement projects effectively

    Methodology: ‘’Circular Learning’’ based on EFMD Circle for Quality Assurance 

    Sticking to the highest standards regarding the teaching methodology provided to us by EFMD, the Master will be taught through interactive lectures, case study analyzes, classroom exercises, discussions, role play, teamwork exercises, video conferences, business analysis and sessions presentation of students. Case studies will be used to generate discussions and illustrate business problems. Students will be encouraged to read and engage in discussions and debates. The teaching methodology is based on learning by doing, through which teachers implement a student-centered approach, involve students and provide activities that allow students to apply the knowledge acquired.

    Soft Skill Program.

    Soft skills are the “secret key” of a well-managed workplace and a progressive career path. With the Soft Skills Program, we offer you the opportunity to develop the soft skills necessary for your personal and professional growth.

    The personal growth program is optional and is structured as follows: 10 hours in total for 5 interactive and self-reflective courses on soft skills (the certificate will be provided upon completion of the program):

    - Emotional intelligence
    - Public Speaking for Business
    - Time, stress and self-management
    - Intercultural communication
    - Conflict, problem solving and negotiations

    The courses for Rome Business School’s Master in Corporate Communication are held by highly selected international university professors, trainers and business managers, drawn from a variety of operational and professional fields, from political advisory and public affairs to journalism and communication; the teaching approach is aimed at the acquisition of know-how, in order to transfer truly useful competencies for the attendees’ professional development.

    Career Services.

    With our help, you can create your career strategy through a journey of self-reflection, exploration and results. This program is designed to help you find internships or positions that match your ambitions and expectations. In particular, the master is particularly suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the following roles:Digital Strategists, Public Relations Manager, Global Reputation Manager, Stakeholder Manager, Internal Relations Manager, Crisis Manager;

    Social Media Communication Specialist, Professional in Communication offices: Institutional-Professional –Political; Political Leaders, Brand Managers, Social Researcher, Opinion poll Analyst, Event Manager
    Political Communication and Media Strategist Managers, Spoken Person, Lobbyst
    Every year, Rome Business School presents the Employment Report, a document that collects data on the official results achieved by our students and former students in terms of employment and professional growth following their master’s degree at Rome Business School. The results obtained were possible thanks to the commitment of our students and the incredible professionalism of our Career Services who, with diligence and dedication, were able to direct students towards the desired career path in the world of work.

    In particular, according to the most recent statistics:

    60% of our students obtain a job offer within 6 months of the end of the master
    12% of our students found work with NGOs, in line with our “Better Managers for Better World” philosophy
    43% of our students have obtained a job position in large multinational companies;
    37% of our students are currently successful managers;
    68% of our students increased their job responsibilities at the end of the master.

    Networking e partners.

    Rome Business School has established solid partnerships with several world-renowned leading companies, such as Enel, Fendi, Bulgari, Eataly, IBM Italia, Land Rover and many others. To ensure our students can build a solid professional network, we constantly organize guest meetings, visits, events and lectures with representatives of elite business ecosystems, encouraging interaction between leading professionals and students, and facilitating the process learning.

    Classi multiculturali.

    Thanks to the school’s purely international mold, students will have the opportunity to take part in classes with students from more than 150 countries. This will allow participants to increase their knowledge of other cultures other than their own.

    Student Hub.

    Every year we welcome students from all over the world: from cities and small towns, of all cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Rome Business School enhances the students’ experience, supporting them in obtaining visas and identifying accommodation, creating opportunities for learning, involvement, personal and cultural development that go well beyond the lessons.


    Our students will be able to participate in various activities: visits out of town, Coffee Meetings with the CEOs of prestigious multinational companies, company visits or simple events designed to promote socialization and intercultural exchange which has always been the central point of our school.

    Admission process.

    Rome Business School works hard to maintain the highest standard of quality in the programs we offer. That’s why, in order to ensure the eligibility of the candidates, all applicants must undergo and successfully pass a selection

    The admission process is aimed to verify the candidate’s eligibility to attend the Master. The candidate’s academic history, previous experiences in the topics covered in the Master and motivation will be matters of the evaluation. Once it’s sent, the application will be evaluated by the Rome Business School’s academic committee. In order to ensure the application’s suitability, it is important to deliver all of the required documentation.


    Based on their personal profile, experience and proven motivation, the candidate may be awarded a scholarship to partially cover the participation fee. In fact, Rome Business School offers the most deserving candidates the opportunity to benefit from 8 different types of scholarships. These partial economic hedges can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing.

    Early Bird Enrollment Scholarship
    Study in Italy Initiative Scholarship
    Lifelong Learning Scholarship
    Academic Excellence Scholarship
    Executive Women Grant
    Entrepreneurial Grant
    Better Managers for a Better World
    Student Loan Assistance Grant
    Competition for scholarships increases as the starting date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible. possible.

Otra formación relacionada con comunicación de negocios y corporativa

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