International MBA Full Time - Barcelona - Nueva York

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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

International MBA Full Time - Barcelona - Nueva York

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad de impartición es presencial.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar en el centro la duración.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al egresar se otorga el International MBA Full Time.
  • Valoración del programa
    El programa pone al corriente a los alumnos de la actual situación en todo lo referente a administración y gestión de negocios a nivel internacional en todos sus sectores. Así, se imparten conocimientos de economía, gestión, finanzas, talento humano, y todas las áreas de conocimiento que se exijan en lo relativo a formación gerencial de excelencia.
  • Dirigido a
    El programa se dirige a profesionales con experiencia de tres años, con conocimiento de inglés, así como a titulados/graduados de áreas relacionadas.
  • Empleabilidad
    El programa se dirige a profesionales con experiencia de tres años, con conocimiento de inglés, así como a titulados/graduados de áreas relacionadas.

Comentarios sobre International MBA Full Time - Barcelona - Nueva York - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    International MBA – Barcelona – Nueva York.

    Descripción Programa

    Modalidad: Presencial
    Campus: Barcelona
    Créditos ECTS: 70
    Perfil: Full Time


    • Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (Campus Barcelona)

    Program Description:

    This program will be conducted in English.

    The business world and the very dynamic and highly competitive current situation of economic uncertainty demands qualified professionals with solid knowledge of different management areas and, moreover, with personal and professional skills, such as versatility, adaptability, reflection, determination and creativity. What are the benefits of taking an International MBA? The International MBA is the managerial training program par excellence, which trains its participants to reach positions of responsibility in a company by means of acquiring the managerial skills required for the management of companies and institutions. As such, apart from management training, an MBA ensures recognition from the entire business community. Therefore, it is the best program to gain and consolidate new tools and knowledge, through experience, that facilitate the transition towards a better job in our professional careers.

    The International MBA Barcelona / New York has been designed so that participants can enhance and increase their knowledge in business management and administration, work with the main management tools and strengthen their managerial skills and competences. It is a management Master’s degree focused on understanding all areas involved in the management of organisations, with a complete overview of the company, the way it functions and how it is organised. All of this is enriched by the networking opportunities available with the other participating professionals, our teaching staff and the professionals invited to our conferences, discussions and activities, which is crucial for enhancing professional positioning.

    El alumno tendrá la opción, al finalizar el período lectivo en Barcelona o Madrid, de realizar una estancia residencial de dos semanas de duración en Pace University (New York).

    International MBA Barcelona - New York

    The EAE Business School International MBA is a one-year program taught in Barcelona, a city recognised for its competitive and international environment, perfect for doing an International MBA, the management training program par excellence, with the recognition of the whole business community. The master is given at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), one of the school’s academic partners in Barcelona.

    At the end of the academic period of the International MBA in Barcelona, students will have the option of a two-week residential stay at Pace University, in New York, giving them the chance to apply their knowledge in an international environment.

    Top reasons for doing EAE’s Business School International MBA Barcelona - New York:

    Puntos Clave:

    1 Employability
    The Professional Careers service is focused on guiding and accompanying students to achieve their professional goals and matching their expectations and interests with the jobs market

    2 International Talent Program
    The program aimed at students seeking international professional development, in order to give them maximum visibility amongst the multinational companies collaborating with EAE. Activities are therefore organised such as the Employment Workshops, interviews with head hunters and access is given to international selection consultants around the world

    3 Executive MBA Council
    EAE, member of the Executive MBA Council. The School is a member of the Executive MBA Council, so all of its programs meet the international academic and quality standards required by the association
    4 International rankings
    Highlighted among the 65 best in Europe and the 200 best in the world (QS Global MBA 2018 ranking). For the first time is enters the European ranking of the best MBA, and reaches the Top 35 (Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking Worldwide 2016-2017)

    5 Program trajectory
    The EAE MBA was the first general management program to be given in Spain, and has now been offered for over 50 years

    6 Business Game
    The Business Plan drawn up during the program and tutored by a teacher, is the key piece to the International MBA. The aim of the plan is to set out all the contents obtained on the program in a company creation project

    7 Business Networking
    On the Business Networking cycle, students will attend a series of meetings with professionals from large companies and other EAE students, thanks to which the participants have the chance to expand their network of professional contacts.

    8 Major + Minor
    EAE has started up the North American Major and Minor methodological system for the first time in Spain, in the place of the traditional optional subject method

    9 Soft Skills program
    EAE’s Soft Skills International MBA program is intended to help participating professionals complete their training with the strategic mobilisation of their personal skills. It includes ten independent monthly workshops organised along the Emotional Skills Model

    10 Semester Abroad in NYC
    Students are offered the option of studying a semester abroad in the Pace University - Lubin School of Business New York of New York, a private higher education institution committed to offering students a high quality, global business education. Pace University offers our students a real opportunity to gain insight into the meaning of business success, in New York and around the world.


    •     Minimum of 3 years of professional experience to access the MBA.
    •     Have an english certificate
    •     Have a Bachelor's degree.


    Students who succesfully pass the course will obtain the Master of Interantional MBA Barcelona - New York degree from EAE Business School. In addition, students who fulfill the established academic requirements will obtain the Master of Interantional MBA Barcelona - New York degree from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona). In order to obtain the degree from partner universities, it is necessary to fufil the requirements established by the institutions.


    The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure candidates' suitability for the program, by looking at their professional experience and their academic CV. Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni. In order to start the admissions process, the form has to be filled in so that EAE's Academic Committee can consider the application. If the decision issued by the Academic Committee for the requested program is positive, the candidate can complete their enrolment.


    MODULE 1 - Environment and Global Markets (Barcelona)    
    • Current socio-economic context     5 ECTS
    • Marketing and commercialization in international environments     5 ECTS

    MODULE 2 - People Management (Barcelona)    
    • Intellectual capital and talent management     5 ECTS
    • Management skills     5 ECTS

    MODULE 3 - Strategic Resources (Barcelona)    
    • Finance for the decision making     5 ECTS
    • Supply Chain Management     5 ECTS
    • Management control     5 ECTS

    MODULE 4 - Strategic Management (New York)    
    • Strategic Management     5 ECTS
    • Entrepreneurship and internationalization     5 ECTS

    MODULE 5 - Minor    
    • Minor     10 ECTS

    MODULE 6 - Final master thesis (New York)     15 ECTS

    Financing schemes and grants:

    EAE offers special funding conditions, grants and aids for candidates accepted on EAE programs.


    •     SME Comprehensive Development Grant. Within its advanced business training project, EAE responds to the needs of small and medium enterprises (SME) by strengthening and implementing strategies for improving competitiveness; the comprehensive development of organizations and the people in these organizations are key factors within our institution.
    •     Women's Executive Grant. Over 40% of our students are women with an average age of 33. This shows EAE’s capacity to train students who are fully mature in both professional and personal terms, and who need to balance their family, personal and training activities. With the aim of strengthening, advancing and consolidating the women's professional activity, EAE offers a financial support program designed specifically for this segment of professionals. The candidates’ managerial potential and leadership are two crucial qualities taken into account in assessing applications.
    •     Accredited Disability Grant. With the aim of promoting and contributing to the professional development of the disabled, EAE runs a grant program for professionals in this segment.
    •     EAE Academic Excellence Grant. EAE rewards students with the best academic report. Candidates who present an academic report with an average score of 9.5 or above can apply for the EAE Academic Excellence Grant.
    •     Entrepreneur Grants. Designed for managers of SMEs, freelancers and professionals who want to start a business project.
    •     Executive Grants. Aimed at executives, middle managers and qualified professionals who plan to take on positions of responsibility.


    •     Fundación Carolina. Lifelong training grant that encourages cultural and scientific cooperation between Spain and Latin America, promoting exchanges between professionals. It is aimed at Latin American and Spanish specialists and professionals who can demonstrate their need to move to the other region to continue their training.
    •     MAEC – AECID Grant. This grant contributes to the further education and professional development of foreigners and young university students with an advanced university qualification and, on some programs, university students in their final year. Definition of financial support: II-B: Grants for foreigners for master degrees or specialisations at Spanish universities and other non-university teaching centres.
    •     Financial support for training workers regulated by the Fundación Tripartita. The State Employment Public Service offers financial support through the Fundación Tripartita to all people currently actively employed and making Social Security contributions and who have received individual training permission from the company. Refusal of permission must be based on organizational or production reasons. The purpose of the financial support is to allow tuition for an official qualification or a university’s own qualification. In return, the company receives a Social Security allowance for each employee that has been granted permission. The allowance is equivalent to the salary costs for the working hours that the employee has put into training, up to a maximum of 200 hours per employee granted permission per academic or calendar year.
    •     SOC The SOC offers subsidies and grants to unemployed people who take part in training activities on our Master and Postgraduate programs at EAE Business School.
    •     AGAUR Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (University and Research Financial Support Management Agency). The agency offers university postgraduate loans with extremely attractive conditions.


    The main objectives of the International MBA Barcelona / New York are:

    Puntos Clave:

    Managing and leading an organisation thanks to the enhancement of essential knowledge in all areas of a company: marketing, finances, accounting, human capital and operations.

    Developing the appropriate tools and capacities for leadership: team work, motivation, communication, business ethics and social responsibility

    Evolving within complex and competitive national and international organizations, underpinned by sustainable development.

    4 CHANGE
    Adapting to and anticipating the organisation’s needs in terms of change in order to remain competitive.

    Managing the organisation’s flexibility in view of the emergence of new technologies, new markets and the evolution of society

    Strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit and establishing the bases for the creation of new businesses, while encouraging innovation and creativity

    Career Opportunities

    EAE assesses the competencies that companies value most and passes them on to the students in order to facilitate their employability. The aim is to reach the level of development demanded by the jobs market.


    Some facts from our Employment Report 2017

    •     The 93% of graduates find employment within 6 months of finishing the Master, and the 41% find employment before finishing their program
    •     34% increased their salary by up to 30% within a year of completing the master
    •     67% of students received a job opportunity on one of the paths available through EAE Business School
    •     74% accept a new professional offer after their graduation

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