Global Master in International Management (MIM)

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Global Master in International Management (MIM)

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La metodología del Global Master in International Management (MIM) es Presencial en Roma.
  • Número de horas
    Consultar con el centro.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al concluir el tiempo de estudios, Rome Business School otorga diploma acreditativo a los egresados del programa.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Global Master in International Management (MIM) es un programa de posgrado que aborda diversos aspectos relacionados con la gestión empresarial en un contexto internacional. Suele cubrir una amplia gama de temas, incluyendo estrategia empresarial global, marketing internacional, gestión financiera internacional, operaciones globales, comercio internacional, gestión intercultural, liderazgo global y desarrollo de habilidades directivas. Está diseñado para proporcionar a los estudiantes una comprensión profunda de cómo funcionan las empresas en un entorno global y cómo pueden enfrentar los desafíos y aprovechar las oportunidades que surgen en el ámbito internacional. Además de la teoría, el GMIM a menudo incorpora estudios de casos prácticos, proyectos en equipo, pasantías y oportunidades de intercambio internacional para ofrecer a los estudiantes una experiencia completa y práctica.
  • Dirigido a
    Rome Business School recomienda este Master a aquellos que aspiran a carreras globales y roles de liderazgo en empresas multinacionales, organizaciones internacionales, o en el ámbito de la consultoría internacional. También puede ser adecuado para aquellos que deseen emprender sus propios negocios con un enfoque internacional.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados del programa podrán desempeñarse en áreas como Consultoría Internacional, Gerencia Internacional, Desarrollo de Negocios Globales, Comercio Internacional, Organizaciones Internacionales y Emprendimiento Internacional.

Comentarios sobre Global Master in International Management (MIM) - Presencial - Roma - Italia

  • Contenido
    Global Master in International Management (MIM).

    It is a program for whom aspire to take up a managerial role in an international business environment and launch their international business career. Students will be immersed in an International bootcamp in Barcelona at EAE Business School where they will get in international class, get trained, work on a business challenge and visit different companies.

    Formula: Full time
    Method: On campus (Rome)
    Language: English

    Global Master in International Management (MIM)’s Overview. The Master in International Management (MIM) is the balance between core courses and integrated modules that build the students understanding of the essentials while helping them develop a more integrative, big-picture outlook on business, its challenges and solutions.  During the program students will develop the essential managerial and analytical skills and knowledge they need to succeed in entry-level management roles. They will learn what it means to be an inspirational leader who puts people first and make initial steps toward having a positive impact on the world. 
    Learning Outcomes:
    1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the global business environment. This includes economic, social, and cultural factors that influence international business operations.
    2. Develop proficiency in strategic thinking and analysis to formulate and implement business strategies that align with global market trends and organizational goals. The ability to apply theoretical concepts and practical techniques to solve complex problems.
    3. Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage and lead diverse teams and organizations across different cultural contexts. Demonstrating cultural sensitivity and adaptability.
    4. Gain insights into market entry strategies, international trade, and foreign direct investment. The complexities of expanding business operations across countries.
      Develop skills in global marketing strategies, and understanding consumer behavior in diverse and complex markets. Managing international sales and distribution channels.
    5. Cultivate leadership abilities, innovative thinking, and entrepreneurial skills to drive organizational growth. Adapt to dynamic global business environments.​
    6. Enhance written and oral communication skills, professional presentations, and effective interpersonal communication.

    Shape your professional path through 4 pillars:

    True link with companies
    An international network of partner companies that will directly impact the students academic experience through the Business Practice LAB, Company visits, in class exercises and exclusive lecturers that will approach the theoretical contents of the master to the current professional reality.

    Rome Business School is proudly the most international business school in Italy. Everyday we are capable to immerse our students in a stimulating environment, thanks to our international faculty. our class with mixed ethnicity and our exclusive experience: Bootcamps. Students will have the opportunity to participate in bootcamps in Silicon Valley, Barcelona, Paris, Qatar, Lagos, Rome and Tuscany.

    Professional Impact
    Our goal is to have a true impact on our students professional career, both through the academic and through our Career Services. In addition to the lectures, our Masters provide different services to build our students profile through a structured Career Services, company meetings from top international companies, Company Shadowing or Individual Coaching sessions and a soft skills programs.

    Higher Purpose
    Following our motto, Better Managers for a Better World, we believe in managers that build businesses with a higher purpose. For that, we will train leaders to be responsible and innovative, and to drive change in society starting within their own companies.

    5 reason why to choose our Global Master in International Management.

    Business Practice lab with Microsoft
    During the Business Practice lab with Microsoft, you will work with the managers to create an International Marketing Strategy considering the strategy for international customer needs and buyers, pricing policy, distribution channels, international market analysis and culture assessment.

    Career Impact
    +32% salary increase after 1 year of completing your master. Over 43K€ salary increase one year after completion of a master in General Management.

    International Bootcamp in Barcelona included in the Master
    Practice global leadership and differentiate your CV ​by gaining international experience while learning business. Be a global student: broaden your professional horizons and begin expanding your business network with a one-week intensive formula that explores key sectors in some of the world's most cosmopolitan business hubs: Silicon Valley, Paris, Rome, China, London, and Tuscany. ​The Master includes the Barcelona Bootcamp.

    Grow your managerial potential
    Being a manager isn't just about delegating tasks or assigning projects, through the additional program, grow your true managerial potential and kick-start your career​. Get into the Leadership Program and develop your soft skills to communicate effectively, negotiate, resolve conflicts and lead. ​Or do a Company Shadowing and see in person what it means to manage people, grow organizations and make an impact.

    Career Services
    The Rome Business School Career Services help RBS Students be ready to enter the job market, developing the right knowledge, providing the market insights and tools that they need to pursue a successful career in a specific industry. ​With the support of the Career Service the students can define their career path, develop a strategy, hone the self presentation skills, and sharpen the CV. ​At Rome Business School you can choose among two different paths: the Career Accellerator and the RBS4Entrepreneurship. ​

    Global Master in International Management: The Master of International Management (MIM) program prepares students to take on managerial roles in international business environments and launch their careers in the field. During the program, students will acquire the managerial and analytical skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in first-level managerial positions. They will discover what it means to be an inspiring leader who prioritizes people and take their first steps to make a difference in the world.
    Mind-Opening & Knowledge Management Setting During the first module of the Master of International Management (MIM), students will acquire core management skills to enhance their professional career.
    • Managerial Economics
      This module aims to prepare students by providing them with the essentials of entrepreneurship and business planning.
    • Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
      With this module, the managerial skills required to understand a Business Plan and its structure will be developed.
    • Business Strategy
      Through this module, students will know how to understand the long-term direction and strategy of a company, and will be able to identify the strategic business units of organizations.
    • Accounting & Budgeting
      This module is aimed at students understanding the importance of financial management and control principles, with key indicators such as ROI, EBIT, GAAP.
    • Project & Operations Management
      With this module, students will be able to manage projects, examine data and information, and have a diagnostic approach in solving problems.
    • Marketing: Traditional and Digital
      Students will learn the application of marketing principles in organizational decision making.
    • Human Resource Management
      This subject area focuses on strategic human resource issues such as workforce acquisition, development, motivation and retention.
    • Data Analytics ​for Managers
      This course is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge needed to analyze and interpret large sets of data, to make effective business decisions and strategies.

    Focusing and specializing During the second module, students will learn how to: 1) Global Businesses and Strategic Management​
    • International Economics​
    • Corporate Internationalization​
    • Financial Management​
    ​2) Marketing and Brand Management ​
    • International Marketing​
    • Brand Equity Management​
    • Product Management in the Digital Age ​
    • Online Marketing & e-Commerce ​
    ​3) Managing International & Multinational Companies​
    • Entry strategies in foreign markets​
    • Joint Ventures and Alliances ​
    • International Business, Law and Taxation​
    • Entrepreneurship Pathway & Global Start Ups​
    • Family Business Management: Succession Planning
    ​4) Data Analytics for Management​
    • Into the world of Data Analytics​
    • Data Presentation, Analysis & Evaluation​
    • Decision and Risk Analysis ​
    5) Strategic Communication in International Markets​
    • Business Storytelling & PR ​
    • Investor Relations Management

    Being an innovative and responsible leader During the third module, students will learn how to: 6) Intercultural Management and Sustainable Businesses​
    • The Future of the Cross-Cultural Management​
    • The Role of CSR: Business Sustainability and Circular Economy ​
    • Business Ethics and CSR​
    • Made in Italy in International Markets (The Future of Food, Fashion and Mechanical Industry)
    ​7) Exponential Digital Technologies​
    • Digital Economy ​
    • Tech Future Business Trends: AI, Blockchain and the business impact

    Why Electives? The goal of Rome Business School is to develop future managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals who are ready to capitalize on the benefits of digitalization, go global, and have a positive impact on society. Electives are ideal tools for students to improve their employability by focusing on high-demand skills. ​
    • Electives assist students in carving out a niche for themselves and becoming more competitive.
    • Electives expose students to courses they might not have encountered otherwise.
    • Electives provide a one-of-a-kind curriculum that fosters life and career skills. ​
    • Elective courses are organized in 5 main areas of interest:
    1. ​Innovation & Growth
    2. Tech & Digitalization
    3. Industry Business Excellence
    4. International Business
    5. Global Electives with RBS School partners

    Practice Lab | In partnership with Microsoft The Rome Business School Practice Lab is where theoretical concepts are put into practice and participants learn through experience. Microsoft managers will lead the Lab, examining various specialist knowledge, working on exercises, and networking with students while sharing their experience and expertise. This Lab is completely run by Microsoft* managers, with whom you will work to develop a product launch strategy and run a virtual company as CEO. The Business Simulation is an innovative and engaging managerial tool that allows the dynamics and logic of a business to be reproduced. *Partnerships with companies can change over time

    Business in Action - Hands-on Lab The Global Trends lab consists of 2 virtual sessions: Session 1: How to Find Sources to identify global trends. Deep dive into the global world trends shaping the world of today – guest speakers from UN, UNIDO, ILO. Examples of Global Trends: ​
    1. The Future of Work
    2. AI, Blockchain, and Technology
    3. The World in 2030 – Future Scenarios (UN, IMF, ECB)
    Session 2: Understand the impact of global trends on businesses, and explore ways in which businesses can adapt and transform based on future trends and forward-thinking strategies
    An educational experience You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities by tackling a real-world business challenge at the end of your educational experience. Make use of your skills to identify opportunities and create a truly innovative strategy. Take on a genuine business challenge. You can work with a small group to develop a marketing strategy for a new business, a strategy to increase online sales, or a loyalty offering for different generations. Two case studies from two different companies will be assigned to you to put your master’s course knowledge to the test. Previous years’ experiences  The Practical Challenge: Assess the impact of Covid on the e commerce strategy, do analysis on the consumer behaviour impact and provide recoomedations for the future ZARA strategy.

    The Practical Challenge: Do analysis on the consumer behaviour impact, market expansion, e commerce, and provide recoomedations for the future strategy of Amazon. ​

    Rome Business School International Bootcamps experiences. During the full week you will experience an intensive and fully immersive business experience, facing challenges, dealing with managers, students and lecturers, and creating your own project that will be presented at the end of the Bootcamp Experience 
    Faculty. Rome Business School’s Global Master in International Management (MIM) are held by highly selected international university professors, trainers and business managers, drawn from a variety of operational and professional fields, from merchandiser to lawyer, from entrepreneurship to coach and speaker.  The teaching approach is aimed at the acquisition of know-how, skills currently required by the market
    Career and Entrepreneurship Services. Throughout your Global Master in International Management (MIM), you will be accompanied and supported by our Career Services team. With over 10 years’ experience in education, we help young talents and managers to build their future, guiding them along the path that best suits their capabilities, desires and professional goals.   To give our students the best support achieving their professional objectives, we’ve structured our Career Service into two core areas:  Occupational Pathways The Career Acceleration Program will help you develop the knowledge, market insights and tools that you need to pursue a successful career in a specific industry. You will benefit from valuable connections with top companies and recruiters. 

    Entrepreneurial Pathways Are you planning to start up your own business or dreaming about becoming the fresh and innovative driving force within an organization? We will equip you with skills and knowledge to discover, test and improve your entrepreneurial skills, develop a business idea and finally launch your own business.

    The master is particularly suitable for those who want to pursue a career in the following roles:
    • Business Developer Manager 
    • Financial Officer 
    • Global Brand Manager 
    • International Consultant 
    • Marketing Manager 
    • Entrepreneur and Start-upper 
    • International Project Manager 
    • Sales executive 
    • International strategy Advisor 
    • Data Scientist 
    • Supply chain Manager 
    • Business Consultant

    The salary of out students after the completion of our Global Master in International Management increased by an average of 36%

    . Based on their personal profile, experience and proven motivation, the candidate may be awarded a scholarship to partially cover the participation fee. In fact, Rome Business School offers the most deserving candidates the opportunity to benefit from 7 different types of scholarships. These partial economic hedges can consist of 6 months of interest-free financing.
    • Early Bird Enrollment Scholarship.
    • Lifelong Learning Scholarship.
    • Executive Women Scholarship.
    • Academic Excellence Scholarship.
    • Entrepreneurial Grant.
    • Better Managers for a Better World Scholarship.
    • Student Loan Assistance Grant.

    Competition for scholarships increases as the starting date approaches and funds are limited, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible. 

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