Semestre y Año Académico - Diseño de Joyas

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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

Semestre y Año Académico - Diseño de Joyas

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El curso Fashion Jewelry - Fall Semester se dicta de forma presencial.
  • Número de horas
    La duración del programa de IED es de un semestre.
  • Titulación oficial
    IED entrega certificación a quienes finalizan el curso Fashion Jewelry - Fall Semester.
  • Valoración del programa
    Los contenidos orientan al alumno para adquirir competencias y metodologías prácticas para el desarrollo de proyectos de diseño y elaboración de piezas de joyeria. De esa manera podrá adquirir mejoras en su visión y habilidad crítica, así como del sentido de la estética, la creatividad, así como las innovaciones y tendencias y en los procesos de elaboración.
  • Dirigido a
    El curso está dirigido a quienes se interesen por desarrollar sus propias piezas de joyería.
  • Empleabilidad
    Al completar el tiempo de estudio, el egresado podrá desempeñarse tanto en empresas como de manera independiente dentro del rubro del diseño de joyería, diseñando su propia marca o vendiendo sus propios diseños.

Comentarios sobre Semestre y Año Académico - Diseño de Joyas - Presencial - Milán - Italia

  • Contenido
    Fashion Jewelry - Fall Semester.

    Semestral Course - Milan.

    uration: 15 weeks
    Attendance: full-time
    Language: English

    The Fashion Jewelry semester is a unique opportunity for students interested in a future in the field to develop the technical skills and knowledge base that are necessary to be a creative and professional success.

    The program trains students in project design by focusing on the technical skills and methodologies that are necessary to take an initial concept, study its feasibility and develop a final collection.


    The jewelry designer is an interpreter of “hidden” signs. Their heightened sensitivity to aesthetics and intuition allows them to translate the symbolic language of the body and behavior into tangible objects and shapes. If jewelry is the physical representation of these symbols, then the pieces one chooses to wear reflect one’s individual values. The capacity to recognize symbols and transform them into a concrete aesthetic form is crucial for the jewelry designer.

    The semester is focused on theoretical studies as well as practice-based modules on designing and project realization. That reinforces the necessity methodology to design a collection and will offer the practical skills and tools for them to express their creativity and to realize their designs.

    Students enrolling in semester programs at the IED have the option to extend to a full “Academic Year / One Year” program by adding an additional semester or they can opt for the Two City Option by enrolling in an additional semester at another IED location offering semester programs. Currently only IED Florence and Milan offer this option.

    This semester program is open to current students, graduates and professionals seeking to define or acquire new skills and perspective. IED is able to provide further information regarding course content, facilities and faculty upon request. IED facilitates students spending a semester or academic year abroad by facilitating credit transfer in collaboration with the student’s home institution.

    Duration and attendance: 15 weeks full time.

    Academic Program.
    •     Art In Fashion
    •     Dressing And Self-decorating Communication
    •     Design Methodology
    •     Designing With Photoshop
    •     Fashion Jewelry Project
    •     Free-hand Drawing
    •     History Of Fashion And Accessories
    •     Jewelry Laboratory
    •     Materials
    •     Rendering Techniques

Otra formación relacionada con joyería

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