Fashion Design - Junior (English)

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Fashion Design - Junior (English)

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad del Curso Fashion Design - Junior (English) es Presencial, en Barcelona.
  • Número de horas
    La duración del Curso es de 2 semanas.
  • Titulación oficial
    IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona otorga certificación oficial.
  • Valoración del programa
    A través del Curso Fashion Design - Junior (English) de IED Istituto Europeo di Design, los estudiantes aprenden sobre los fundamentos del diseño de moda, desde la investigación de tendencias hasta la creación de colecciones. Las clases combinan teoría y práctica, lo que permite a los participantes desarrollar habilidades técnicas en el uso de herramientas digitales y manuales.
  • Dirigido a
    El Curso Fashion Design - Junior (English) de IED Istituto Europeo di Design está diseñado para jóvenes apasionados por la moda que desean dar sus primeros pasos en esta industria dinámica y creativa.
  • Empleabilidad
    Al finalizar el Curso, los graduados pueden explorar diversas salidas profesionales, como asistente de diseño, estilista de moda o coordinador de eventos de moda.
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Comentarios sobre Fashion Design - Junior (English) - Presencial - Barcelona - España

  • Contenido
    Fashion Design - Junior.

    Express yourself, set your creativity free in the world of fashion design.

    Language: English
    Frequency: Part-time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 2 Weeks

    A unique learning experience at one of the best fashion schools for your future studies or personal passion.

    This Fashion Design Junior Summer Course, taught in English, gives you the technical grounding and tools you need to freely express your ideas in style, and an inside look at how professional fashion designers think and work.

    Make the most of forecasting, use experimentation, modelling and various representation techniques. Create a sketchbook that reflects your creative process and use this material for your very own portfolio.

    Information to decide.

    A practice-based course to immerse yourself in a fashion design project.

    Methodology and structure.

    The course includes various exercises to give you hands-on experience with the skills and tools a designer needs to create a collection.

    You’ll also use forecasting and design development for the project.

    ¿Who is it for?

    Young students aged 15 to 18 years old who want to get started in the world of fashion and see whether it could be interesting for academic development or a future career.

    If you’ve got creative talent and want to see what you can do with it in the world of fashion, if you want to know more about this profession first hand, this is the course for you.

    Why choose it.

    This could be a summer with a difference. Just imagine having two weeks to discover the ins and outs of something you’re truly passionate about, at one of the most prestigious fashion schools in the world.

    Hang out with like-minded students from all over the world, speaking English. Find out how to turn your ideas into projects. Get insider info from teachers working in the sector. Live a learning experience that lets you express every aspect of your creative talent, and see if this is the path you want to take for your future studies. 




    Fashion trend forecasting
    Concept development
    Fashion design

Otra formación relacionada con diseño de moda

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