Curso ITIL® Intermedio SOA

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Edgar Velazquez

Edgar Velazquez

Instructor de ITIL/COBIT/ISO20000

  • ¿para qué capacita?
    entendimiento de los procesos de ofertas de servicio y acuerdos
  • ¿cuántos años lleva impartiéndose?
  • Perfil del alumno
    alumnos que hayan tomado el curso de ITIL Foundations y quieran avanzar en los cursos intermedios
  • Objetivos
    Aprender el valor al negocio que brindan los procesos y actividades contemplados en el curso. • Conocer a fondo los procesos necesarios para poder entregar las ofertas de servicio y sus acuerdos con sus actividades asociadas. • Comprender los riesgos, retos, factores críticos de éxito y responsabilidades necesarias para ejecutar los procesos involucrados en el SOA.
  • Ventajas
    - somos centro autorizado para impartir los cursos
    - contamos con personal certificado y experimentado en la operacion
    - las certificaciones de ITIL tienen valor curricular
  • Método de evaluación
    examen de certificación en linea
  • Certificado / titulación
  • Alumnos por clase
  • Profesorado
    - especializados didacticamente
    - autorizados para dictar el curso
    - sumamente comprometidos para ayudar al alumno a comprender y pasar su examen

"conoce como entender los requerimentos de negocio y traducirlos a términos de requerimientos de TI"

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Comentarios sobre Curso ITIL® Intermedio SOA - Presencial - Centro - Tabasco

  • Objetivos del curso
    At the end of this course, the learner will gain competencies in:

    • Understanding Service Management as a Practice and how the processes within Service Offerings and Agreements support the Service Lifecycle

    • Knowing the important role of Service Offerings and Agreements in service provision and understanding of how the in-scope processes interact with other Service Lifecycle processes

    • The activities, methods and functions used in each of the Service Offerings and Agreements processes

    • The application of Service Offerings and Agreements processes, activities and functions to achieve operational excellence

    • How to measure Service Offerings and Agreements performance

    • The importance of IT Security and how it supports Service Offerings and Agreements

    • Understanding technology and implementation requirements in support of Service Offerings and Agreements

    • The challenges, critical success factors and risks related with Service Offerings and Agreements
  • Curso dirigido a
    The Service Offerings and Agreements Capability course will be of interest to:

    • Individuals who have their ITIL® v3 Foundation Certificate (or the ITIL® v2 Foundation + v3 Foundation Bridge certificate) who want to purse the intermediate and advanced level ITIL® certifications.

    • Individuals and / or operational staff who require a deep practical understanding of the Service Offerings and Agreements processes and how these may be used to enhance the quality of IT service support within an organization, for example: operational staff involved in Service Portfolio Management; Service Catalogue Management, Service Level Management, Demand Management, Supplier Management, Financial Management and Business Relationship Management

    • IT professionals involved in IT Service Management implementation and improvement programs.

    • A typical role includes (but is not restricted to): IT professionals, IT / business managers and IT / business process owners, IT practitioners.
  • Titulación
    ITIL®SOA Capability
  • Contenido
    This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL® v3 Service Lifecycle and processes associated with the Service Offerings and Agreements of services and service delivery. The main focus of this course is on the operational-level process activities and supporting methods and approaches to executing these processes in a practical, hands-on learning environment. This training is intended to enable the holders of the certificate to apply the practices during the Service Management Lifecycle. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL® best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam. 

Otra formación relacionada con itil - information technology infrastructure library

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