Curso Introductorio a OmniFind Enterprise Edition DW431MX

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Pablo Nieves

Pablo Nieves

Curso Introductorio a OmniFind Enterprise Edition DW431MX

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad de cursada es presencial.
  • Número de horas
  • Titulación oficial
    Certicicación Técnica Profesional de IBM de OmniFind Enterprise Edition.
  • Valoración del programa
    Este curso describe en resumen los importantes procesos de OmniFind como lista de los requisitos previos para el producto, describir las opciones de implementación para el producto, describir las opciones de clasificación, describir y utilizar las funciones de seguridad del producto, uso de la sintaxis de las diversas opciones de búsqueda usando el producto, entre otros.
  • Precio del curso
  • Dirigido a
    Este es un curso intermedio de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) de Desarrollo y Operaciones de TI, personal administrativo, técnicos de IBM y el personal de servicios técnicos y Business Partners de IBM.
  • Empleabilidad
    En el campo de la tecnología y la informática.
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Comentarios sobre Curso Introductorio a OmniFind Enterprise Edition DW431MX - Presencial - Álvaro Obregón - CDMX - Ciudad de México

  • Objetivos del curso
    - Describe in overview the significant processes of OmniFind - List the prerequisites for the product - Describe the implementation options for the product - List the crawlers used by the product - Use one or more crawlers in a hands-on exercise - Describe options for categorization - Describe and use the security features of the product - Use various syntax options to search using the product - List the maintenance and management activities associated with the product - Identify basic troubleshooting and problem determination
  • Prácticas
    This a Hands-On Course
  • Curso dirigido a
    This is an intermediate course for Information Technology (IT) Development and IT operations, administrative staff, IBM technical and services staff, and technical IBM Business Partners.
  • Titulación
    Certicicación Técnica Profesional de IBM de OmniFind Enterprise Edition
  • Contenido

        - State the need for search facilities
        - Discuss problems of general searching
        - Describe the general operation of a search
        - State the main components of OmniFind Enterprise Edition
        - Describe in outline the operation of OmniFind
        - Discuss considerations for capacity planning
        - List the contents of the First Steps application
        - Describe the facilities available in First Steps
        - State how to Launch First Steps

    Collections and Crawlers
        - Describe basic use of the Administration Console
        - Distinguish between monitor and edit modes
        - State facilities for managing collections
        - Create collections using the Administration Console
        - Describe the function of Data Listener
        - Describe common architecture of crawlers
        - State common properties of crawlers
        - State differences between Web/NNTP Crawlers and DS Crawlers
        - Create a Web, a DB2, and a file system crawler in a hands-on exercise
        - Describe creating NNTP, Content, Exchange, and Notes crawlers

    Main Features
        - State the need for document processing
        - Describe the steps used in analyzing documents
        - Describe categorization
        - Discuss the use of taxonomies and Taxonomy Manager
        - Contrast global analysis and document analysis
        - Describe uses of search operators and advanced search facilities
        - Discuss improving search quality
        - State administrator console actions
        - Describe how OmniFind handles access control and authentication
        - Set up users in a hands-on exercise

    Additional Features
        - State considerations for backup and restore
        - Describe the OmniFind crash recovery steps
        - Discuss factors which affect performance and how to tune them
        - State how to check memory and disk resources, and what can be done if these are not sufficient
        - State where to find information relating to potential problems
        - List problem determination steps
        - Describe potential problems and how to resolve them
        - List supported interfaces
        - Describe the search interface and WebSphere Portal integration
        - Discuss the use of programmable interfaces


    Day 1
        - Welcome
        - Unit 1 - Introduction
        - Topic 1 - Overview of search
        - Topic 2 - Overview of OmniFind
        - Topic 3 - First Steps and exercise
        - Unit 2 - Collections and crawlers
        - Topic 1 - Collections
        - Topic 2 - Web crawlers with exercise

    Day 2
        - Topic 3 - Data source crawlers with two exercises
        - Unit 3 - Main features
        - Topic 1 - Document analysis and processing with exercise
        - Topic 2 - Search syntax and features with exercise
        - Topic 3 - Administration and security with exercise

    Day 3
        - Unit 4 - Additional features
        - Topic 1 - Maintenance and management
        - Topic 2 - Problem determination
        - Topic 3 - Interfaces
        - Exercise - Installing OmniFind

    *Precio no incluye IVA

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