Curso de DB2 UDB for Z/OS and OS/390 Database Administration Part 1 CF831MX

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Pablo Nieves

Pablo Nieves

Curso de DB2 UDB for Z/OS and OS/390 Database Administration Part 1 CF831MX

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad en la que se imparte el programa es presencial.
  • Número de horas
  • Titulación oficial
    Certicicación Técnica Profesional de IBM de DB2 UDB for Z/OS and OS/390 Database Administration.
  • Valoración del programa
    A través del programa de este curso, podrás aprender a definir y mantener los objetos que componen una base de datos DB2, resolución de referencia y comprobar violaciónes restricción, carga de datos externos de entrada secuencial en tablas DB2, recopilar estadísticas sobre los datos de DB2, reorganizar datos DB2, entre otros.
  • Precio del curso
  • Dirigido a
    Este es un curso intermedio para DB2 UDB para z/OS y OS/390 a los administradores de bases de datos que necesitan adquirir los conocimientos básicos necesarios para administrar una base de datos DB2.
  • Empleabilidad
    Podrás laborar con mayor efectividad en el campo de las tecnologías y la administración.
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Comentarios sobre Curso de DB2 UDB for Z/OS and OS/390 Database Administration Part 1 CF831MX - Presencial - Álvaro Obregón - CDMX - Ciudad de México

  • Objetivos del curso
    - Define and maintain the objects that make up a DB2 database - Resolve referential and check constraint violations - Load external sequential input data into DB2 tables - Gather statistics about DB2 data - Reorganize DB2 data - Unload DB2 data in external format - Recover a damaged table space to current - Compress data - Bind a DB2 application program - Control access to DB2 objects - Describe basic DB2 serialization concepts
  • Prácticas
    This a Hands-On Capacitation
  • Curso dirigido a
    This is an intermediate course for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a DB2 database.
  • Titulación
    Certicicación Técnica Profesional de IBM de DB2 UDB for Z/OS and OS/390 Database Administration
  • Contenido

     - Understand the fundamental difference between static and dynamic SQL programs
     - Define the major responsibility of any application program
     - Define the major responsibilities of the DB2 system
     - Understand the basic principles of DB2 recovery
     - Discuss the basic roles people play in a DB2 shop

    Setting up a DB2 database
     - Describe the DB2 objects that make up a DB2 database
     - Select the most appropriate parameters for these DB2 database objects so that they are implemented with the most appropriate attributes
     - Create storage groups, databases, table spaces, tables, views, synonyms, aliases, materialized query tables and indexes
     - Alter the attributes of DB2 database objects as requirements change over time
     - Describe how data is stored in a DB2 database

    Referential Integrity (RI)
     - Describe the concepts of PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE KEY and FOREIGN KEY
     - Implement these keys in DB2
     - Describe the concepts of REFERENTIAL CONSTRAINT and RI
     - Implement REFERENTIAL CONSTRAINTS on new or existing tables with the appropriate DELETE rules
     - Drop REFERENTIAL CONSTRAINTS and their enforcing indexes
     - Query the appropriate catalog tables for RI details
     - Discuss identity columns and sequence objects

    Getting data into and out of DB2
     - Describe the importance of free space and implement an appropriate quantity in DB2 table spaces and index spaces
     - Describe how free space is used by DB2 during SQL INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE processing and how free space is managed by DB2 during LOAD, REORG, RECOVER INDEX and REBUILD INDEX
     - Describe how DB2 utilities may be executed, monitored, terminated and restarted.
     - Run the DB2 LOAD utility and make full use of its many features
     - Run the CHECK DATA utility to check DB2 table space data for any violations of referential integrity constraints or table check constraints
     - Run the DB2 UNLOAD utility and make full use of its many features in a DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 Version 7 system or later

    Keeping your DB2 data in good shape
     - Describe and interpret the statistics collected by RUNSTATS
     - Run RUNSTATS with an appropriately chosen set of options
     - Describe why it is necessary to periodically REORG your table spaces and indexes
     - Run REORG with an appropriately chosen set of options

    Application Data Recovery Basics
      - Make DB2 user data available again following media failures

    ESA data compression
     - Describe the data compression feature
     - Specify it for a table space
     - Use the DSN1COMP utility to determine if its specification will help conserve Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) space

    Program Preparation / Bind
      - Describe the main steps needed to prepare a program that accesses DB2 with embedded static SQL

     - Describe DB2 global security
     - Describe the various DB2 authids and how they are established
     - Understand how DB2 security controls access to data
     - Describe and implement DB2 privileges and authorities appropriately
     - Describe how ownership is established in DB2
     - Describe DB2 authorization checking
     - Describe and implement security for plans and packages
     - Describe multilevel security
     - Describe the advantages and considerations for using the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)  / DB2 external security module

     - Describe concurrency
     - Explain the aspects of transaction locks
     - Tell when locks are acquired and released
     - Describe S-Locks and X-Locks
     - Explain isolation levels
     - Explain LOCKSIZE

    The course also includes extensive machine lab exercises which give you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of:
     - Creating and using databases, table spaces, tables, views and indexes
     - Defining check and referential constraints
     - Creating and running the following utility jobs: LOAD, CHECK DATA, and UNLOAD; RUNSTATS and REORG; COPY and RECOVER
     - DB2 security
     - DB2 locking

    *Precio no incluye IVA

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