Curso: CPTE Certified Penetration Testing Engineer - En línea

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Luciana Consiglio

Luciana Consiglio

Curso: CPTE Certified Penetration Testing Engineer

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El programa se ofrece en modalidad online.
  • Número de horas
    La cursada de la certificación se desarrolla en 5 días.
  • Titulación oficial
    Todos aquellos estudiantes que concluyan su formación obtendrán un certificado expedido por Aster.
  • Valoración del programa
    La certificación de Aster, CPTE Certified Penetration Testing Engineer, capacita a los estudiantes en materia de Seguridad Informática, proveyéndoles todas las herramientas para convertirse en profesionales de los chequeos de penetración. El programa forma profesionales capaces de identificar quiebres en sistemas, sus debilidades y las prioridades a la hora de accionar, y también contará con el conocimiento adecuado para realizar los reportes necesarios a la hora de comunicar los protocolos a seguir en cuanto a la modificación o mejoramiento de los sistemas de seguridad de un proyecto o empresa.
  • Precio del curso
    Contactarse con el centro educativo para más información.
  • Dirigido a
    La propuesta está pensada para todas las personas que tengan interés en formarse como Ingenieros de Testeos de Penetración, con una base sólida en conocimientos de uso de computadoras y sistemas digitales.
  • Empleabilidad
    Los egresados se encontrarán capacitados para desarrollar una carrera en Seguridad Informática en empresas, agencias, organizaciones, cumpliendo roles de responsabilidad, con la capacidad de identificar oportunidades de protección de los sistemas.

Comentarios sobre Curso: CPTE Certified Penetration Testing Engineer - Online

  • Contenido
    Curso: CPTE Certified Penetration Testing Engineer

    Course Overview

    The Certified Penetration Testing Engineer course trains students on the 5 key elements of penetration testing: information gathering, scanning, enumeration, exploitation and reporting. Ethical hacking is the art of using these penetration testing techniques to identify and repair the latest vulnerabilities in a system to make sure it is secure. Malicious hackers use these same techniques to find the same vulnerabilities except they exploit the vulnerabilities giving them access to the businesses’ network. Once inside, hackers can access private information, such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and social security numbers of clients and employees. It’s very likely this data will be held for ransom or sold off on a black market. Hackers are constantly looking for new companies they can exploit; when they come across yours, will they be able to gain access? Certified Penetration Testing Engineers are the solution to prevent this from happening to businesses they serve. 

    Who should attend  ? 

    With our proprietary penetration testing lab exercizes, students will spend about 20 hours getting real-world penetration testing experience. They'll know what they are learning and they'll know how to use it after course. Our instructors will also provide real life examples of when to use the techniques that are being taught. There is no better way to learn the art of penetration testing. 

    This course also enhances the business skills needed to identify protection opportunities, justify testing activities and optimize security controls appropriate to the business needs in order to reduce business risk. 

    The CPTE™ foundation is built firmly upon proven, hands-on, penetration testing methodologies utilized by our international group of vulnerability consultants. Mile2 trainers keep abreast of their field by practicing what they teach; we believe that an equal emphasis on theoretical and real world experience is essential for effective knowledge transfer to you, the student. 

    Upon Completion  . 
    • Have knowledge to perform penetration test
    • Have knowledge to accurately report on their findings from examinations
    • Be ready to sit for the C)PTE Exam
    Course Content  . 

    With 15 up-to-date Modules and 16 Labs, the C)PTE will not only teach you the know-how of penetration testing, but you'll have real-world experience to solidify what you have learned. 

    0: Course Introduction 
    1: Logistics of Penetration Testing 
    2: Linux Fundamentals 
    3: Information Gathering 
    4: Detecting Live System 
    5: Enumeration 
    6: Vulnerability Assessments 
    7: Malware Goes Undercover 
    8: Windows Hacking 
    9: Hacking UNIX/Linux 
    10: Advanced Exploitation Techniques 
    11: Pen Testing Wireless Networks 
    12: Networks, Sniffing, IDS 
    13: Injecting the Database 
    14: Attacking Web Technologies 
    15: Project Documentation 

    A1: Understanding Penetration Testing 
    A2: Financial Sector Regulations 
    A3: Access Controls 
    A4: Protocols 
    A5: Cryptography 
    A6: Economics and Law 

    1: Getting Set Up 
    2: Linux Fundamentals 
    3: Information Gathering 
    4: Detecting Live Systems 
    5: Reconnaissance 
    6: Vulnerability Assessment 
    7: Malware 
    8: Windows Hacking 
    9: Hacking UNIX/Linux 
    10: Advanced Exploitation Techniques 
    11: Attacking Wireless Networks 
    12: Networks, Sniffing and IDS 
    13: Database Hacking 
    14: Hacking Web Applications

    A5: Cryptography
    Post-Class: CORE IMPACT

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