Carrera en Industrial Engineer - Global Program

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Carrera en Industrial Engineer - Global Program

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La Carrera en Industrial Engineer - Global Program de CETYS Universidad se imparte de manera Presencial, en México.
  • Número de horas
    El programa se desarrolla a lo largo de 8 semestres.
  • Titulación oficial
    CETYS Universidad otorga titulación oficial a los alumnos que culminen sus estudios.
  • Valoración del programa
    La Carrera en Industrial Engineer - Global Program de CETYS Universidad se centra en los principios de ingeniería, matemáticas, ciencias físicas y sociales para analizar problemas complejos en diferentes industrias y encontrar soluciones eficientes. Los alumnos aprenden a coordinar el flujo de productos y servicios desde la materia prima hasta el consumidor final; aplican técnicas matemáticas y estadísticas para tomar decisiones informadas y mejorar la toma de decisiones; diseñan entornos de trabajo seguros y eficientes para los empleados, y asegura que los productos y procesos cumplan con estándares de calidad establecidos.
  • Dirigido a
    La Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial - Global Program de CETYS Universidad se dirige a todas aquellas personas interesadas en aplicar principios de ingeniería para mejorar procesos y sistemas dentro de organizaciones, y que tenga las habilidades y la motivación necesarias, puede realizar la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.
  • Empleabilidad
    Las salidas profesionales de la Carrera incluyen Ingeniería de Calidad, Gestión de Proyectos, Gestión de Operaciones, Ergonomía y Diseño del Trabajo, Investigación de Operaciones, Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro, Logística y Distribución, Investigación y Desarrollo, entre otros.

Comentarios sobre Carrera en Industrial Engineer - Global Program - Presencial - Mexicali - Baja California

  • Contenido
    Carrera en Industrial Engineer - Global Program.

    Available in: Mexicali y Tijuana
    Duración: 8 semesters
    Semester Program
    Format: Campus

    Program with classes 100% in English.

    International guest lectures and high quality academics
    Professional certification (OpEx/Lean Six Sigma)
    Academic mobility programs
    Real projects with global industries
    Connection and experience with cross-border companies
    Study trips in Europe with recognition of international concentration


    As a prospective undergraduate student of Industrial Engineering you should have an interest and/or abilities in:
    • Working collaboratively in socio-technical environments.
    • Critical and logical thinking.
    • Leadership and collaborative work.
    • Managing digital and information technologies.
    • Analysis and synthesis.
    • Mathematics and physics.

    Graduate Profile:

    Upon completing your undergraduate degree, you will have gained the ability to:
    • Maximize efficiency in manufacturing operations. 
    • Manage production planning and supply chain operations.
    • Develop strategies for resource optimization.

    Career Prospects:

    Upon graduation, you will have the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue professional roles such as:
    • Process Engineer.
    • Quality Manager.
    • Staff Director.
    • Logistics Manager.
    • Manufacturing Manager.
    As a Global Industrial Engineer, you will become a professional with an international vision who masters the skills required to design, manage and optimize global complex systems that produce goods and services through innovative operations that leverage technologies and engineering models.

    The Global Industrial Engineer will play a key role in maintaining and improving the competitiveness of organizations in a globalized setting, acting in a sustainable and socially responsible way with efciency and efectiveness, applying the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design.


    1st SEMESTER
    • The Human Being as a project
    • Introduction to Engineering
    • Programming Methods
    • Differential Calculus
    • Chemistry for Engineers

    2nd SEMESTER
    • Effective Communication
    • Elective on comprehensive
     development: block I
    • Engineering Design
    • Integral Calculus
    • Engineering Materials
    • Statics

    3rd SEMESTER
    • Elective on comprehensive
     development: block II
    • Big data analytics
    • Dynamics
    • Probability
    • Manufacturing of Materials
    • Methods Engineering

    4th SEMESTER
    • Scientific Research
    • Statistical Inference
    • Electricity and Magnetism
    • Differential Equations
    • Numerical Methods
    • Lean Manufacturing and Quality Management Systems

    5th SEMESTER
    • Elective on comprehensive
     development: block III
    • Operations Research Models I
    • Industrial Electronics
    • Quality Engineering
    • Industrial Management
    • Elective I

    6th SEMESTER
    • Elective on comprehensive
     development: block IV
    • Operations Research Models II
    • Inventory Management
    • Computer Manufacturing
    • Production Systems Engineering I
    • Elective II

    7th SEMESTER
    • Ethics for society in the  21st century
    • Simulation
    • Engineering Economy
    • Specialization I: Production  Systems Engineering II
    • Capstone Project I: ProjectManagement
    • Certification I: Design of Experiments

    8th SEMESTER
    • Global Competitiveness
    • Innovation and New Product Development
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Specialization II: Industrial Engineering Topics
    • Capstone Project II
    • Certification II: International Quality Standards and Systems

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