Better Marketing Using New Discoveries from Behavioral Science - En línea

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  • Contenido
    Better Marketing Using New Discoveries from Behavioral Science.

    Professor: Nathan Novemsky

    This course will share the latest ideas from behavioral economics and behavioral science to help participants see their customers as they really are. We will throw away the usual assumptions that customers like to think and read a lot about the details of your product or service, and replace them with the latest discoveries about what really makes customers behave as they do.
    We will learn about the beliefs and motivations that customers carry with them and how to use those beliefs and motivations to make our marketing more effective. We will also talk about how this new view of customers can help us get more out of our marketing research as that research uncovers what beliefs and motivations really drive customers to buy what they buy. We will also learn some surprising realities about how much of customers’ experiences with our brands are actually irrelevant to future behavior, and most importantly, which part of experiences really stick with customers and shape what they think of our brands.

    Using modern behavioral science, we can do our marketing much better than we are doing it today, because knowing how customers really think is absolutely to key to communicating effectively with them.

Otra formación relacionada con investigación de mercados

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