Bachelor in Business Analytics

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Bachelor in Business Analytics

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Bachelor in Business Analytics de UNIE Universidad se imparte de manera Presencial, en Madrid.
  • Número de horas
    UNIE Universidad otorga el título: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Analytics.
  • Titulación oficial
    UNIE Universidad otorga el título: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Analytics.
  • Valoración del programa
    A través del Bachelor in Business Analytics de la UNIE Universidad, los alumnos desarrollan habilidades para interpretar y comunicar resultados de análisis a equipos de trabajo y stakeholders; se forman en áreas clave de gestión como finanzas, marketing, operaciones y recursos humanos; son preparados para trabajar en entornos dinámicos y multiculturales, y participan en casos reales y retos empresariales propuestos por empresas colaboradoras.
  • Dirigido a
    El Bachelor in Business Analytics de la UNIE Universidad se dirige a aquellos con afinidad por el análisis de datos, el mundo empresarial y las soluciones tecnológicas para problemas reales; a personas que buscan trabajar en áreas como business intelligence, big data, estrategia empresarial, consultoría o tecnología aplicada a los negocios, y a estudiantes interesados en adquirir una formación internacional que combina conocimientos en gestión empresarial con herramientas analíticas avanzadas.
  • Empleabilidad
    Algunas de las salidas profesionales incluyen: Gestor de Big Data, Analista de marketing digital, Estratega de negocio, Consultor en análisis de datos, Analista de datos, Especialista en inteligencia artificial aplicada y Científico de datos, entre otros.

Comentarios sobre Bachelor in Business Analytics - Presencial - Madrid - España

  • Contenido
    Bachelor in Business Analytics.

    Become an expert capable of generating business intelligence and analytics through innovative and sustainable data processing, management and analysis.

    Tipo de curso: Bachelor / Grado
    Rama del grado: Business & Tech
    Titulación del grado: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Analytics
    Método: On Campus

    The increasing digitalization of businesses leads them to handle and store large amounts of customer data. With UNIE’s Bachelor's Degree in Business Analytics, you’ll learn how to integrate the processing, management and analysis of large amounts of data into the management of a business in order to improve its performance.
    You’ll be able to identify the digitalization needs of an organization and develop strategies for its sustainable and ethical growth. You’ll also be able to create and manage digital businesses by analysing data and designing automation processes.
    By the time you leave you’ll understand and be capable of working in a new business reality. One in which data and its proper management play a fundamental role.

    ¿Cuáles son los objetivos de este curso?

    In the first year you’ll learn the basics of computer science, statistics and business. You’ll acquire the skills needed to work your way through the degree program, taking courses such as Descriptive Statistics, Fundamentals of Business Management and Administration, and Business Communication. You’ll also begin to learn the fundamental concepts of Big Data.

     In the second year, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of data analytics, you’ll come into contact with computer science and programming and become familiar with fundamental languages for data processing and analytics.

     In the third year you’ll develop the competencies you need to study AI tools applied to data processing, while also learning about digital security and big data visualization, and how to use text mining and social media in a business context. You’ll also continue to broaden your knowledge and understanding of the business world with courses on taxation, finance, leadership and team management, sustainability, and business ethics.

     During the final year you’ll complete your studies with professionally oriented courses (such as Digital Business Workshop and Communication in Digital Environments) as well as the elective courses of your choice (IT, marketing, statistics, or finance).

    ¿Qué distingue a este curso de los demás?

    •Creating Value
     You’ll understand and work in the new business reality that data science needs.
     Highly practical program, geared towards making you the professional the market demands.
     •100% employability
     Demand for Big Data professionals is currently outstripping supply.
     •Working professionals
     More than 80% of our instructors are in direct contact with the profession.
     •In addition to your degree
     You’ll also receive a Transmedia Creative Communication certificate to go with your degree.
     •Official degree
    Favourably assessed by Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d.

    Resumen del Temario.

    Firts Year
     Introduction to Big Data
     Fundamentals of Business Administration
     Marketing fundamentals
     Descriptive Statistics
     Probability Theory
     Business Communication
     Business English
     Mathematical Analysis
     Second Year
     Big Data Storage ToolsBusiness Creation and Management
     Programming basics
     Data SourcesDigital MarketingData Mining IObject Oriented Programming
     Business LawAccounting
     Third Year
     Sustainability and Digital Ethics
     Leadership and Team Management
     Data Mining II
     Financial Mathematics
     Digital Security
     Artificial Intelligence
     Financial Management
     Business Taxation
     Big Data Visualization
     Text Mining and Social Networks
     Fourth Year
     Digital Business Workshop
     Business Intelligence
     Communication in Digital Environments
     Required Elective 1
     Required Elective 2
     Required Elective 3
     Required Elective 4
     Final Degree Project

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