Modalidad de imparticiónLas clases del Summer Course in Fashion Luxury Marketing son impartidas presencialmente en la ciudad de Roma.
Número de horasSe necesitan 4 semanas para completar este curso.
Titulación oficialEl graduado recibe una titulación oficial de IED Istituto Europeo di Design.
Valoración del programaEl Summer Course in Fashion Luxury Marketing le ofrece al alumno una perspectiva internacional sobre el sector de la moda. Le brinda conocimientos y habilidades para crear, desarrollar y mantener una marca dentro de un mercado competitivo como el de moda y el lujo. Lo forma en temas de gestión y operación comercial, en áreas de branding, marketing, merchandising y organización de eventos para sectores de lujo.
Dirigido aDirigido a estudiantes interesados en formarse en marketing para el sector de lujo.
EmpleabilidadEl curso le brinda herramientas para poder trabajar en el sector de marcas de lujo, en relaciones públicas y manejo de las campañas de comunicación y marketing digital.
Summer Course in Fashion Luxury Marketing
ContenidoFashion Luxury Marketing.
Start date: July | Duration: 4 Weeks | Language: English
Through their coursework students will acquire the management tools and techniques needed to build and maintain luxury brands in a competitive global environment through principles of: Fashion and Luxury, Luxury and Managing Luxury Brands, Integrated Communications Strategy, Public Relations and Events Management, Fashion/Luxury Sectorial Analysis, Distribution Channels in the Fashion/Luxury industry.
Taught entirely in English, this program offers students the international perspective that they will need in order to become future talents in these highly competitive sectors.
The world's best luxury brands and fashion houses rely on business vision as much as creative talent, therefore course aims to provide each student with an insight into the heart of the fashion/luxury world by learning from successful brands. Students will learn to apply management knowledge to the luxury industry and will focus on the fashion and lifestyle industry which are sectors amongst the fastest growing in the world.
Furthermore students will gain tangible work experience through business projects that are an inherent part of the course. Students will acquire a knowledge of the differences in international business culture. Students will gain skills, knowledge and experience much in demand across exclusive and highly competitive jobs markets in the areas of: branding, marketing, merchandising and events across the fashion and luxury sectors.
El IED es un motor de ideas que desarrolla creatividad a través de la siguiente oferta formativa:
* Títulos Superiores en Diseño, equivalentes a Grados Universitarios
* BA (Hons) validated by the University of Westminster
* Cursos de Titulación Propia, Diplomas IED
* Cursos Máster
* Cursos de Especialización
* Cursos de Verano
Otra formación relacionada con marketing estratégico