Master in Tourism Management

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Analisis de educaedu

Agustin González

Master in Tourism Management

  • Modalidad de impartición El tipo de enseñanza del Master in Tourism Management es online.
  • Número de horas El tiempo de duración de este curso es de 12 meses.
  • Titulación oficial El graduado recibirá el título de parte de Rome Business School.
  • Valoración del programa El Master in Tourism Management es un programa que busca consolidar sus conocimientos sobre el sector internacional del turismo con un enfoque de negocios y gestión. Ante el crecimiento y la demanda cada vez mayor, el sector requiere profesionales capacitados en áreas de negocios, marketing, comunicación, nuevas tecnologías. Que entiendan sobre el sistema de turismo enfocado en alimentos y bebidas, en cultura, el turismo deportivo, de moda, romántico. Esta formación brinda todas estas herramientas a los participantes para que puedan destacarse en esta industria.
  • Dirigido a Este programa está orientado a graduados en turismo y hotelería, a profesionales que se desempeñen en el sector.
  • Empleabilidad Podrá trabajar en agencias de viaje y turismo, en organizaciones vinculadas con el intercambio cultural, en organismos públicos de promoción del turismo.

Master in Tourism Management

  • Contenido Master in Tourism Management.

    Rome Business School's Online Master in Tourism Management is the ideal academic course for professionals seeking a world-class degree program in these disciplines, aiming for a successful global career in the tourism sector. This Master will strengthen your skills and allow you to take on responsibilities in companies, companies, organizations, events in the tourism sector by developing your skills in the following professional profiles:

    • Travel consultants; 
    • Organizers of fundraising activities aimed at promoting tourism activities within public and private agencies and companies; 
    • Collaborators of tour operators and travel agencies for the creation of tourist offers; 
    • Sectoral consultants for farms and entrepreneurs for the promotion of food and wine products; 
    • Sectoral consultants for the public sector for the planning, organization and management of local tourism promotion actions; 
    • Promoters of food and wine products and cultural tourist itineraries.


    The program will allow the development of specific sector knowledge and technical and managerial skills suitable for pursuing a career in the tourism sector; one aimed at the world of tourism planning and management for tour operators, travel agencies and travel consultants, to the recognition of local cultural and environmental resources from the point of view of the integration of the tourist offer; promotion of Italian food and wine products both at a corporate and entrepreneurial level, and collaboration with public bodies and administrations for the design and development of actions and the use of funds aimed at the conservation and enhancement of tourism products, thus opening the way for the creation of new professional profiles. 

    Thanks to this master, we offer

    1. Multicultural classes: students from over 150 countries.

    2. International career services

    3. International period - Optional 
    Option 1: in Barcelona at EAE Business School. (1200 + VAT) 
    Option 2: in Rome at the Rome Business School (INCLUDED FOR ONLINE STUDENTS)

    4. Employment rate of 96%. Some of the companies involved where our students were placed: Adecco, AdSala, Amplifon, Brembo, World Food Program, Nova Talent, Bioversity International, Eataly, Groupama Assicurazioni, Radisson Hotel Group, Spot ofminds, Vueling Airlines, Yellow Square, Italconsult Spa , Kelly Services, Dress X Success, Manpower Group, Jaguar and Land Rover, Atrain, Mercer, Tateossian.

    5. Soft Skill Program 

    6. Cultural Program 

    7. Discussions and Meetups The online formula provided for this master allows students to follow lessons from anywhere in the world. It gives the possibility to those who are not available to be physically in the classroom, to attend the master and benefit from all the teachings and networking activities provided by the program. The flexibility of online programs allows students to continue working without giving up academic credentials.


    Our programs are characterized by the respect of the highest quality standards: in fact, four of our masters have been officially recognized by the Ranking Eduniversal 2019 as among the best globally. In addition, students who successfully complete the program will receive a double diploma: the diploma of achievement of the Master Rome Business School and the certification by the Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), which provides 60 internationally recognized ECTS credits.


    At the end of the master, you will be able to:

    1. Interpret a local environment through its agri-food production and special products; 
    2. Know the main foods and wines of Italian (and international) specialties; 
    3. Recognize local cultural and environmental resources from the point of view of the integration of the tourist offer; 
    4. Identify the social, financial, political, public and private actors and the primary actors who take part in the management, conservation, enhancement and promotion of local cultural wealth; 
    5. Identify the regulatory and financial instruments relating to the promotion of initiatives to support tourism; 
    6. Identify the appropriate actions and strategies to safeguard, enhance and promote the tourism product; 
    7. Building a tourist offer that integrates local cultures, environments and flavors through an approach aimed at increasing knowledge through the pleasure of all the senses; 
    8. Develop actions aimed at promoting a local environment from the point of view of environmental sustainability and responsible tourism; 
    9. Identify and collaborate with the actors (tour operators, travel agencies, etc.) involved in the production of tourist packages; 
    10. Develop skills in consulting in the rural food and wine sector; 
    11. Design marketing and communication strategies aimed at promoting products in local environments (fairs, exhibitions, events) and in specific sectoral contexts (exhibitions, conferences, meetings, competitions, themed exhibitions, etc.).

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