Carrera de Ingeniería en Desarrollo de Software Java/.Net

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Pablo Nieves

Carrera de Ingeniería en Desarrollo de Software Java/.Net

  • Modalidad de impartición Presencial.
  • Número de horas Duración 4 años y medio.
  • Titulación oficial Ingeniero en desarrollo de software Java/.Net.
  • Valoración del programa El egresado del NIIT Guadalajara, contara con los conocimientos y habilidades en el campo de investigación y desarrollo de software Java/.Net.
  • Precio del curso Consultar.
  • Dirigido a Dirigido a personas interesadas en materia sobre el mismo.
  • Empleabilidad Podrá trabajar en áreas publicas y privadas nacional e internacional.
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Carrera de Ingeniería en Desarrollo de Software Java/.Net

  • Contenido Q1) Office applications and fundamentals of programming (96 hrs)
    • Office suite advance features (Word, Access, Exel, Outlook,
    • Introduction to programming
    Pseudocode and owcharts
    Use variables, literals and operators
    Use conditional operators
    Declare, dene and invoke procedures and funtions

    Q2) Relational Database design and implementation (96 hrs )
    • Relational Database design
    Dene RDBMS
    E/R Diagrams and normalization
    • Implementing a Database design on MS SQL Server
    Install and congure MS SQL Server
    Query data
    Implement indexes, views, procedures, triggers, HTTP endpoints
    Implement database security, backup, high availabilty, replication
    Import and export data

    Q3) Object oriented programming using .NET Framework (96 hrs)
    • Introduction to OOPS using C#
    Dene objects, classes, messages and methods
    Write and execute C# programs
    Use decision-making constructs and loop constructs
    Implement inheritance, composition, utilization and instantiation
    • Developing Windows applications using .NET Framework
    Create and congure Windows forms
    Dene dialog boxes, menus and MDI container applications
    Implement printing and reporting in a GUI application
    Congure, secure and deploy Windows applications

    Q4) Introduction to Linux and Java Programming (96 hrs)
    • Linux fundamentals
    Components of Linux architecture
    Use Linux commands
    • Java Programing language
    Use Java data types, expressions, ow control constructs
    Use JDBC API for database connectvity
    Error handling using exceptions
    Implement I/O functionality
    Create graphical user interfaces (forms, menus, events)
    Sockets programming (client-server)
    • Data structures and algorithms
    Understand data structures and algorithms
    Linked lists, stacks, queues

    Q5) Web content and Database applications development (96 hrs)
    • Web content development
    XML (schemas, XSLT, XPath...)
    • Developing database applications using ADO.NET and JDBC
    Create applications to access and query databases
    Perform batch updates

    Q6) UML and web applications using ASP.NET (96 hrs)
    • Object oriented analysis and design using UML
    Create UML diagrams (use case, state, activity, package, component,
    deploy diagrams)
    Systems architecture denitions, process engineering, Website
    • Developing Web Applications using ASP.NET
    Design, develop and deploy a Web application
    Build dynamic web applications
    Optimize performance and security

    Q7) Enterprise-wide application development J2EE (96 hrs)
    • Developing Applications for the J2EE platform
    Develop and run EJB technology application
    Delop web services for Java EE platform
    Congure the Java EE platform services layer
    • Web component development with Servlets and JSPs
    ]ava servlets development
    Struts, session management, database integration, JSP pages
    Create robust web applications that integrate Struts and JSP’s

    Q8) Distributed applications using .NET Framework and SW quality (96 hrs)
    • Developing distributed applications
    Envision and design distributed applications
    XML web services development
    Creating, conguring and deploying remoting applications
    Implementing Web Services enhacements (WSE)
    • Sotware quality assurance and testing
    Identify and apply methods of testing
    Building test environments and testing plans
    Creating test reports

    Q9) Mobile and distributed applications development in Java (96 hrs)
    • Mobile applications using J2ME (PDA’s and cell phones)
    J2ME and JTWI specications
    MIDlet development and execution
    Multimedia applications (MMAPI)
    SMS creation, sending and receiving
    Games development
    • Distributed applications development using JavaBeans
    Implement business-tier functionality using EJB
    Integrate an EJB technology based application
    Develop a web-based user interface to an EJB technology application

    Q10) Application development foundation and Project management (96 hrs)
    • Application development foundation using .NET Framework
    Implement service processes, threading and application domains
    Serialization and input/output functionality
    Improve security, interoperability of .NET framework applications
    • Understanding IT Project Management
    Dene IT project management
    Identify SDL (software development life cycle)
    Identify and analyze requirements
    Use Gantt, PERT, Critical Path methods
    Scheduling, risk identication and analysis, project estimations
    Quality management plan

    Q11) Java Web Services and code optimization and performance (96 hrs)
    • Developing Java Web Services
    Implement a web service for J2EE platform
    Implement web services clients for J2EE platform
    • Code optimization and performance tuning using VTune
    Identify the application optimization process
    Optimize programming constructs
    VTune performance analyzer

    Q12) Business intelligence (96 hrs)
    • Implementing a BI solution
    Idetify the process of developing a BI solution
    Datawarehouses and data marts
    OLAP architecture
    Implement key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • Building a BI infrastructure
    Plan the technical and infrastrucutre architechture for a BI solution
    Test and maintain a data warehouse
    Load data into a data warehouse
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