Curso ITIL® Intermedio OSA

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Review del tutor

Edgar Velazquez

Instructor de ITIL/COBIT/ISO20000

  • ¿para qué capacita? conocer como se aplican las mejores prácticas para el área de soporte e infraestructura de TI
  • ¿cuántos años lleva impartiéndose? 2
  • Perfil del alumno personal de soporte e infraestructura de TI
  • Objetivos conocimiento del rol operacional capacidad para analizar problemas como involucrarse proactivamente antes de realizar una liberación como atender un incidente con las mejores prácticas
  • Ventajas - curso oficial de ITIL Intermediate OSA
    - Organización acreditada para dictar los cursos
    - experiencia del instructor como experto en la materia
  • Método de evaluación examen de certificación en línea
  • Certificado / titulación ITIL® Intermediate Certificate in Operational Support and Analysis
  • Promociones 10% de descuento a 2 personas de la misma organizacion
  • Alumnos por clase 8
  • Profesorado - experiencia
    - instructor certificado
    - siempre excelentemente evaluado

"Un personal que se profesionaliza brinda mas valor al negocio y tiene mas confianza para la toma de decisiones en su área de competencia"

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Curso ITIL® Intermedio OSA

  • Objetivos del curso At the end of this course, the learner will gain competencies in:

    • Understanding Service Management as a Practice, Service Operation principles, purpose and objective

    • Knowing the important role of Operational Support and Analysis in service provision and understanding of how the in-scope processes interact with other Service Lifecycle processes

    • The activities, methods and functions used in each of the Operational Support and Analysis processes

    • The application of Operational Support and Analysis processes, activities and functions to achieve operational excellence

    • How to measure Operational Support and Analysis performance

    • The importance of IT Security and how it supports Operational Support and Analysis

    • Understanding technology and implementation requirements in support of Operational Support and Analysis
  • Curso dirigido a The Operational Support and Analysis Capability course will be of interest to:

    • Individuals who have their ITIL Foundation Certificate who want to purse the intermediate and advanced level ITIL certifications.

    • Individuals and / or operational staff who require a comprehensive practical understanding of the Operational Support and Analysis processes and how these may be used to enhance the quality of IT service support within an organization, for example: operational staff involved in Event Management Process, Incident Management Process, Request Fulfillment Process, Problem Management Process, Access Management Process, Service Desk, Technical Management, IT Operations Management and Application Management

    • IT professionals involved in IT Service Management implementation and improvement programs.

    • A typical role includes (but is not restricted to): IT professionals, IT / business managers and IT / business process owners, IT practitioners.
  • Titulación ITIL Intermediate OSA
  • Contenido This 5-day course immerses learners in the practical aspects of the ITIL Service Lifecycle and processes associated with the Operational Support and Analysis of services. The main focus of this course is on the operational-level process activities and supporting methods and approaches to executing these processes in a practical, hands-on learning environment. This training is intended to enable the holders of the certificate to apply the practices in resolution and support of the Service Management Lifecycle. This course is designed using an engaging scenario-based approach to learning the core disciplines of the ITIL best practice and positions the student to successfully complete the associated exam.
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