Curso Introductorio a IBM DB2 Document Manager V8 Implementation and Administration
Modalidad de imparticiónLa modalidad es presencial.
Número de horasPreguntar.
Titulación oficialCertificación Técnica Profesional de IBM DB2 Document Manager V8 Implementation and Administration.
Valoración del programaEste Curso busca definir los conceptos de gestión de documentos, usar la herramienta de diseño de marcos alemanes de IBM para montar un moderadamente complejo sistema de gestión de documentos, la costumbre de fabricación de componentes del sistema, utilizar la herramienta de diseño para construir una interfaz de usuario personalizado, como un componente integrado de su sistema de gestión de documentos.
Precio del cursoConsultar.
Dirigido aEste es un curso intermedio para las personas que apliquen y mantengan un IBM DB2, sistema de gestión de documentos. Con la comprensión básica de las redes y los sistemas de gestión de contenido.
EmpleabilidadAl terminar serás capaz de manejar los conceptos de los documentos básicos descritos. Conocerás la lista de los programas de IBM DB2 DM. Y definirás las secuencias básicas y los pasos que requiere la implementación del sistema del manejo de documentos.
Curso Introductorio a IBM DB2 Document Manager V8 Implementation and Administration
Objetivos del curso- Define document management concepts - Use the IBM DM Design tool to assemble a moderately complex document management system from your own, custom-made system components - Use the Design tool to build a custom user interface as an integrated component of your document management system
PrácticasEste es un curso completamente práctico
Curso dirigido aThis is an intermediate course for individuals who implement and maintain an IBM DB2 Document Management system. With basic understanding of networks and content management systems
TitulaciónCerticicación Técnica Profesional de IBM DB2 Document Manager V8 Implementation and Administration
- Describe basic document management concepts
- List the important features of IBM DB2 DM
- Define the basic sequence of steps required to implement a document management system
- Briefly discuss DM and CM interoperability
- Draw a simple three-tiered architectural diagram of DM
- Label the major components in each tier of a detailed architectural diagram of a DM system
- Describe at a high-level some of the system configurations in which DM can be deployed
Using the DM Desktop
- Log into the DM Desktop
- Search for and view a document using the Desktop
- Manipulate documents in the Desktop Folder Pane
- Add a document using the Desktop
The business case
- Describe the names and purposes of the three business forms utilized in the insurance scenario
- List some of the attributes that are required to enter these forms into the system
- Draw a diagram of the insurance scenario business process for accident claims
Introduction to the Service Manager
- List the DM services managed by the DM Services tool
- Describe the purpose of the DdmCaSrv.ini file
- Identify some of the desktop components that are cached Cache Manager service
Getting started with the Designer
- Describe the purpose of the DM Designer tool
- List the basic Designer commands available
Library properties, item types, and classes
- Create an attribute
- Import an object configuration file
- Create an item type
- Create a stateless class
Actions and Dialogs
- Create an Action and Dialog from scratch
- Create an Action and Dialog by copying an existing one and modifying it
- Associate an Action and Dialog to one or more classes
- Provide group access to an Action and Dialog
Controlled Vocabulary Lists (CVL)
- Create a CVL list
- Creating CVL Link
- Associate a CVL link to Actions and Dialogs and search templates
Searches and views
- Configure a custom search template and associate it with a desktop template
- Configure a custom view template and associated it with a desktop template
- Create data structures required for implementing standard folders
- Create standard folders and subfolders using the Desktop
- Create data structures required for saved searches
- Create a dynamic (smart) folder utilizing your saved search
Building a custom desktop
- Create custom top and bottom toolbars
- Create simple and cascading pull-down menus
- Configure a custom desktop from these menus and other desktop components
- Configure access control to your custom desktop
Introduction to controlled documents
- Define document routing
- Define document life cycle management
- Describe the characteristics of the controlled document class
Controlled documents: roles and states
- Create a controlled document class using the Designer
- Create a role and assign users or groups to this role
- Create a document state and associate a role to this state
Document control: life-cycle map
- Define a document life cycle
- Use the life-cycle map tool to add routes between states, and assign participants to state transitions
Property modifications
- Define a property modification
- Create a property modification
- Associate a property modification with a document state
Application integration
- Define application integration
- Create a custom menu for Microsoft Word 2000
- Define the menu behavior and create a custom application integration object
- Associate the custom object with a Desktop template