Curso de Visual studio 2008: windows workflow foundation

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Analisis de educaedu

José Cortes

Curso de Visual studio 2008: windows workflow foundation

  • Modalidad de impartición Este Curso se imparte en modalidad presencial.
  • Número de horas El Curso de Visual studio 2008: windows workflow foundation tiene una duración de 14 horas.
  • Titulación oficial Al terminar el programa el alumno recibe una certificación.
  • Valoración del programa El Curso de Visual studio 2008: Windows workflow foundation enseña al alumno los conocimientos para construir y configurar Windows workflow foundation (wf). El programa académico abarca las características y conceptos de este programa, monitorear el flujo de trabajo y publicar el servicio con la finalidad de optimizar las funciones y el trabajo del usuario.
  • Precio del curso Consultar precio.
  • Dirigido a Este Curso se dirige a Desarrolladores que requieran de conocimientos en Visual studio 2008 Windows workflow foundation.
  • Empleabilidad El campo laboral para este tipo de profesionales es como Desarrollador de Software, Analista en Tecnología de la Información, Programador, Consultor, entre otros.

Curso de Visual studio 2008: windows workflow foundation

  • Contenido duración: 14hrs.

    about this course
    elements of this syllabus are subject to change.
    this two-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to build and configure a windows workflow foundation (wf) solution.
    audience profile
    this course is intended for application developers who know how to create applications in visual studio 2005 or 2008. The course does not require previous experience creating workflow-based solutions.
    at course completion
    after completing this course, students will be able to:
    •explain windows workflow foundation concepts and features
    •create sequential workflows
    •create state machine workflows
    •modify workflows at run time
    •implement conditional branching in a workflow
    •define and execute rule sets
    •forward chain rules
    •change rules at run time
    •call methods on the host process
    •handle events from the host process
    •consume services from a workflow
    •publish a workflow as a service
    •create a custom activity
    •create a custom composite activity
    •define custom activity layout
    •customize activity serialization
    •create a custom runtime service
    •hydrate and dehydrate workflows
    •monitor workflows
    •track workflows
    •handle faults in a workflow
    •handle cancellations in a workflow
    •create and manage transactions in a workflow
    •create and handle compensations

    module 1: creating and hosting workflows
    this module explains how to create and host windows workflow foundation (wf) workflows.
    •overview of windows workflow foundation
    •creating sequential workflows
    •creating state machine workflows
    •modifying workflows at runtime
    lab : creating and hosting workflows
    •creating and hosting a simple sequential workflow
    •passing parameters into a workflow
    •creating a state machine workflow
    •hosting the state machine workflow
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •explain windows workflow foundation concepts and features.
    •create sequential workflows.
    •create state machine workflows.
    •modify workflows at run time.
    module 2: applying conditions and rules
    this module explains how to apply conditions and rules in a workflow.
    •implementing flow control
    •defining and executing rule sets
    •forward chaining of rules
    •changing rules at run time
    lab : applying conditions and rules
    •making decisions
    •performing iteration
    •defining policies
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •implement conditional branching in a workflow.
    •define and execute rule sets.
    •forward chain rules.
    •change rules at run time.
    module 3: communicating with workflows
    this module explains how to communicate between workflows, host processes, and services.
    •calling methods on the host process
    •handling events from the host process
    •consuming services from a workflow
    •publishing a workflow as a service
    lab : communicating with workflows
    •invoking a method on the host process
    •handling events from the host process
    •consuming services from a workflow
    •publishing a workflow as a service
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •call methods on the host process.
    •handle events from the host process.
    •consume services from a workflow.
    •publish a workflow as a service.
    module 4: creating and configuring custom activities
    this module explains how to create and configure custom activities.
    •creating custom activities
    •creating custom composite activities
    •customizing activity serialization
    •defining custom activity layout
    lab : creating and configuring custom activities
    •creating a custom activity
    •validating a custom activity
    •developing a custom activity designer
    •creating a custom composite activity
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •create a custom activity.
    •create a custom composite activity.
    •define custom activity layout.
    •customize activity serialization.
    module 5: creating and managing runtime services
    this module explains how to create and manage runtime services.
    •creating a custom runtime service
    •hydrating and dehydrating workflows
    •monitoring workflows
    •tracking workflows
    lab : creating and managing runtime services
    •creating a custom runtime service
    •hydrating and dehydrating workflows
    •monitoring workflows
    •tracking workflows
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •create a custom runtime service.
    •hydrate and dehydrate workflows.
    •monitor workflows.
    •track workflows.
    module 6: managing faults, cancellations, transactions, and compensations
    this module explains how to manage faults, cancellations, transactions, and compensations in a workflow.
    •handling faults
    •handling cancellations
    •creating and managing transactions
    •creating and handling compensations
    lab : managing faults, transactions, and compensations
    •handling faults
    •implementing transactional behavior
    •implementing compensation behavior
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •handle faults in a workflow.
    •handle cancellations in a workflow.
    •create and manage transactions in a workflow.
    •create and handle compensations.

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