Curso de Visual studio 2008: asp. Net 3. 5

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José Cortes

Curso de Visual studio 2008: asp. Net 3. 5

  • Modalidad de impartición Este Curso se imparte de forma presencial.
  • Número de horas El Curso de Visual studio 2008: asp. Net 3. 5 tiene una duración de 14 horas.
  • Titulación oficial Al finalizar el alumno recibe una certificación.
  • Valoración del programa El Curso de Visual studio 2008: asp. Net 3. 5 provee al alumno de los conocimientos para crear aplicaciones web por medio de asp. Net 3. 5. El programa del curso orienta al alumno en la configuración de aplicaciones asp. Net mediante config files, en el acceso y manipulación de datos en diferentes fuentes usando ado .Net 3.5. así como encontrar y eliminar bugs en una aplicación asp. Net, entre otras actividades.
  • Precio del curso Consultar precio.
  • Dirigido a Este Curso se orienta a Desarrolladores de aplicaciones que requieran de Visual Studio 2005 o 2008.
  • Empleabilidad El egresado de este Curso podrá desempeñar funciones como Consultor SQL, Analista Programador, Desarrollador .Net, entre otros.

Curso de Visual studio 2008: asp. Net 3. 5

  • Contenido duración 14hrs

    about this course
    this two-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to create a fully functional web application by using asp. Net 3. 5.
    audience profile
    this course is intended for application developers who know how to create applications in visual studio 2005 or 2008.
    at course completion
    after completing this course, students will be able to:
    •explain how to create dynamic web pages by using asp. Net.
    •manage state, handle requests, and improve accessibility by using the features of asp. Net.
    •configure an asp. Net application by using . Config files
    •create a user interface on an asp. Net page by using standard web server controls.
    •create a user control and a custom server control and add them to an asp. Net page.
    •access and manipulate data from different sources by using ado. Net 3. 5.
    •access and manipulate data from windows communication foundation services or web services.
    •present data to the user by placing data-bound controls on an asp. Net page.
    •improve page responsiveness by using the asp. Net ajax controls.
    •interact with the user, access services, and access the ajax client-side library by using client scripts.
    •find and eliminate bugs in an asp. Net application.
    •deploy an asp. Net application to a production web server.
    •write pages that adapt to the capabilities of mobile devices.
    •utilize controls that adapt to the capabilities of mobile devices.

    module 1: getting started with asp. Net 3. 5
    this module explains how to build and configure a simple asp. Net application.
    •introduction to asp. Net web applications
    •features of asp. Net 3. 5
    •configuring asp. Net applications
    lab : creating and configuring an asp. Net 3. 5 application
    •creating an asp. Net application
    •configuring session state
    •configuring caching
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •explain how to create dynamic web pages by using asp. Net.
    •manage state, handle requests, and improve accessibility by using the features of asp. Net.
    •configure an asp. Net application by using . Config files.
    module 2: implementing a user interface with asp. Net server controls
    this module explains how to implement a dynamic user interface by using asp. Net controls.
    •consuming controls to interact with users
    •creating custom controls
    lab : consuming and creating asp. Net server controls
    •creating a user interface by using server controls in an asp. Net form
    •creating user controls and custom server controls
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •create a user interface on an asp. Net page by using standard web server controls.
    •create a user control and a custom server control and add them to an asp. Net page.
    module 3: displaying and manipulating data in asp. Net 3. 5
    this module explains how to display and manipulate data from any source in an asp. Net application.
    •accessing data by using ado. Net 3. 5
    •accessing data from services
    •presenting data in web controls
    lab : displaying and manipulating data in asp. Net 3. 5
    •accessing data from an xml file as a data source
    •consuming data from a web service
    •displaying data by using data-bound controls
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •access and manipulate data from different sources by using ado. Net 3. 5.
    •access and manipulate data from windows communication foundation services or web services.
    •present data to the user by placing data-bound controls on an asp. Net page.
    module 4: creating responsive pages by using client-side technologies
    this module explains how to create pages that respond rapidly to user requests.
    •creating partial page updates by using ajax
    •scripting actions on the web client
    lab : creating responsive pages by using client-side technologies
    •implementing partial page updates by using ajax controls
    •accessing a web service by using a client-side script
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •improve page responsiveness by using the asp. Net ajax controls.
    •interact with the user, access services, and access the ajax client-side library by using client scripts.
    module 5: debugging and deploying asp. Net applications
    this module explains how to deploy a reliable, robust web application to a web server.
    •troubleshooting and debugging asp. Net applications
    •deploying completed asp. Net applications
    lab : debugging and deploying an asp. Net application
    •debugging an asp. Net application
    •deploying an asp. Net application
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •find and eliminate bugs in an asp. Net application.
    •deploy an asp. Net application to a production web server.
    module 6: writing asp. Net applications for mobile devices
    this module explains how to ensure that mobile device users can access all the functionality of a web site.
    •rendering pages according to device capabilities
    •creating pages with mobile web controls
    lab : adding support for mobile devices
    •adding a mobile web form to your application
    •displaying data by using mobile web controls
    after completing this module, students will be able to:
    •write pages that adapt to the capabilities of mobile devices.
    •utilize controls that adapt to the capabilities of mobile devices.

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