Curso de Microsoft Certified Application Specialist
Modalidad de imparticiónEl Curso de Microsoft Certifies Application Specialist se imparte de modo Presencial.
Número de horasConsultar la duración de este Curso.
Titulación oficialInterSoftware otorga un Diploma certificado de participación, tras finalizar este Curso.
Valoración del programaEl objetivo de este Curso es brindar los conocimientos necesarios para el diseño, utilización y aplicación profesional de las herramientas de Office como Word, Excel y Power Point, y Outlook, logrando certificarse de manera oficial.
Precio del cursoConsultar precio.
Dirigido aEste Curso está dirigido a aquellos interesados en las ciencias computacionales y de sistemas y la certificación oficial de sus conocimientos.
EmpleabilidadEl campo laboral del egresado de este Curso se extiende dentro del sector productivo, como parte de empresas públicas o privadas, en departamentos y áreas de diseño, implementación, operación, mantenimiento y soporte de sistemas computacionales, así como de manera independiente en consultorías, la docencia y la investigación a nivel nacional e internacional.
Curso de Microsoft Certified Application Specialist
ContenidoCurso de Microsoft Certified Application Specialist: Módulos:
INT-116 Word 2007 Nivel 2
Office 2007 es un conjunto completo de herramientas de administración de información y productividad que pueden ayudarte a trabajar de forma más eficaz, lo anterior se debe a la interfaz de usuario de Microsoft Office es más intuitiva, lo que acelera el acceso a las tareas Este programa te permitirá conocer el manejo de las nuevas herramientas de Office 2007 y estar capacitado a nivel técnico para emplear al máximo todas las funciones de cada uno de las herramientas.
Estudiante Objetivo:
Este programa tiene una duración de 56 horas de entrenamiento y esta diseñado para personas que desean generar conocimientos como avanzados en las herramientas de Office: Word, Excel y Power Point, y Outlook 2007.
Lesson 1: Managing Lists
Sort a List
Renumber a List
Customize Lists
Lesson 2: Customizing Tables and Charts
Sort Table Data
Control Cell Layout
Perform Calculations in a Table
Create Charts
Lesson 3: Customizing Formatting with Styles and Themes
Create or Modify a Text Style
Create a Custom List or Table Style
Apply Default and Customized Document Themes
Lesson 4: Modifying Pictures
Resize a Picture
Adjust Picture Appearance Settings
Wrap Text Around a Picture
Lesson 5: Creating Customized Graphic Elements
Create Text Boxes and Pull Quotes
Draw Shapes
Add WordArt and Other Special Effects to Text
Create Complex Illustrations with SmartArt
Lesson 6: Inserting Content Using Quick Parts
Insert Building Blocks
Create Building Blocks
Modify Building Blocks
Insert Fields Using Quick Parts
Lesson 7: Controlling Text Flow
Control Paragraph Flow
Insert Section Breaks
Insert Columns
Link Text Boxes to Control Text Flow
Lesson 8: Using Templates to Automate Document Creation
Create a Document Based on a Template
Create a Template
Lesson 9: Automating Mail Merges
Perform a Mail Merge
Mail Merge Envelopes and Labels
Use Word to Create a Data Source
Lesson 10: Using Macros to Automate Tasks
Perform a Task Automatically Using a Macro
Create a Macro
INT-117 Word 2007 Nivel 3
Course Description
You know to use Microsoft Office Word 2007 to create and format typical business documents. Now, you may need to work on more complex documents. In this course, you will use Word to create, manage, revise, and distribute long documents and forms.
Course Objective:
You will create, manage, revise, and distribute long documents.
Target Student: This course is designed for persons who want to gain skills necessary to manage long documents, collaborate with others, and secure documents. In addition, it will be helpful for persons preparing for the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist exams for Microsoft Office Word 2007.
Students should be able to use Microsoft Office Word 2007 to create, edit, format, save, and print business documents that contain text, tables, and graphics. Students should also be able to use a web browser and an email program. A basic understanding of XML would also be helpful. In order to understand how Word interacts with other applications in the Microsoft Office System, students should have a basic understanding of how worksheets and presentations work. To ensure success, you need to first take the following Element K courses or have equivalent knowledge:
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Level 1
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Level 2
INT-113 Excel 2007 Nivel 2
Lesson 1: Calculating Data with Advanced Formulas
Manage Cell and Range Names
Calculate Data Across Worksheets
Use Specialized Functions
Analyze Data with Logical and Lookup Functions
Lesson 2: Organizing Worksheet and Table Data
Create and Modify Tables
Format Tables
Sort or Filter Worksheet or Table Data
Calculate Data in a Table or Worksheet
Lesson 3: Presenting Data Using Charts
Create a Chart
Modify Charts
Format Charts
Lesson 4: Analyzing Data Using PivotTables and PivotCharts
Create a PivotTable Report
Analyze Data Using PivotCharts
Lesson 5: Inserting Graphic Objects
Insert and Modify Pictures and ClipArt
Draw and Modify Shapes
Illustrate Workflow Using SmartArt Graphics
Layer and Group Graphic Objects
Lesson 6: Customizing and Enhancing Workbooks and the Excel Environment
Customize the Excel Environment
Customize Workbooks
Manage Themes
Create and Use Templates
INT-114 Excel 2007 Nivel 3
Lesson 1: Streamlining Workflow
Create a Macro
Edit a macro
Apply Conditional Formatting
Add Data Validation
Update a oWorkbook Propieties
Modify Default Settings
Lesson 2: Collaborating with Others
Protect Files
Share a Workbook
Set Revision Tracking
Review Tracked Revisions
Merge Workbooks
Administer Digital Signatures
Restrict Document Access
Lesson 3: Auditing Worksheets
Trace Cells
Troubleshoot Errors in Formulas
Troubleshoot Invalid Data and Formulas
Watch and Evaluate Formulas
Create a Data List Outline
Lesson 4: Analyzing Data
Create a Trendline
Create Scenarios
Perform What-If Analysis
Perform Statistical Analysis with the Analysis ToolPak
Lesson 5: Working with Multiple Workbooks
Create a Workspace
Consolidate Data
Link Cells in Different Workbooks
Edit Links
Lesson 6: Importing and Exporting Data
Export Excel Data
Import a Delimited Text File
Using Excel with the Web
Publish a Worksheet to the Web
INT-118 Power Point 2007 Intermedio
You will explore the PowerPoint environment and create a new presentation. You will format text on slides to enhance clarity. In order to enhance the visual appeal, you will add graphical objects to a presentation and modify them. You will also add tables and charts to a presentation to present data in a structured form. You will then finalize a presentation to deliver it.
Estudiante Objetivo:
This course is designed for students who are interested in learning the fundamentals needed to create and modify basic presentations using Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007. This course is also intended for students interested in pursuing Microsoft Office Specialist certification in Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007.
Students should be familiar with using personal computers and have used a mouse and keyboard. You should be comfortable in the Windows environment and be able to use Windows to manage information on your computer. Specifically, you should be able to launch and close programs; navigate to information stored on the computer; and manage files and folders. Students should have completed the following courses or possess equivalent knowledge before starting with this course:
* Windows XP: Introduction
* Windows XP Professional: Level 1
* Windows XP Professional: Level 2
* Windows 2000: Introduction
Lesson 1: Getting Started with PowerPoint
Topic 1A: Explore the User Interface
Topic 1B: Navigate and View a Presentation
Topic 1C: Use Microsoft PowerPoint Help
Topic 1D: Enter Text
Topic 1E: Save a Presentation
Lesson 2: Creating a Presentation
Topic 2A: Create a Presentation
Topic 2B: Edit Text
Topic 2C: Add Slides to a Presentation
Topic 2D: Arrange Slides
Topic 2E: Work with Themes
Lesson 3: Formatting Text on Slides
Topic 3A: Apply Character Formats
Topic 3B: Apply Paragraph Formats
Topic 3C: Format Text Placeholders
Lesson 4: Adding Graphical Objects to a Presentation
Topic 4A: Insert Clip Art and Pictures
Topic 4B: Draw Shapes
Topic 4C: Insert WordArt
Lesson 5: Modifying Objects
Topic 5A: Work with Objects
Topic 5B: Change Object Orientation
Topic 5C: Format Objects
Topic 5D: Group and Ungroup Objects
Topic 5E: Arrange Objects
Lesson 6: Adding Tables to a Presentation
Topic 6A: Create a Table
Topic 6B: Format Tables
Topic 6C: Insert a Table from Microsoft Word
Lesson 7: Inserting Charts in a Presentation
Topic 7A: Create a Chart
Topic 7B: Edit Chart Data
Topic 7C: Modify a Chart
Topic 7D: Paste a Chart from Microsoft Excel
Lesson 8: Preparing to Deliver a Presentation
Topic 8A: Review Content
Topic 8B: Add Transitions
Topic 8C: Apply an Animation Effect
Topic 8D: Create Speaker Notes
Topic 8E: Print a Presentation
INT-119 Power Point 2007 Avanzado
You will enhance your presentation with features that will transform it into a powerful means of communication. You will customize the PowerPoint interface to suit your requirements and use the new and enhanced features to create dynamic and visually appealing presentations. You will then finalize a presentation and secure it to authenticate its validity.
Estudiantes Objetivo:
This course is designed for students who want to gain the skills necessary to work with design templates, various types of diagrams, special effects, custom slide shows, collaboration functionality, and advanced presentation delivery. This course also assists in the preparation for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam in Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007. It is for students who already have knowledge of the basics of PowerPoint 2007, including slide formatting and working with tables, charts, images, objects, and presentation preparation.
To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the following Element K courses or have equivalent knowledge:
* Windows XP: Introduction
* Windows 2000: Introduction
* Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007: Level 1
Al Finalizar:
This course is one of a series of Element K courseware titles that addresses Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (Microsoft Business Certification) skill sets. The Microsoft Certified Application Specialist program is for individuals who use Microsoft’s business desktop software and who seek recognition for their expertise with specific Microsoft products. Certification candidates must pass one or more proficiency exams in order to earn Microsoft Certified Application Specialist certification.
Lesson 1: Customizing the PowerPoint Environment
Topic 1A: Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Topic 1B: Personalize the PowerPoint Interface
Topic 1C: Customize Save Options
Topic 1D: Apply Advanced Customization Options
Lesson 2: Customizing a Design Template
Topic 2A: Set Up a Slide Master
Topic 2B: Customize Slide Layouts
Topic 2C: Create Custom Themes
Topic 2D: Add Headers and Footers
Topic 2E: Modify the Notes Master
Topic 2F: Modify the Handout Master
Lesson 3: Adding Diagrams to a Presentation
Topic 3A: Create Diagrams
Topic 3B: Modify Diagrams
Lesson 4: Adding Special Effects to Presentations
Topic 4A: Add Multimedia Elements
Topic 4B: Customize Slide Component Animations
Lesson 5: Customizing a Slide Show Presentation
Topic 5A: Set Up a Custom Show
Topic 5B: Annotate a Presentation
Topic 5C: Create a Presenter-Independent Slide Show
Topic 5D: Set Up a Slide Show to Repeat Automatically
Lesson 6: Collaborating on a Presentation
Topic 6A: Review a Presentation
Topic 6B: Publish Slides to a Slide Library
Topic 6C: Share a Presentation
Lesson 7: Securing and Distributing a Presentation
Topic 7A: Secure Presentations
Topic 7B: Package a Presentation
Topic 7C: Publish a Presentation as a Web Page
INT-121 Outlook 2007 Nivel 2 INT-122 Outlook 2007 Nivel 3