Curso de Decoración y Estilismo de Interiores

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Analisis de educaedu

Inés Gonzalez

Curso de Decoración y Estilismo de Interiores

  • Modalidad de impartición El IED Istituto Europeo di Design ofrece este Curso en modalidad Presencial, en Barcelona.
  • Número de horas La duración del programa es de 3 meses.
  • Titulación oficial Los alumnos que concluyan el estudio obtendrán una certificación oficial por parte del IED Istituto Europeo di Design.
  • Valoración del programa Durante el Curso de Especialización en Diseño y Conceptualización de Espacios Interiores del IED Istituto Europeo de Design, los participantes explorarán las bases teóricas y prácticas del diseño de espacios, desarrollando una comprensión profunda de los diferentes aspectos que influyen en la creación de ambientes funcionales y estéticamente atractivos. Además, trabajarán en proyectos prácticos que les permitirán aplicar las técnicas aprendidas y desarrollar su propia visión en el diseño de interiores.
  • Dirigido a Público al que se dirige: Este curso está dirigido tanto a profesionales del diseño que deseen especializarse en el ámbito de los espacios interiores, como a personas sin experiencia previa en este campo que deseen adquirir una base sólida en diseño de interiores. Se anima a participar a aquellos interesados en el arte, la decoración, la arquitectura y la creatividad.
  • Empleabilidad Al completar este curso, los participantes tendrán la preparación necesaria para trabajar en una variedad de puestos relacionados con el diseño de interiores, como estudios de diseño, firmas de arquitectura, empresas de consultoría en diseño de interiores o incluso, emprender su propio negocio.
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Curso de Decoración y Estilismo de Interiores

  • Contenido Interior Decoration and Styling.

    Acquire the theoretical and practical tools you need for contemporary interior styling and home decoration forecasting.

    Language: Spanish
    Frequency: Part-time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 3 Weeks

    Explore the art of 'dressing' spaces, analyse and develop experiences to internalise the creative process, take the seed of an idea and turn it into a project.

    This Summer Course in Interior Styling and Decoration introduces you to the main theoretical concepts of current practice in this field, and the tools that open the doors to a multitude of future professional prospects.
    In this course, you’ll acquire the know-how you need to create harmonious living spaces  by taking a close look at the latest trends, chromatic relationships, combining textures and materials, and more.  

    Information to decide.
    A course that shows you exactly what’s involved in the various areas of forecasting: the creative process, the tools needed to develop a project, how to use materials and understand trends.

    Methodology and structure.
    You’ll put the know-how you acquire in the theory-based and guest speaker sessions into practice through a series of exercises. These exercises give you first-hand experience of the professional sector, one of the essential goals of the course. 
    The syllabus is divided into different subjects taught by professional interior stylists and designers, and includes visits to showrooms and renowned retailers in the sector.

    Who is it for?
    Students, professionals working in the sector and anyone interested in interior styling and decorating living spaces. If you want to specialise in interior styling to offer something different in a competitive and ever-changing sector, this is the course for you.  

    Why choose it.
    You’ll develop the skills you need to manage and develop professional projects, acquiring key knowledge of trends, materials, lighting and colour, using programs to design, style and decorate interior spaces.

    In a well-balanced mix of theory and practice, you’ll acquire a comprehensive vision of the many complex relationships involved: the individual, society as a whole, and the interior space in which these relationships evolve.


    Spatial representation
    Image: space and object
    Light theory
    Colour theory
    Spatial composition

    Textures and materials
    Furniture and accessories
    Kitchen space
    Bathroom space
    Floral design
    A visit to showrooms

    The User and comfort
    Living space 1
    Living space 2
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