Curso de DB2 UDB for Z/OS System/Disaster Recovery Workshop CF910MX
Modalidad de imparticiónLa modalidad es presencial.
Número de horasConsultar.
Titulación oficialCertificación de IBM DB2 UDB para Z/OS System/Recuperación de desastres.
Valoración del programaAprende a diseñar e implementar la recuperación y reiniciar los procedimientos para DB2 UDB para z / OS y OS/390. Énfasis en las tres situaciones de emergencia de recuperación más difíciles: Reinicio condicional, la recuperación roto de catálogo/directorio y fuera de sitio.
Precio del cursoPreguntar.
Dirigido aEste es un curso avanzado para los administradores de sistemas senior, administradores de alto nivel de base de datos, y los altos individuos de un sistema técnico profesional, que planificar, implementar y mantener DB2 UDB para Z/OS y OS/390, Versión 8.
EmpleabilidadAl terminar el curso podrá tener mejor manejo en datos aplicados en distintos sistemas del campo de la tecnologia.
Curso de DB2 UDB for Z/OS System/Disaster Recovery Workshop CF910MX
Objetivos del cursoLearn how to design and implement recovery and restart procedures for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390. Emphasize the three most difficult recovery emergencies: conditional restart, broken catalog/directory, and off-site recovery. Design and set up procedures for database recovery (point-in-time or application point of consistency), and catalog/directory or database broken data recovery. More than half of the course is devoted to hands-on labs and lab reviews.
PrácticasThirteen labs are included to help the student to master skills in changing active log sizes, using Conditional Restart Control Record (CRCR) recoveries, consistent restarts, resolving Logical Page Lists (LPL), critical log read errors, missing checkpoint entries, unequal time stamps in Boot Strap Data Sets (BSDS), down-level detections, and dilemmas with a DB2 cold start. Also, included in the lab document are appendices showing the new SYSTEM BACKUP/RESTORE function in DB2 V8 and how to install, execute, and restore DB2 using this new database recovery function.
Curso dirigido aThis is an advanced course for senior system administrators, senior database administrators, and senior technical system professional individuals, who plan, implement, and maintain DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, Version 8.
TitulaciónCertification IBM DB2 UDB for Z/OS System/Disaster Recovery
- Explain the use of DB2 utilities used in database backup/recovery
- Explain the use of DB2 catalog/directories used in database backup/recovery
- Design procedures for doing database backup/recovery
- Explain how to resolve page-set exceptions
- Explain application point of consistency
Logs and BSDS
- Describe the DB2 recovery logging process
- Understand the offloading process
- Analyze the contents of DB2's BSDS, active and archive logs
- List functions of DB2 log-related utilities
Three labs: hands-on laboratory exercise topics:
- Rebuild a DB2 environment from a disaster recovery situation
- Enlarge a DB2 catalog page-set
- Change a DB2 active log size
- Explain the process done by DB2 during startup and shutdown
- Implement procedures to avoid DB2 startup and shutdown problems
Indoubt unit of recovery - manual resolution
- Explain DB2's use of logging to support a two-phase commit
- Explain how to locate log records in Information Management System (IMS), CICS, and DB2 that are of the same unit of work
- Develop procedures for indoubt Unit of Recovery (UR) resolution
Conditional restart
- Explain how to perform a DB2 conditional restart
- Explain how to do DSN1LOGP summary analysis
Four labs: hands-on laboratory exercise topics:
- Make use of a CRCR with BACKOUT=NO
- Restart DB2 with a consistent restart
- Restart DB2 with a consistent restart with Data Definition Language (DDL) back out
- Resolve a DB2 LPL situation
Broken user data
- Describe the format of user page sets
- List the health check utilities for problem resolution with user page sets
- Identify problems with user page sets
- Resolve problems with user page sets
Broken system data
- Describe the utilities used with DB2 system data
- Understand contents in DB2 system data
- Describe the Database Definitions (DBD) (database descriptor records)
Four labs: hands-on laboratory exercise topics:
- Resolve a DB2 critical log read error
- Resolve a DB2 critical log read error with DDL
- Resolve a DB2 missing checkpoint entry
- Resolve a DB2 unequal time stamp error in BSDS
Down-level detection
- Explain DB2 down-level page sets
- Explain how DB2 detects down-level page sets
- Explain how to recover from down-level page sets
System Point of Consistency (POC) recovery
- Establish a system-wide POC
- Recover to a system-side POC
- Choose correct alternative for a system-wide POC
Off-site recovery
- Discuss the procedures for a DB2 off-site recovery
- Discuss the recover process using the procedure established at the off-site recovery Two labs: hands-on laboratory exercise topics:
- Resolve a DB2 down-level detection problem
- Complete a DB2 cold start and recognize the problems
Instructor demonstration showing SYSTEM BACKUP/RESTORE
- SYSTEM BACKUP Full only option implemented and displayed
- SYSTEM RESTORE executed backing out a database create