Foundation - Academic Foundation Year - Italian Creativity & Design

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Florencia Costa

Florencia Costa

Foundation - Academic Foundation Year - Italian Creativity & Design

  • Modalidad de impartición
    La modalidad de impartición del Foundation - Italian Creativity & Design es Presencial en Como.
  • Número de horas
    El programa se desarrolla a lo largo de 1 año.
  • Titulación oficial
    Al cumplir con el tiempo estipulado, Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli - IED Network otorga título oficial a sus egresados.
  • Valoración del programa
    Durante el Foundation - Italian Creativity & Design, los alumnos estudiarán el diseño italiano y su impacto en el panorama creativo global. Analizarán desde las obras maestras de la escultura renacentista hasta el diseño de productos de vanguardia, y cómo Italia ha logrado mantener un equilibrio entre honrar sus raíces históricas y abrazar nuevas tecnologías y tendencias. Además, tendrán la oportunidad de participar en talleres prácticos, donde podrán experimentar con técnicas de diseño y artesanía italiana, y comprender mejor los principios detrás de la creatividad italiana y aplicarlos a sus propias ideas y proyectos.
  • Dirigido a
    El programa puede ser realizado por aquellos interesados en el diseño italiano que posean nivel B1 de lengua inglesa.
  • Empleabilidad
    Al egresar del Foundation - Italian Creativity & Design, los alumnos podrán aplicar a empleos como Diseñador de Moda, Diseñador de Interiores, Consultor de Diseño Internacional, Curador de Arte y Diseño, Diseñador Gráfico y Visual y Diseño Sostenible y Responsable.

Comentarios sobre Foundation - Academic Foundation Year - Italian Creativity & Design - Presencial - Como - Italia

  • Contenido
    Academic Foundation Year - Italian Creativity & Design.
    Prepare for admission to the best Italian universities and academies through comprehensive preparation

    Language: English
    Frequency: Full time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 1 Year

    This is an interdisciplinary education programme designed for students interested in deepening their creative talents and gaining the necessary skills for admission to the best Italian universities and academies

    Through this course, you will have access to the network of Accademia Aldo Galli and IED Italia.

     Academic Foundation year in Italian Creativity Art & Design represents an authentic excellence in the field of artistic education. Among its primary objectives is to promote the Made in Italy culture, with a particular focus on fashion, design, visual arts, and heritage preservation.

    The bilingual course, recognised by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR), is aimed at all those who are interested in accessing 1st level academic courses in the arts, design, fashion and heritage conservation, but do not reach the 12 years of schooling necessary for admission.

    Information to decide:
    Successfully complete the Aldo Galli Academy's end-of-course examination and begin the first year of the three-year programme

    Methodology and structure.
    The training course allows those who attend it to get closer to the world of visual arts, design and fashion. This allows to develop a portfolio of personal projects through targeted workshops and laboratories, creating the ideal conditions for choosing their next course of study.

    In particular, several theoretical topics related to the history of art, design, and fashion (cultural studies) will be explored during the course of the year. Subsequently, graphic programmes such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign will be explored in detail, both theoretically and practically.

    The study of Italian language and culture will be incorporated into the course from the beginning and throughout its duration. In addition, individual coaching and introductory meetings will be organised with the personal tutor, who is a reference figure for Foundation Year students.

    Who is it for?
    The course is aimed at students who possess an upper secondary school degree or another recognised qualification acquired after at least 11 years of education.

    Furthermore, a B1 level of English, as verified by an academic certificate and/or via a Skype interview, is also required for access. It is also recommended that students attain the A2 level of Italian.

    Why choose it.
    The Academic Foundation has four main strengths:

     -        The tutor's figure

    The tutor is a constant point of reference for Foundation Year students.

    From enrolment until the end of the course, the tutor acts as an intermediary between the students, the school and the teaching staff. This is to establish a relationship and individual dialogue with each member of the class from the outset.

    Furthermore, the tutor assumes the role of coordinator with the host families for students who are still minors, ensuring smooth and constant communication between both parties.

    -        Trips and out-of-school experiences

    Over the course of the year, students will have the opportunity to participate in major fashion, art, and design events organised in Como and elsewhere.

    The visits, always led by an accompanying lecturer or tutor, are designed to introduce students to the territory, its historical and artistic heritage, as well as general cultural richness.

    -        The city of Como

    Situated on the shores of the lake of the same name and surrounded by natural beauty, the city of Como offers a peaceful environment that is ideal for studying and concentrating. In addition, since it is only an hour away from Milan, it is an excellent starting point for exploring the city's artistic, cultural, and professional offerings.

    -        Homestay accommodation with BEC for under-age students

    Accademia Aldo Galli has entered into a new collaboration with the agency BEC - British European Centre. This will meet the needs of international minor students who will come to study in Como, as well as provide them with accommodation in a host family, selected through a thorough search.

    Students' homestay will be a further opportunity to learn more about the Italian language and culture.

    Study programme
    The study programme is divided into several modules: History of art, History of fashion and accessories, History of design, Computer design applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Italian language and culture, Coaching and advisory.

Otra formación relacionada con diseño de moda

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